Surprisingly frequent visitors to Wentworth. On this occasion their shiny space suits prove over the top for what is only a booby trap to humiliate Joan (630).Verify that the bomb threat is a scare during the dance marathon (482) Rita's brother and member of the Conquerors bikie gang, first seen in bed with Roach at Ettie's home for wayward girls, and showing Ann his all in an attempt to embarrass her (595). Dan attempts to reform him by taking him on a camping trip with Ann and Roach, and they end up arguing (602). He sends coke in to Rita on a radio operated car (613) and organises an escape for Rita against her wishes, ending in him running Dan over (616-617). While on the run from the police as a result, he is helped by Roach and Ida (621) but arrested in (622). Rita sees him again when she is transferred to Blackmoor (665), a hopeless junkie under the control of Roo Morgan. He is used by Craven against Rita during the riot, and chained to a grating in the yard. After Rita is tricked into releasing the officer she is holding hostage, Bongo is shot by a marksman on Craven's orders (667). When Reb attempts to escape at the airport after collecting the proceeds of a robbery (437) Presumably the "booth" is meant to be the announcer's booth at the TV studio for the show where Jason Richards in interviewed. Another of Adam Joseph's many voiceover jobs in the early episodes (29).At Ettie's trial for holding up a bank. He is so smitten with her that he not only gives her a mere 2 year's probation, but invites her to his chambers after the verdict and asks her for a date (559-560).Faye's boss, who leaves her with the keys to his premises, from which she steals video recorders (352) Noeline Bourke's mother, who visits her in Wentworth just before she is released (37). Investigating Major Ferguson's kidnapping (426) Delivers a threatening letter to the male prisoners at Wentworth (509). Shane's schoolmates, who laugh at him in (513). Warns her son not to talk to strange women like Mum (3). Blackmailed by Nola McKenzie into supplying drugs to her in Wentworth (356). Investigates fire at George Logan's shoe factory (303)-(304) Police officer when Rita is recaptured outside the cemetery after visiting Bongo's grave: a voice only, the actor is not seen (675). Vet called in to look at the guard dogs at Wentworth when they "lose their appetite" - because Doreen is secretly feeding them (257). From a casual remark of his about the dogs being "rejects", Colleen works out that this is because they are too savage.Brandy Carter
See Laura GardinerRecognised by Minnie as Lionel Fellowes' best forger (408), who teams up with Sonia Stevens to make fake driving licences and blackmails Joan Ferguson with the tape made on Bobbie's Walkman, which she smuggles out to an associate. After Fellowes disposes of her accomplice, Joan has little difficulty persuading the authorities to transfer Brenda to another prison (416).Wife of Chrissie's brother Derek. At first she is very unwilling to have Chrissie and Elizabeth come to live in their house, especially after having to put up with Derek and Chrissie's drunken father for years. After Derek explains that he feels he let Chrissie down when he failed to support her allegations of sexual abuse against her father, she changes her mind and Chrissie and Elizabeth go to live with them (197). When the character re-appears over a year later, a different actress is used.When the character is introduced again, she is played by a different actress. This time she has become keener to get custody of Elizabeth and she shops Chrissie to the police and accepts the help of both Joan Ferguson and Duncan Campbell to achieve this end (285)-(298).Prisoner working in the printshop (272)-(273).Departing worker at chip shop, who warns Rosemary about the bosses wandering hands (397).Halfway house resident, mother of Lisa (388) Interviews Mrs Hanlon after she's been tied up by Bea (357-358) Bea's date on the double date set up by her friend Val (34). Brian Cameron, Sgt. (Alan Lee)
At the country police station near where Susie Driscoll ends up after escaping from hospital. He takes another officer out looking for her in a patrol car, but finds Susie much more easily than that. He only has to go home, as Susie has sought refuge at his house, and his wife is sewing a tear in her prison uniform (271).Stitches up Marie Winter (literally and with difficulty) after Judy has hit her over the head to stop her escaping during the riot (467). The real perpetrator of the threatening letters to Ann, taking revenge for Phyllis Hunt's bashing. First appears in (497), killing two policemen and a policewoman and taking Ann and Meg hostage. He also kills Phil Cleary when he finds him questioning his mother (see Lowe, Mrs). Falls to his death in the abandoned warehouse where he held Ann and Meg (499). Arrives at Driscoll House with police, yet another of Pixie's "husbands" (378). Carol Coulson's solicitor (377).Husband of Vivienne and father of Caroline Simpson, turned brutal and embittered by an accident which leaves him disabled. When he returns from the pub drunk and orders his wife to beg forgiveness at gunpoint, his daughter stabs him in the back (89).Lawyer consulted by the Hoskings over custody of Zoe (653), and seen again at the custody hearing (655). Investigating Bea's "escape" from the crashed prison van bringing her back from Barnhurst (199). He lights up a cigarette in Erica's office without even asking her - and she doesn't even comment!At Peter Wright's trial for raping Meg (512) During the siege when Merle is mistaken for a dangerous criminal holding a child hostage (672). When Karen hears on the radio that Franky is dead (20) The woman who Lexie believes to be her mother, after spotting her photo in a newspaper in (580). She first appears in (584) when Jenny Hartley visits her at Lexie's request, and gets the brush off. However, it transpires that Lady Giddings is merely the woman who brought Lexie up, having been entrusted with her by Jessie Wyndham, her real mother. Lady Giddings visitis Jessie to pass on the storyline in (589) and is last seen in (610) when she tells Lexie the truth about her parentage on Jessie's instistence to try to dissuade her from having an abortion. For this last appearance she is credited as Lady Giddings, having dropped half of her double barrel along the way.Seen in Pop Milsom's shop. This is a rare example where what appear to be creative variant spellings of actors' names can be established to be genuine: he is obviously not the same actor as Petar Tulich who also appears in the same episode (456) as a Customer in the same shop. In the children's ward when Doreen starts work as a nurse's aid (154)-(156). She's a bit of a disciplinarian and Doreen catches herself calling her "Vera" by mistake.Police officer who arrives at Paul Reynolds' studio with a search warrant and finds the child porn planted there at Lionel Fellowes' instigation (410). Member of the cult which has entrapped Sharon Smart. He acts as the spokesman when Helen and Judy investigate (381). Officer sometimes referred to as Gail Brown, credited in (466) for lying unconscious in the staff room drugged by the tea urn. She becomes the new officer locking up under the final sequence in (482). Hears Chrissie's appeal for custody of Elizabeth and grants it (197). The character's name is spelt "Mr Brownwleigh" in the credits.One of the men playing poker with Des Coulson (373). Myra's solicitor, who visits Wentworth to consult her before her trial for the murder of her husband (445) The male doctor who is unable to examine Yemil after her protests (507) Accomplice of Blossom Crabtree in the sting on Fred Ferguson. He bursts in on Blossom and Fred in a motel room pretending to be Blossom's husband and takes the payroll money. Arrested during a post-coital haze in the same motel room (45). Denise refers to him twice in (47) as her "husband", though as she is talking to Det Sgt Grace at the time, she may not be telling the truth.Sarah West's foster father, with whom she is eventually reconciled after rejecting her foster parents on the grounds of race (662-664). Member of a gang doing a bank job for Lionel Fellowes while Ettie diverts the police with her own "hold-up" (543). The same character is credited as Henchman for (548) and (549) but re-appears as Brucie still working for Fellowes, when Fellowes is pursuing a vendetta against Joan after Ruth Ballinger's capture.Real name Michelle, and the nickname (whose significance is obscure to an English audience) appears to derive from her habit of escaping at the slightest pretext. She is first seen at Blackmoor when Rita Connors is transferred there (665) and is transferred to Wentworth after Blackmoor burns down. Makes several attempts to escape, friend of Spike, but still there at the end (692).Investigating Ron Crosby's complaint of assault and robbery after he rides in Judy's cab (262). He goes to question Judy at Wally's cottage, introducing himself as Senior Detective Burke (but credited just as Detective), and produces Mr Crosby's empty wallet found by his (silent) subordinate Constable Davis in the bin outside when Judy claims to know nothing about the incident. He fluffs a line and says the credit cards in the wallet are in the name of "Richard" Crosby. The character re-appears to investigate Jackie Donohue's confession, but it seems he is not interested in quashing the charge against Judy, but only in getting her to incriminate Jackie (282). The credits demote him to the rank of Detective Sergeant.One of Andrew Fry's bitchy friends, whose comments convince Ann not to accept the offer of promotion (520) Presumably the matron who tries to persuade Ann that the male physiotherapist is good at his job (422). On the bus taking Bea to her work release (315). When Pixie meets Rick Manning on the bus when returning from her work release (421). Driver of the minibus provided for Ruth Ballinger and the terrorist gang to get to the airport (552). He and Joan shoot Ram and Al, the two remaining members of the gang.Business Associate (Jack Mobbs)
Buys shoes for cash from George Logan (301). The man at the table with Randi Goodlove in a restaurant when she follows Meg into the ladies and confronts her (406). The man who tries to pick Colleen Powell up in a restaurant (438).

Updated ~ 03 March 2001