Prisoner, often operating as a bookie or a drug dealer. More details Another of the old folks in the flats where Ettie briefly lives (543)Employee at George Logan's shoe factory. Only able to speak to Doreen in a grotesque Italian accent (301). Socialite friend of Steve Wilson, introduced as a possible sponsor of the halfway house after Clara is imprisoned (34). She agrees and throws a barbecue for the women, but is outraged when her donated TV set is smashed by Noeline (37) Top dog at Barnhurst with two stints in Wentworth. More details.Real name: Gladys Mason. One of the original inmates, first seen trying to get Dr Miller to prescribe her the pill (1). She has been jailed for prostitution, and begins assignations inside the prison with an electrician Eddie Cook: they climb up into a cavity in the roof for a bit of privacy. She deliberately fuses the electrics (3) to get Eddie to visit. After her release (7), she finds work in a hotel, but unfortunately annoys Helen Masters (8) and is demoted to the kitchen, eventually quitting over unwanted sexual advances from the boss. Returns to prostitution (9) and Wentworth (10), where the arguments with Eddie continue. Marilyn is interviewed about the massage parlours by the detective Graham Lang, but Meg intervenes. When she is released in (16) it is to a possibly more secure future, as Bea has put pressure on Monica Ferguson to let Marilyn and Eddie run her beachfront milkbar. [Monica refers to this in (33), but not to Marilyn by name]Gino's brother and business partner (444-446), another pimp working for Kurt Renner. Social worker brought to Wentworth to cover officers' duties during a strike. She is nearly disposed of within moments of arriving when Bev Baker announces she will kill the next person to walk into the laundry. Bev later tricks her into finding the body of Rob Summerton hidden under a bed in one of the cells (475-477). Ken Pearce's estranged wife. She visits Bea in Wentworth when Bea gives up her relationship with Ken to let the family get back together (191).At the children's home where Russell Tyler is taken (366). A friend of Karen Traver's mother and briefly Karen's landlady after her release from prison. She drives Karen out with her obsessive tidiness and a lethal (if intermittent) Welsh accent (55).Orderly in hospital where Susie Driscoll is taken suffering from chemical burns (269). He helps her escape by blocking the corridor with his trolley to give Susie a head start when she runs away from Officer Parsons (270). Susie uses his surname which sounds like Eliott.Maker of a TV documentary (356) in Wentworth. Nola McKenzie asks him to pass on a message to her old friend Brad Walker., through which she manages to get drugs into the prison. Also credited (by mistake?) for 359 Friend of Linda Jones' son Danny. Jim Fletcher goes to see him when Danny runs away and follows him to trace Danny's hiding place (143).Heather's younger brother (470)-(476).Boyfriend of Tracey Morris, Meg’s step-daughter. They make a surprise visit to Meg, and it turns out they are in hiding after robbing a TAB. Mark holds Meg at gunpoint while Tracey goes to empty her savings account, but he is diabetic: Meg smashes his insulin bottle and nudges his arm to stop him shooting himself when he realises Tracey has abandoned him (463)-(464) Shoots Bongo (667). Bastard! During the siege by "terrorists" to free Ruth Ballinger (550-551). One of them manages to hit one of the gang (550). They have special guns fitted with an advanced top secret silencer that makes the guns go "click" instead of "bang".Jailed for causing death of a driver. Falls in love with and marries Matt Delaney. More details.When Laura (alias Brandy) is taken to hospital after attempting suicide (380) Shane's adoptive family with husband Bob and daughter Tracy. Their difficulties with Shane are aided and abetted by Joan, who is reluctantly drawn into their family. First appears in (513), when Joan goes to meet them after Shane has run away.When Lizzie is in hospital after having a heart attack (169). Referred to in dialogue as Trevor. The same character appears in episode (308) but played by a different actor.When Dr Marsden reappears in (308) to examines Lizzie to see if there are health grounds for giving her parole, the character is played by a different actor.With Inspector Thorne trying to end the siege where Wayne, Bazza and Margo are holding two old ladies hostage (184). He ignores his superior's orders not to start anything while he is away and provokes Bazza and Wayne to try to shoot their way out (184).Doctor called in by Erica to examine Vera at home to give her a medical certificate (156). He tells her she is run down and needs a tonic, which Vera takes as an instruction to hit the whisky again.The boss at the printshop where Bea goes for work experience (315) Prisoner from C block who shares the reward flat with Alice (686). Talks as if she has a blocked nose. First credited appearance when she is seen harassing Ann Yates in (29). However, she has been "established" with earlier non-speaking appearances, almost like a genuine background character: she is seen leaving Greg Miller's office in (15) and can be seen in the laundry in (17). At first she is just a heavy whose support is bought by Noeline for a few packets of fags, but she switches sides to Monica almost immediately. Gets involved on the margins of the story about Joyce Martin and the hidden proceeds of her husband's payroll robbery (43) to (47). Minder for Toni McNally. Drowns Bella Albrecht in a washbasin and removed to secure unit. Her exact initial crime is unknown, but when Noeline and Karen discuss Bella's murder in (53), Martha is described as a "thief". Takes Vera hostage on the roof holding a fork to her neck, but she is disarmed by Jim (54). Not seen again after being knocked unconscious by Bea in (64) after Ros Coulson has shot Toni McNally.Prisoner who has one line to say in a scene in the laundry in (679) Boy thrown out of a shop and befriended by Lizzie while she is on the work party for the day centre (227). She steals some chocolate to give to him. He turns out to be the younger brother of Peter Richards, the young man who is hiding in the loft at the day centre. He suffers from asthma and Doreen and Peter have to risk capture to take him to hospital (231).Pixie's solicitor, credited in (379-381) TV station boss, who passes on Judy's tape to the police against the wishes of reporter Graeme Hopkins. He is credited in (170) but is also seen in the episode before.Colleague of Don Page, Alison Page's husband (219).Played by three different actors over the years, and appearing to age faster than average, not to mention shrink alarmingly between the second and third incarnations. Marty Mark 1 is Meg's difficult teenage son. After appearing in the first few episodes, he leaves a note saying he's run away from home, so Meg (and the scriptwriters) no longer have to bother about him for a while.Marty Mark 2 is on leave from Navy, becomes involved with Jenny Gleason, to his mother's discomfort, since she knows her to be Randi Truelove, a prostitute and ex-inmate of Wentworth. Also introduces his mother to a psycho in the shape of his Navy friend Dennis Quinn. (381-406)Marty Mark 3 visits Meg at Wentworth (625) to tell Meg he's left the Navy and wants to be a prison warder. Meg visits him at training college (629). In it until the end (692).Prisoner who barely rises above the level of extra, though achieving several credits. She becomes one of Nola's heavies (361) and helps to beat up Bea (362). Credited for (370,372), mentioned as a lassa fever victim (392), trashes Sonia's cell in (395), takes part in the bashing of Cass (405) and is hospitalized. Her longest stretch of dialogue is in (410) - unfortunately it is with David Bridges, who has other plans for her. As a final indignity, the character's name is spelt as "Alder" in the credits for her last appearance. Member of the parole board for Bobbie's hearing (513), Judy's final release (534) and later for Nora Flynn (558), Julie Egbert (619).Plays golf against Joan and Andrew Hinton (621).Karen Travers' mother, first seen visiting her in Wentworth in (14) and very unsymapthetic to her plight, seeming more concerned how a retrial for Karen would affect her relationship with her new man friend. Visits Karen again in (23). Later tracked down by Steve Wilson and persuaded to be a character witness at Karen's retrial (25). She is seen again in (79) to (80) when Karen is in hospital after being shot by David O'Connell.Presumably the woman who slips drugs into Marty's bag, though giving a name to such an incidental character (while not crediting Damien Mortimer in the same episode) indicates that something is not right with the credits in this episode (683).Takes part in raping Meg with Peter Wright (482), who refers to him as Trog. This is how he is credited as on his next appearance (509) where he returns to threaten Meg not to give evidence. Treating (or mistreating) Daphne Graham (573-574) In the episode after the warehouse explodes (502).Kate Peterson's mother, who brings Kate's son Gerard to see her in Wentworth: her dialogue with Kate is the first real hint of Kate's deviousness and callousness (241).At the hospital where Linda Golman and Andrea Hennessy are taking after a fight where they are both scalded (234).The two old dears who are menaced by Maxine's boyfriend Spud into buying stuffed toys from the halfway house shop (304). Paddy Burnett is noticeably posher here than in her later appearances as Rita Connors' Auntie Ida. Has her purse stolen by Bobbie (416). One of three male prisoners transferred to Wentworth in (499). Constantly taunted by Frank Burke for lack of masculinity. Eventually marries Marlene but transferred after the ceremony to a prison farm to serve the rest of his sentence (533). Blind man who guards Kath Maxwell when she is held after her escape (685-687) First introduced as a journalist friend of Steve Fawkner's. He is given a copy of The Weekly Stir with Bea's article about Susie (275) where he is credited as Matthew Thomas. He investigates Helen Smart's underworld connection Harry Stanfield. Over a year later, Helen Smart contacts him again to help her by getting information on the cult run by the Rev Alpha Centauri (381).Jim and Leila's son, taken by his mother to see Greg about his asthma attacks (57). He is not credited until his final appearance where he tussles with his brother Nicholas for the package containing the bomb made by Geoff Butler r (109).Woman who is interviewed for the same waitress job as Karen Travers (59). Her main qualification for the post is an ample physique.Halfway house resident, with Judy when they call on Denise Tyler and find that her son Gary has been killed (364) Faye Quinn's mate (347).One of the "terrorists" who attempt to free Ruth Ballinger from Wentworth. He brags uncertainly about his sexual prowess and does something unpleasant to Daphne while taking her to the toilet block (550). He also tries to sweet talk Ruth Ballinger (551) and reveals to her that her husband Arnold had authorised them to kill her if she couldn't be got out. He gets a skewer in the leg courtesy of Lou Kelly, and is eventually shot by Nora Flynn with his own gun (552).Rita's lawyer, who takes his life in his hands by suggesting that she might consider wearing a dress for her court appearance (598) Reporter with the "Courier". Pippa Reynolds passes the report on Reb Kean's ECT treatment on to him (583). Heavy who turns up in the wings after Margo comes offstage after her fan dance routine while she's working as as a stripper. She finds out from him that her boyfriend Wayne owes $6,000 in gambling debts (182).Prisoner. Biker, and comic relief in partnership with Lizzie. More details One of the prisoners transferred from Barnhurst after it is destroyed by fire (537). She is supposed to be some sort of cat burglar, though perhaps a little on the large size for shinning up drainpipes. Constantly bickering with cellmate Willie Beecham in what seems to be a very sanitized version of a lesbian relationship. Involved in the prisoners' Council. Escape arranged by police who want her and Willie to infiltrate an art thieves' gang. May is shot by one of them (537-587) Initially, he is a contact for Rick Manning in the police. Rick goes to see him to complain about Eddie Stevens' corruption (431). After Eddie's apparent death, he explains the details of the double cross and tells Rick that Lionel Fellowes knows Eddie is alive (440). He asks Rick to be bait to catch corrupt detectives Mears & Birmingham (448) and stakes out Rick's house (449).

Updated ~ 03 March 2001