Susie longs to be with the new prisoner who she thinks is her mother, and an outrageous birthday surprise is organised for Bea.

First broadcast ... 1982 (Melbourne)
Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 19 May 1998 04:40
DVD release: volume 18 disc 1 (AUS)
Duration: 0:45:23

Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
Erica ~ Patsy King
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Doreen ~ Colette Mann
Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
Steve ~Wayne Jarratt
Janet ~ Kate Sheil
Margo ~ Jane Clifton
Ian ~ Peter Curtin
Susie ~ Jacqui Gordon
Helen ~ Caroline Gillmer
Joanne ~ Carole Yelland
Myra ~ Ann Phelan

  • Written by John Mortimore
  • Directed by Peter Sharp
  • The Stir isn't getting much better

    Doreen points out to Susie that if she hasn't seen her mother for years she can't be sure that she would recognise her, as she didn't with her own mother. Susie is told she will be moved so that the new prisoner can be on her own, but Susie says she wants to share with the new woman. Jo is introduced to the women in the rec room, but she seems not to recognize Susie. Helen tells Judy she plans to retire in a few years so she may not be coming back to Wentworth much more. Lizzie vetoes resuming work on the Stir, as they still have to look incompetent to get Ian to return. Colleen finds the women idling and Susie asks to work in the laundry to talk to Jo. When she hears from Doreen how Jo treated Susie, Lizzie tells her off for abandoning her child, but Jo tells her she is not Susie's mother. Lizzie suggests that Jo ought to humour with Susie a while until she can cope with the truth. The women discuss hiring a male stripper for Bea's birthday party. Myra Desmond arrives to tell the women she has arranged an outside printing job for them, but Lizzie worries that it will expose the fact that they messed up the previous job on purpose. Colleen refuses Jo's request to be transferred to another block to get away from Susie who is getting a bit too intense for her liking. When the newsletter is produced without a hitch, Colleen realises what has been going on and threatens the paper may lose official support. Erica tells Meg she may have to send Colleen's offical report on the incident to the Department. Lizzie is given permission to bake the cake for Bea's surprise party on kitchen duty. Steve fails to interest Bea in contributing to the paper. To the women's delight, Ian returns to help with the paper. Janet has second thoughts about the wedding, as she suspects she is pregnant and doesn't know how Ian will react (or maybe it's the quality rather than the content of his W. C Fields impersonation that does it?). Meg suggests she should talk to ian to find out how he feels. Helen suggest a "singing telegram" to Erica, who takes charge and offers to phone for one herself. Bea is having doubts about Jo's story and wonders if she might be Susie's mother after all. Helen decides she will find out which firm Erica phoned and arrange her own substitute when she is released. Janet's leaving party is interrupted by the doctor calling to confirm her pregnancy. Meg's offer to visit Lori when she goes to Janet's wedding is turned down by Judy, as she hasn't told Lori that she's back inside. Ian finds his car has been "iced" by Lizzie . He turns out to be pleased that Janet is pregnant, and they drive off to a impromptu serenade from one of the windows .


    Script Editor: Ian Smith
    Storyliners: John Mortimore, Andrew Kennedy, Michael Freundt, Dave Worthington

