EPISODE 258Ian apologises to Meg for embarrassing her in front of the women. Judy visits Doreen in Wentworth and asks her to find out from Sandy where she can get a gun.First broadcast ... 1982 (Melbourne) |
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![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Officer Powell ~ Judith McGrath Kate ~ Olivia Hamnett Steve ~ Wayne Jarratt Sandy ~ Louise Le Nay Marie ~ Maggie Millar Janet ~ Kate Sheil Geoff ~ Andrew Clarke Jock ~ Tommy Dysart Lori ~ Susannah Fowle Ian ~ Peter Curtin Hazel ~ Belinda Davey Mr Douglas ~ Ian Smith David Breeze comments: "As Jock Stewart confronts Meg and Judy in Judy's flat, he calls her Mrs. Morris. It seems highly unlikely that he would have heard anything of Meg and he hadn't seen her since he left Wentworth." | Kate tells Marie that she passed the letter on to her mother. Lori is hesitant about leaving Judy alone, but Judy is adamant. Ted Douglas comes to Wentworth and explains to Erica what the women will be doing with the printing press. Meg asks about the dogs' "viciousness" and is told they are there to stay. Sandy tells Kate about a cabin where Megan Barnett's wallet and murder weapon are hidden. A stunned Bea sends Kate off on an errand and asks Sandy if she's crazy telling Kate that stuff. Sandy tells Bea it was all a bunch of lies - and if Kate is the lagger, someone's not going to be too happy with her. Marie flirts with Steve. Kate tells Colleen that she must have another visit. Colleen says she'll think about it. Judy says good bye to Geoff and Lori, promising to visit them on the weekend. Steve visits Sandy and accuses her of using him. She apologizes. Jock bursts into Judy's flat, punches her in the face and rapes her. When he leaves, he says he'll be back next day for more, or maybe he'll pay Lori a visit instead. Colleen threatens to cancel the printing class when Ian is late, but it turns out the governor wanted to see him. Judy comes to Wentworth and asks Meg to see Doreen. Hazel tells Sandy about the letter Marie received addressed to her. Sandy promises to protect Hazel and to give "That white-haired bitch" what's coming to her. [*] Judy is allowed to speak to Doreen in the garden and reveals that she really wants a favour from Sandy, as she needs a small handgun to fix Jock Stewart. Doreen is shunned in the dining room by everyone except Lizzie: she asks Lizzie's advice about Judy and Lizzie agrees it wouldn't really be lagging to tell someone about Judy's plans, so Doreen speaks to Meg. Judy fixes the broken lock on her door and attaches a security chain. Doreen is horrified when she finds out that Lizzie has told the women, but Lizzie says she wanted to make sure they got the story straight. This evidently did not work: Hazel has already told Sandy that Doreen has been lagging again. Meg goes to visit Judy, but Judy says she doesn't want the police involved, so Meg devises an alternative plan. Lizzie tears into Sandy for her treatment of Doreen and tells her to call the women off, or she'll "bring her down a peg or two" (much to Sandy's amusement). Meg hides in the bedroom when Jock calls round and overhears him pressurising Judy for the $5,000. She comes out of the bedroom when she hears a noise and sees Jock holding a broken bottle to Judy's face. ![]() ![]() ![]() This episode summary was written by Matthew Bubb.
[*] The first half of episode (258) was the last the USA saw of Prisoner: it was shown in February 1982 in New Mexico. Most other regions had already stopped showing the show much earlier than this.
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