At the garden centre where Lynn is on work release. He pays her cash when he collects an order while Syd is away (25)At the bar next to Lizzie (92). The character is not credited so I may have misidentified the actor.Complains that Susie Driscoll has mixed up his order, getting her the sack (291) In the shop where Nola McKenzie steals a camera (333). At the garage where Maxine works (368). Presumably the man propositioned by Doreen to get herself arrested for prostitution, but as he turns her down, "customer" is hardly the correct term (435). Pixie is serving her in a jeweller's when the police come in and she gives herself up (442). In Pop Milsom's shop. Not the same actor as Peter Tulloch who appears in the same episode! (456) In the bar where Dennis is beaten up when he is identified as a suspect for the serial killings of young hitchhikers (529). In the bank where Ettie does her bungled holdup (544).A passerby on the road, who won't help Shane get Nicky out of the drain (470). Prefigured as Joan's contact in Blackmoor, who she phones to get her to put pressure on Marie Winter to implicate Heather Rogers in her escape. At this stage she is referred to as Cynthia Drewin (481). The change of surname can hardly have been as a result of marriage, as (regardless of her presumed sexuality) her physical appearance is apparently so horrendous that viewers are never permitted a glimpse of her face. She is first credited in (555), when she is still a disembodied voice at the end of a phone agreeing to use information passed on by Joan to provoke the women at Blackmoor into bashing Ruth Ballinger. She calls in the favour (or two, if you include arranging the helicopter for Marie Winter) when Reb Kean is to be transferred back to Wentworth, urging Joan to find out how much Reb remembers about her mistreatment at Blackmoor (576), and then demanding that Joan fake Reb's suicide (579). She calls Joan for a face-to-face (but back-to-camera) meeting to tell her how displeased she is (584). The mystery about her appearance is perhaps explained by the fact that the actress playing her was OK as a disembodied voice over the phone, but may have looked unconvincing later when she had to appear in person, as she previously played the impeccably upper crust Irene Henderson: or perhaps this is merely a little in-joke on the part of the casting directors. She is mentioned in dialogue when Rita is transferred to Blackmoor as being on long term leave. Cass's father, who visits her at Wentworth during the fete (459-460). Boss of another security firm, Hampton Ltd, who offers to employ Joan but changes his mind after a call from Willie Beecham (683). Vera's disco one night stand (148). She falls for the classic "Do you come here often?" and takes him home, only to find that he's left by the early morning and written her a note promising to call her again, but he doesn't. Isn't that just men all over?Clergyman and bikie, and love interest for Ann Reynolds. First appears in (590) when he comes to visit Rita and Ann stops to help him when his motorbike has broken down. When she later visits him at home, she is surprised to find him listening to classical music and reading T.S. Eliot. Their affair begins in, and he is appointed Chaplain at Wentworth, and helps with the charity telethon. He is written out swiftly, after he is run over by Bongo during his failed attempt to free Rita (618), but reappears in (647) to tell Ann he's in love with a nurse. He later tells Ann he's marrying the nurse (651). Last appearance (654).Prisoner at Woodridge talking part in the charity concert. He appears in a courtroom sketch with Lizzie, but Margo finds out he is attempting to escape and gets him to take her along with him (321).Usually referred to as Danielle, and the wife of Peter McCormack, Nancy's son. She is first seen in (644) when Peter brings her to visit Nancy and gives his mother the surprise news that they are married. It becomes apparent to Nancy that Peter is beating Dani, and she asks Meg to investigate. When Dani goes to report Peter to the police in (649) and is not believed, she accuses him of the murder of his father. Her last credit in (650) is a mistake: she does not appear in the episode. Maxine's father. He pays her fine so she is released from Wentworth, but when she comes back home, he sends her away (312). Daniels, Mr (Prosecutor) (Victor Kazan)
At Rachel Milsom's trial (472). Mrs Daniels appears first in (310) visiting at Maxine's request: at this stage she has black hair but the worry of having a daughter with tattoos has turned her hair white by her next appearance in (368). Her voice only is heard in (389) as she refuses to help Maxine, but as there is no credit for it, it could be either of the other two actresses credited for the part later - or even someone else entirely. Maxine's mother is played by another actress in episode (368). The third actress to be credited for this role, at Maxine's funeral (393), though as she has no lines and wears a heavy black veil for all of her three seconds of screen time, it's hard to be sure who it is. You might also wonder why it was thought to justify a credit anyway, but the same episode's credits also list two corpses and a parrot!Son of Linda Jones who is living with his aunt Sheila Hawkins while his mother is in prison. When he visits his mother in (141), he lets her know he is unhappy as his aunt sometimes hits him. She also, as we see later in the episode, takes every penny she can from him, even though the welfare are paying her while Danny lives with her. Jim Fletcher takes a paternal interest and has Danny to stay with him until his mother is released (146).Assistant to Chuck Cooper ("The Yank") first seen in (584). He shoots May Collins after collecting the proceeds of the robbery (587). Resident at the halfway house? (407). One of the Barnhurst prisoners transferred to Wentworth after the fire (537-590). Seen on television in (590) by Nancy McCormack - a nice way of passing the torch from one character to another. In the same episode she also visits Joyce in hospital to tell her about May's funeral.One of the reporters at Camilla Wells's press conference (430). Visits Jeanie Stanton in (328). Friend of Marty Jackson, collects him from visiting Meg at Wentworth, revealing that Marty is keeping something secret from his mother (625). From the situation, it might appear to suspicious minds that Dave and Marty are at the stage of buying curtains together, but Marty merely wants to protect her from worrying about his decision to train as a prison officer. Melinda's Crosse's solicitor, who visits her in Wentworth before her trial for blackmail (52).Eve Wilder's solicitor (576-588). Becomes infatuated with her and destroys evidence which might prove her guilty. Finally cracks up and shoots himself in the visitors room in front of her.Idealistic young prison teacher first seen in (171). He ran classes for the women and helped Georgie Baxter when he realised her problems were due to her deafness. He is eventually thrown out of his job after Colleen Powell identifies him as a security risk. [Information from Robert Lindsay]Kerry Vincent's unscrupulous agent, first seen in (113). After getting permission for Kerry to attend an exhibition including some of her paintings, he arranges it so that she appears in prison uniform (114), fully realising the publicity value in promoting her work and pushing up its price. After her release on parole, he continues to see her even though it is an explicit condition of her parole that she should not have any further contact with him. He manipulates her infatuation with him to keep her producing paintings (when she can stay sober). Kerry becomes jealous when the various patrons David wines and dines all turn out to be rich women, and she knocks him unconscious with an ashtray when he tells her his real opinion of her work (122). David finds Kerry unconscious after mixing drugs with alcohol, but rather than help her, he helps himself to a few of her paintings (123). He gets his come-uppance when he visits Wentworth to buy the painting Kerry first gave to Vera, but later gave to Doreen as a wedding present. Paul Reid and Erica persuade Doreen to ask a very high price for the painting, but after David has handed over the cash, Paul tells him that Kerry is alive (124).Prison officer transferred from Woodridge (408). Apparently friendly, especially to Lizzie, but really a psychopathic killer. Kills three women, including Mary Adler and Randi Goodlove. Beheaded by Cass Parker when he corners her in the shed (417). Lorelei's doctor in Ingleside, who agrees to appear on City Probe to expose the treatment of Lorelei and help Ann and Meg get their jobs back (675-677). Son of Pat O'Connell, first mentioned by name in (68), when we find that he is in Pentridge with his father. The scriptwriters stretch co-incidence to its limits by getting him to Wentworth in the next episode (69) in a prison work party so that Pat can talk to him and tell him why she's divorcing his father. When Pat gets paroled just before Christmas, she visits him in Pentridge and sees him get punched by one of the guards (75). Shortly after this, David escapes and seeks shelter with his friend Shayne. When he goes to see his mother, the police are already on their way, and there is a shootout in which David kills a policeman (76). As a result his mother is sent back to Wentworth, and David becomes convinced that Greg Miller tipped off the police. With his friend Herbie, he plans to kill Greg but shoots Karen instead (78). Herbie becomes worried about him and leads the police to their hideout, where David is recaptured (79) and is not seen again. In (80) Angela Jeffries tells Pat that David will plead insanity and as a result will probably spend the rest of his life in an institution. After his preliminary hearing goes badly (83), Erica tells Pat that David has hung himself in his cell.Social worker for the project where four teenage delinquents are put inside Wentworth to be "scared straight" (568).Father of Roxanne's child in surrogacy deal (377-381) Probably meant to be the same character as Offiicer Davies, credited in (557).A minor officer credited in (557). The same actress is credited as Officer David in (591), which is probably meant to be the same character. Housekeeper for Mrs Gibson, who is supposed to be Nora's real mother. Nora asks Meg to go and see her mother, but Mrs Davis tells her that Mrs Gibson is dead, even though we can hear her as an offscreen voice (580). Mrs Gibson calls her Emilia. She comes to visit Nora in (581) and Nora notices that she has a scar on her hand - and realises that it is Mrs Davis who is really her mother.Interviews Reb in hospital (473).Prostitute friend of Lisa Mullins. She tries to persuade Lisa to make a little money by going back on the game (681). Ken Pearce's daughter. She appears briefly meeting Ken oustide Wentworth (108) which makes Bea think he has a young mistress. Ken is concerned she is getting into bad company (she seems at one point to be either gambling or involved in prostitution). Bea agrees to look after her during an experimental stay in prison (111) to let young people see what prison is like, and its effect on Debbie is to make her go back and stay with her mother. Her age is not specified, but it appears she is meant to be about 15, although the actress cast looks at least ten years older than that.Deaf girl brought to Wentworth as part of the PR effort for the dance marathon. She is left inside during the bomb threat evacuation, found by Joan and rescued by Judy. (479-482). Doreen's flatmate in Sydney (358-360). She complains of shortage of money, but appears to have spent most of Doreen's rent money on lipgloss and eye-liner. Bea's daughter. Seen in mist-edged flashback as Bea visits her grave in (2). She must have been 20 when she died as the gravestone reads "Deborah Smith 1957-1977 Daughter of Beatrice". Debbie's death from a drugs overdose makes Bea implacably opposed to drugs. The flashback in (2) is used again in two later episodes. The actress playing Debbie - who is uncredited - may be one of Val Lehmann's two daughters, most likely Cassandra, as her sister Joanne appears later as Yvonne.Prisoner, first credited in (???), complains about the costumes for Merv and Joyce's wedding do (615). Janet Williams gives her cash to buy her support of Kath Maxwell (622) and she is one of Kath Maxwell's main supporters by (625). Also credited in (626), (633). In the episode where Lizzie stands trial for shoplifting and eventually does get sent back to Wentworth (105).Cross-examines Meg at Geoff Butler's trial and implies that she likes being knocked around by her men friends (106). Referred to as Mr Morgan in dialogue.Tries to defend Noeline Bourke, and nearly succeeds in getting her off with a light sentence until the magistrate sees her previous record (122).At Judy's trial for robbing the taxi passenger (270). I suspect the prosecutor and defence are credited the wrong way round, and this part is really played by Robert Harrison.At Myra's trial (445). Acting for Tony Reid at his trial for possession of drugs (94).At Michelle Parks' trial (212)-(213).At Carol Lewis's trial for the manslaughter of her husband Doug (284).At Roxanne's trial (378). At Sharon Smart's trial (388). At Petra's trial (398) At Pixie's trial (380), referred to as Mr Miller in dialogue. At Gail Summers' trial (133).At Trevor Priest's trial (457). Del Latham
Credit for Derek Latham for his first appearances (196)-(197).Matt's father (referred to in dialogue as Fred), who visit Wentworth for his wedding to Marlene in (533). Matt's mother (referred to in dialogue as Ivy), when she and her husband visit Wentworth for his wedding to Marlene in (533). Arrives as a trainee trainee officer at the same time as Marty Jackson and Rodney Adams (630). Usually in pairs, at either end of:- a billiard table for the rec room (430). The robot teaching aid for delivery to the deaf school with Sam Greenway inside (517). The bargain basement piss-elegant furniture for Ruth Ballinger's cell (539). Delivers the TV that Nola buys for the women to increase her popularity rating (346) One of the "girls" at Mabel's house of ill repute (600-602).Protesting against a sex shop (436). Doreen eventually manages to get arrested by joining in (and battering a policeman with a placard).

Updated ~ 03 March 2001