Resident of the halfway house (323). One of the girls at Ettie's flats (595). Girlfriend of Fred Ferguson, usually referred to as "Blossom". For her first appearance in (43) the credits recognise her pet name, but it is misspelt as "Blosson". With Bruce Starr, steals the proceeds of Joyce Martin's robbery collected by Monica Ferguson and hidden in Fred's house. She is arrested after Monica Ferguson beats Fred up (45). In Wentworth she makes a deal with Jim Fletcher, but is double crossed by him. First seen eating a bag of crisps without paying in a supermarket where Judy is trying to arrange a job for an inmate. Judy becomes involved when she pays for a can of ham Denise is trying to shoplift and tells her about the halfway house (361). Last credit (367). Prison officer, nicknamed "the Yorkshire Pud", and supposedly from Barnsley, though the accent is closer to Tyneside than South Yorkshire. First seen in (457). Strike. Involvement with Heather Rogers. Leaves when his wife Doris brings news of his mother's illness and goes back to England (481). Returns to service (511) and immediately becomes chief suspect in serial killer case. Moves into Meg's block of flats, and becomes emotionally involved with her, and proposes marriage. Crippled by Frank Burke, and leaves Meg rather than let her give up her career to look after him (560).Marty Jackson's friend from the Navy (381), who becomes obsessed with Meg and makes obscene calls to her, eventually threatening her at knife point after killing another girl and playing back her screams to Meg over the phone (383-384). Manager of the dress shop where Doreen works (358)-(359). Questions Rosemary after she knocks out Rod (394). Leanne Bourke's boyfriend, who involves her in the service station robbery that lands her in Wentworth (50)-(55). Departmental Officer 1 (Peter Heath) * Departmental Officer 2 (Bob Halsall)
Heartless officers who collect Lorelei for transfer to Ingleside (673). Chrissie Latham's brother, who comes to visit Meg in her office while she is Chrissie's parole officer to offer to let Chrissie and Elizabeth live with him and his wife (196)-(197). After Chrissie leaves them and finds herself back in Wentworth, he and his wife Brenda tries to get custody of Elizabeth (297)-(298). Confused customer talking to his imaginary friend in the cafe where Nikki Lennox is waiting to meet Charlie Jackson, a supposed gun dealer (572). Joan's next door neighbour, who complains about Major - the dog, not her father - in (373). He treats his wife Carol abominably and is stabbed by her in (374).Donna Mason's pimp and drug dealer (292). He uses Donna to persuade Susie Driscoll to become a prostitute and then forces Susie to take heroin (297), locking her in room and bringing clients to her. When Susie escapes, he traces her to the halfway house, where Judy and Susie overpower him and he is arrested by Inspector Grace (298).Sells plane ticket to Tracey Morris when she escapes after holding Meg hostage (464). Refuses to let Meg see Dennis when she comes to the police station to find him (529). When Jenny Hartley is arrested for murder (548). Passes on information about the halfway house to the reporter Alex Fraser (74). This character is not listed in the credits for this episode, or for (76) where he also appears, but does finally get a credit for (91), when Sharon and the others are taken to the police station after the drugs bust.There are two potential candidates for desk sergeant in this episode, but I think this is the one who takes down details when Ron Crosby reports the assault and robbery after riding in Judy's cab (261).When "Jean Carter" is taken to the police station after her arrest (334).After Meg is attacked by Dennis QuinnIn the episode where the warehouse where Ann and Meg are trapped explodes (500). Interviews the Roberts family after Sarah's rape is reported (18)Not a police officer, but the store detective who follows Susan Rice and arrests her for stealing an alarm clock (25).Arresting Bea at Val's house after Yvonne shops her to the police (36).Arrests Carol Burton (49)Interviewing Glenys Buchanan. They promise to guard her if she will give evidence against Toni McNally (57) but she is kidnapped by two thugs working for Sean McNally.Arrests Jock Stewart at the massage parlour after Judy uses herself as bait while she's on the run (172).Gives evidence against Michelle Parks at her trial as the investigating and arresting officer (212). Called Det. Sgt. Davison in dialogue.Detective
Credit for Sen. Det. Burke on his first appearance (262).Either in connection with Hannah Simpson's money or Donna Mason (296).Interviews Chrissie after Penny's death (310). Sweeps into reception at Wentworth waving a fag around and generally behaving as if he owned the place. He is there to investigate Neil Murray's abduction of Chrissie (316). One of my favourite pieces of atrocious acting by a minor character in PrisonerArrests Helen Smart when she solicits him by mistake (354).With Inspector Thorn when he questions Joan after Don Baxter is found dead (413).With Inspector Thorne when he interviews Colleen about hit and run (422)Takes Rod Lewis to the police station after Colleen's call (423) and when Colleen is charged with culpable driving (424).Investigating kidnapping of Major Ferguson (426). Interviews Myra after her husband's death (432). Propositioned by Doreen outside a police station in her desperate attempts to get put back inside (435). His grasp of the law seems to be a little shaky, as he makes the extraordinary statement that "Soliciting's not a crime" - tell that to Helen Smart!Interviews Eddie Stevens in hospital (447). Following Ann for the ransom money drop (490)In the patrol car outside Ann and Meg's. They both have their throats cut by Brian Lowe (497)In the episode where warehouse where Ann and Meg are trapped explodes (500).When Meg reports the attack by Peter Wright's accomplice Trog (510). With Inspector Grace questioning Dennis after he is arrested on suspicion of the murder of young hitchhikers (529).Credited in (530). Possibly with Inspector Grace when he tells Dennis the murder charges against him are dropped.Questioning Jenny Hartley after she is arrested for murder (548)Waiting at the airstrip with Inspector Grace for Ruth Ballinger's escape (552). Credited as Detective 2Interviews Nancy McCormack (601).When Harry Bassinger makes his first attempt to kill Lexie (603).When James Dwyer consults the police about blackmail attempt on his son (651)Escorting Kath Maxwell back to Wentworth after her recapture and arrest for the murder of Terry Denson (688).

03 March 2001