Credited in (101) when Lizzie and Doreen are taken to a police station after an incident in a wineshop. Roy Baldwin also appears uncredited as a detective in (105) where he may be supposed to be the same character, probably the "Sergeant Bates" Erica talks to on the phone later in the episode, since this is also in connection with Lizzie. He may or may not be the same character for his similarly uncredited appearance as a detective in (83) and (113). He appears again uncredited in (126) when he is called to Gail Summers' flat by Meg, and here he is also referred to as Sgt Bates. He makes another uncredited appearance as a detective at the end of (156) when Doreen brings Chrissie's daughter Elizabeth back to the hospital.Detective Sergeant (Bill Binks)
At Driscoll House investigating Alan Jeffries' death (326). Detective Sergeant (Ian Sprake)
Interviews Bobbie over break in at her father's house? (491). Detective Sergeant 1 (Ian Walker) * Detective Sergeant 2 (Simon West)
The first deals with Joan when she goes to the police to tell them her life is in danger. The second joins him when they interview Joan after she has been fired on by a sniper (554). The first appears again when Terri's neighbour is killed in a car bomb blast intended for Joan and both of them interview Lionel Fellowes (555).Mother of Pat O'Connell, who looks after her children while she is in prison. She brings Emma and Andrew to see Pat after her transfer to Wentworth (68) but she tells Pat she can't look after them any later then Christmas, when Pat is due to be paroled. Visits Pat again (74) to reiterate the same message. Pat does get parole in time and goes to stay with her mother (75). After Pat is returned to Wentworth following her son David's escape from prison and attempt to contact his mother, Mrs Devlin is harassed by reporters looking for a story (77).Referred to in dialogue as John Devlin, one of the Bomb squad officers attempting to defuse the bomb left by Michael Landon outside the solitary cell where Bea is being held. He is injured in the blast (387) and his colleague Major Hunt is killed.Prisoner who fights Doreen when she is acting tough shortly after Franky's death (21) Prisoner, credited in (574), (581), (602), (605) and (607). The same actress is seen for the first time as a backgrounder in (564) in the laundry after the name "Groom" is mentioned in the muster earlier in the episode.Remand prisoner put into uniform by Meg due to her pill-induced amnesia (445). Arthur's wife and thus Lizzie's daughter-in-law (406)-(409). Unable to read on arrival at Wentworth, but taught in a remarkably short time by John Maxwell. His expertise might have been useful in Prisoner's credit department - this character's name is misspelt as Lianne in credits on her first appearance (355). Last credit in (361). With Ron Hardy, a couple of business contacts who are having dinner with the Morrises when Meg is called away to help Nick Clarke (201).Reb's mother. First appears in (464) to persuade Reb to see her father, who is dying in the last stages of multiple sclerosis. She visits Reb in hospital after her bashing by Marie Winter to tell Reb her father has left her all his money (474) and helps Reb escape from hospital (477), but worried that Reb might die without medical treatment, she informs the police of her whereabouts (478) and ends up in Wentworth with Reb (479). There she takes up the role of "middle class prisoner out of her depth" and is persecuted by Frances, Lou and Alice, but Reb refuses to help her, and even joins in the persecution by salting Diedre's food and pushing her face in it (481). Myra eventually persuades Reb to take notice when Diedre is severely beaten by some of the women (483). Diedre and Reb are reconciled just before some one mysteriously pays Diedre's bail and she is released (484). She visits Reb again in (488). When Lou Kelly escapes she seeks refuge with Diedre (491) and visits Reb again to tell her what happened (493). Most of the time the women pronounce her name as if it were spelt Dierdre, though pedantically Judy persists in calling her Deedra. Gael Andrews (who plays Sister Hall during the same period) is miscredited for the role at the end of (468). Snobby friend of Amy Ryan, wife of Ward (616).New saleswoman at the shop where Doreen works, but really an undercover policewoman watching for Bea to contact her, as Doreen quickly realises (358)-(359). Prisoner brought to Wentworth at the same time as Kathy Hall (213), though at her induction Vera pronounces her surname "Woolfit". She is allocated to D block, so we expect to hear no more from her but she is eventually revealed to be responsible for the death threats against Kathy and the attempts to put them into action (215). She later visits Terry with a heavy to take him along to meet John Fitzwater (223).Complains when Rosemary gets her orders mixed up (399). In charge of the caravan park where Judy finds Hazel (394). Prison officer. Credited in (617) but Maureen Edwards is usually credited as Officer Bailey, which is indeed what Alice calls her in dialogue for this episode, so this is evidently a mistake.While Bea is in hospital after she is stabbed by Ann Yates (31)Informs Karen of Alice Hemmings' death (73). The character is not listed in the credits.Tells Chrissie that Elizabeth may ssoon be well enough to leave hospital and go to Wentworth to be with her (102). The same actor had previously been credited as Dr Grant in (93) when Elizabeth was born.Doctor
Credited thus for episode (130) but credited previously as Dr East.Tells Don the bad news about the recurrence of his back problem: he won't be able to work for up to a year (226). He doesn't seem to be the same as the uncredited doctor in (223).At the hospital where Doreen and Peter Richards take Martin when he suffers from an asthma attack (231).Tells Susie Driscoll she is well enough to go back to Wentworth (270).Explains to Colleen that Jenny was raped (279).In Karen's flashback to her abortion (1). When Gary Doyle dies in hospital after the tragic tractor accident (11). During Chrissie's tests in hospital before she escapes with Neil Murray (315). Explains post-natal depression in words of one syllable to Judy and Geoff (346). When Stan Dobson is in hospital after a heart attack (493).Tells Nora he needs to get in touch with her baby's father to find his blood type (549). When Norm Barry is dying in hospital (580).Old crock doc at Wentworth, referred to as Dr Fredericks. Lizzie takes a fancy to him, but no-one else is eager to sample his bedside manner (357). Looking after the Alsatians who are put to guard the perimeter fence on the insistence of Ted Douglas (253). He says he will only be present for two hours a day to feed and groom them, and in the next breath reassures Janet that the dogs won't attack unless commanded by him to do so... Can you spot the flaw in this scheme? He tells Colleen the dogs have lost their appetite and recommends the vet is called in (257).Blackmails Joan with the tape from Sonia passed out of prison by Brenda (410) but Joan finds him dead when she goes to pay him off (411). Though he has the same name, this Alan Lee is not the (better known) actor who plays Tony Berman. With Andrew Hinton when Joan meets him in a bar (613). Husband of Alison. Meg visits him at Alison's request (216).One of the visitors from PASSIVE, who are trapped inside Wentworth by the quarantine after the lassa fever outbreak. He proves to be cowardly and selfish, and is caught attempting to escape from Wentworth before the quarantine is lifted (390)-(394). Arrests Sarah Webster (437). Marty Jackson's girlfriend (4) Full name Donna Mary Mason. Befriends Susie Driscoll. Jailed for possessing heroin and prostitution. Released to the halfway house. Dies of heroin overdose (290)-(303). One of the major characters during the first 300 episodes, with two later stretches of "guest" appearances. More detailsMadam of one of the massage parlours Jock Stewart visits as a customer. She gives Judy a try-out working as a masseuse, little suspecting that she's employed a "40 year old virgin", and a lesbian virgin at that (171).Neighbour of Jessie Windom, who helpfully points the police to the house where Lexie is hiding out when she's on the run (603).Dennis' wife, who turns up at the height of his affair with Heather to try to get back together with him (478)-(479). Credited for (481), when she is mentioned as going back with Dennis to England to see his sick mother, but does not actually appear. Another prime example of an unconvincing "Yorkshire" accent, consisting mainly of dropped aitches. Threatened by Edith when she returns after her husband Horace dies (45). Insufferable woman in the same hospital ward as Meg after her shooting by a sniper (150). She predicts that Bob Morris will propose to Meg in four weeks.First appears after transfer from another block for antagonising the women there (462). A whinger and malingerer, with a malapropism for every occasion. An unsuccessful attempt to find a substitute for Lizzie, and written out very soon afterwards - poisoned by Angel - without having been used in any major plot line (486).Credited in (409)Armed robber, kidnaps Jennifer Powell and rapes her. Shot by his girlfriend Carol (275)-(278). Introduced in (7), a male prisoner working outside the fence at Wentworth. He becomes friendly with Lynn Warner while she is working in the garden, and after they are both released, he visits Lynn at her parent's farm (11) and they run away together. They move in with Doug's friend Bernie, and get married (12), but Bernie involves them both in a payroll snatch which leads to Doug's death and Lynn's recapture (14). Minister's secretary, who informs Ann that the men are to be allowed to mix with the women (505). Member of the parole board for Bobbie's hearing (513 and Judy's final release (534). Last credit (558) as a member of Nola's parole board. Reb's father, who is only seen once, as he visits Reb in Wentworth (468). Reb is told of his death in (470).Douglas, Mr
The Man from The Department. See Ted Douglas.Sarah Webster's neighbour (437). Secretary to Mr Jeffries (331). In a bar where Chris takes Meg to try to cheer her up (513).

Updated ~ 29 June 2008