German title: "Albys Rache" [Alby's revenge]
Kabel 1 - 23.11.99
Plot: Special Squad track a wierd loner, the "Bayonet Butcher", and set him up by using Davis to pose as a potential murder victim.

(The Mr Blobby lookalike jogging in the title screen is just a broad brush stroke of local colour, and is never seen again)

Father of one of the murder victims...
... interviewed by a bored-looking Smith.
Undercover policewoman, believe it or not. As the killer tracks his (male) victims from discos, the cops have to boogie on down to get their man.

Guest appearances:
Les Dayman as Mr Fitzgerald, father of one of the murder victims.
Possibly Maria Mercedes as an undercover policewoman (Davis' disco partner in a blue sheath skirt)?


Updated 11 March 2000