Joan is devastated by Terri's departure. Mrs Graham agrees to visit Daphne. Lou convinces Alice that she is only a token council member.
First broadcast ... 1985 (Melbourne) Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 26 December 1999 04:40 DVD release: volume 35 disc 6 (AUS), volume 18 disc 6 [UK] Duration: 0:45:00
Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joyce ~ Joy Westmore Nora ~ Sonja Tallis May ~ Billie Hammerberg Willie ~ Kirsty Child Daphne ~ Debra Lawrance Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Lou ~ Louise Siversen Julie ~ Jackie Woodburne Jenny ~ Jenny Lovell Eve ~ Lynda Stoner Ben ~ Kevin Summers Pippa ~ Christine Harris Terri ~ Margot Knight Mervin ~ Ernie Bourne Alice ~ Lois Collinder Dr Veitch ~ Jon Sidney Dr Massey ~ Charles "Bud " Tingwell Adrian Foster ~ Peter Dunn Robin Sanderson ~ Michael Cole Pat Slattery ~ Dorothy Cutts Nurse Watson ~ Verity Higgins Mrs Graham ~ Dawn Klingberg Jacko ~ Lynette Letico Patient ~ Kathy Juckes
Written by Merle Thornton & John Smallbone
Directed by Mandy Smith
I have assumed that Dr "Vietch" is a misspelling
Eve tells Adrian her version of Robin Sanderson's shooting, claiming it was an accident. He apologises for not being able to take her case, and his request that she tells him again in every detail prompts a flashback sequence. Eve was in bed and hearing a noise and thinking it was a burglar aimed the gun she had handy at the bedside at the "intruder", but it turned out to be Robin himself when she turned the light on. Adrian tells her there's a snag: the post mortem showed the bullet passed straight through Robin's body, but the police can't find the bullet in the wall behind where Robin was standing. Lexie arrives in the laundry with lots of blusher to cover up her bruises. Daphne is taken into hospital (and accosted by a patient), but the doctors won't let Ben stay with her during the examination. Lou tries to find out what it was that Lexie had over Mervin. Daphne makes a mess of her tests due to the stress of the situation. Joan is sceptical of Eve's story and comments bitterly that being beautiful doesn't mean you must be telling the truth. Lou and Lexie front the Council, who all declare them guilty of cheating the women through the numbers game. Lou retorts that Nora is a hypocrite as she cared so much about the women she was trying to escape, so the conspirators have to come clean and tell her again there was no escape plan. Daphne panics when the nurse tries to take a blood sample to test her hormone levels. Mervin tells Joyce he's worried about Lou's snooping. Eve's story does make the papers after all: when Lou makes a snide comment, Jenny defends Eve and says she won't make her mind up until she's met her. Eve asks Ann to find her another solicitor, hinting that Adrian dropped out on medical grounds. Lexie refuses to tell Lou what she knows about Mervin. Ben protests at the way the doctors are treating Daphne and warns them he will try to discredit any evidence they may try to put forward in court. Eve meets the women in the rec room: Willie takes a shine to her immediately, but Lou's nasty comments make her turn on her heels and leave. Ann mentions Eve's case to Ben: he says he will contact David Adams to see if he can take the case. Jenny follows Eve to her cell to try to reassure her that she shouldn't be too worried by the women's initial reaction to her and persuades her to go back to the rec room. Terri and Joan can't find anything to do that they can both agree on. Mervin has got to the finals of the cookery contest. Terri's boss calls her at home which causes another argument between Terri and Joan. Lexie and Lou are eventually told their punishment: they have to run the gauntlet between two rows of women armed with bats, bottles and other objects. Alice objects to the way Nora already has decided what the Council's view on things will be. Joan asks for time off to sort out a personal problem, but won't explain any further. Ben goes to see Daphne's mother to get some of her background and to ask her to visit her in Wentworth. Lou visits Eve and tries to rile her by spilling nail varnish on her skirt, but Eve is not intimidated and gives Lou a present of two other bottles of nail varnish. Joan arrives home to find that Terri has left an enigmatic note ("I'll send for T.V. I don't know what to say. Sorry") with her key sellotaped to it .
When Jacko delivers Eve's meal , she mumbles 'I'm Jacko'!".]
Story Editor: Coral Drouyn Script Editor: Kit Oldfield (571); Alister Webb (572)-(573); Ian Smith & Kit Oldfield (574); Kit Oldfield (575) Storyliners: Coral Drouyn, Tony McDonald, John Coulter, Kelly Bermingham
ITV regional broadcast dates:-
Broadcast on Carlton / LWT Thursday 19 February 1998 23:45; Meridian Monday 19 April 1999 23:35