Jennifer Powell is taken to the bank robbers' hideout, and Erica Davidson takes a lenient view of Bea's birthday celebrations.

First broadcast ... 1982 (Melbourne)
Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 22 May 1998 04:40
DVD release: volume 18 disc 1 (AUS)
Duration: 0:45:28

Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
Erica ~ Patsy King
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Doreen ~ Colette Mann
Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
Steve ~ Wayne Jarratt
Susie ~ Jacqui Gordon
Robert ~ Benjamin
Mel ~ David Cameron
Carol ~ Elisabeth Crosby
Jennifer ~ Sarah Machin
Wendy ~ Helen Noonan
Doug ~ Martin Phelan
Patrick ~ Rob Steele
Joanne ~ Carole Yelland

  • Written by Ray Kolle
  • Directed by Kendal Flanagan
  • Robert returns home without Jenny but Colleen isn't worried immediately. However amused Erica may be privately to find the telegram she ordered had been cancelled, she nevertheless tells Judy and Doreen they will lose buyup for the rest of the week as punishment for the stripper. Outside the Governor's office, Bea points out they have already had buyup for the week, and Erica must have seen the funny side. Colleen's husband Patrick decides to go out and look for Jenny when she still hasn't returned in time for tea. Jenny is taken to a hide-out by Mel and Doug, where Doug's girlfriend Carol is waiting. Jenny is locked in a room and Carol warns her not to anger Doug, as he has already killed a bank guard during the robbery. Doug is further annoyed by the fact that they only got a few thousand from the bank robbery as the shooting meant they weren't able to get into the vault. Colleen rings round a few of Jenny's friends to see if she is staying with them. Jenny tries to escape through a window and is stopped by Doug. Robert notices that a report of a bank robbery getaway car sounds just like the one abandoned in an alley nearby, but his parents are too distracted to take much notice. Patrick phones the police to report Jenny missing. Steve shows Bea her article in the Dispatch. Colleen goes to work and tells Erica that she is worried because Jenny did not come home. Doreen pins up Bea's column on the workshop noticeboard (though strangely it begins with the word "CANBERRA"...) Ted Douglas phones to complain about Bea's article: Erica is forced to agree that the prison newspaper must now not go outside Wentworth and all articles are to approved first. Steve points out that this makes the whole exercise pointless. Bea writes another article protesting about the censorship and plans to get it out to the Dispatch. Jo invites Susie to come and live with her family on the farm when she is released. Carol has a guilty conscience and having found out from Jenny about her family, she phones the prison, but Mel cuts her off before she can speak to Colleen. Colleen phones the police when Wendy tells her about the call. Mel finds out that Doug has given Carol a bashing for making the phone call. Doug insists that they cannot afford to let Jenny free as Mel and Carol want. Jo evades the issue when Susie talks about their past as a family rather than forcing her to face the truth. Lizzie sees Colleen crying by herself in the staff room and reports it back to the women in the workshop. Doug gets bored and invites Jenny out of her room to join them. Susie gets a letter from her aunt about her real mother and rejects Jo for lying to her.


    Script Editor: Ian Smith
    Storyliners: Dave Worthington, John Mortimore, Andrew Kennedy

