Divorce counsellor brought in to advise Doreen over the breakup of her marriage to Kevin (174). The character does not appear in the credits, but the actress is unmistakeable...Presumably a nurse at Wentworth (538).Family doctor for Erica's mother Florence: she calls him Hubert (208). After Florence's death during an operation (209), he explains Florence's distant attitude to Erica: there had apparently been another child before Erica and her brother James who died young, for which Florence felt responsible.Arrogant doctor treating Daphne Graham (573-575)Prison officer, whose sour faced bitter attitude earns her the nickname "Vinegar Tits". More detailsHeather's mother. Her surname is Rogers for (470) but Rodgers is used more often (470-481).At the party where Phil takes Meg to get her over her rape (494).The vet who looks after Shane's dog when it is poisoned (463).Gives Bobbie a lift when she is on her way to her father's house to rescue her sister Cheryl (490).Prisoner. First seen in (608). Credits in (611), (613), (619) and (626).One of the gang who try to break Joyce Martin out of Wentworth (41) and later kidnap Lynn Warner (43).Foreman at the factory where the women get work release, first seen complaining about the use of cheap labour to undercut his workers (125). Doreen tries to get information out of him to help Kevin, but he demands sex with her in return, and rapes her when she refuses (128). The women get their revenge with the help of Kay White, who contacts Vince and asks him to visit her in Wentworth and the other women attack Vince as he is leaving and give him a good kicking (136)Visiting Justice
Credit for Mr Goodwin in (146). His name is not mentioned in the episode, but I think it's fair to assume he is meant to be the same character.Sentences Bea to an additional six months for the kitchen fraud (262) and gives Susie Driscoll a last chance (275).Mother of Caroline Simpson and husband of Brian. She and Caroline are first seen when they turn up at the halfway house (89) seeking refuge, with Vivienne sporting a black eye given to her by her husband. They are turned away and go home, but the next time Mr Gibson threatens violence against his wife, Caroline stabs him in the back. Vivienne reluctantly goes along with Caroline's story that he was killed by a burglar he disturbed, but eventually blurts out the truth to the police and both she and Caroline are taken to Wentworth on remand. Vivienne spends much of her time there in a semi-catatonic state until she is eventually bailed (by Jim Fletcher). Paul Reid finds her at home after she has taken an overdose (100). She goes to a nursing home where we see her again in (112) just before her trial (114) where she gets a bond of three years.Police doctor who examines Lou's self-inflicted wounds in hospital - just before she escapes (607).When Malcolm Hutchinson offers to share his table at a restaurant with Colleen (343).When Ann and Wally go out for a meal (385).When Lizzie has a day out to meet her friend Mick "Foxy" Lawson (398).When Mr Schumann takes Pixie for lunch (422).In the Italian restaurant where Phil and Meg try to eat (488).At William Coleby's club when he takes Ann to lunch (518).Serving someone else as Meg and Dennis have dinner (521).Makes one of those all-time bite-my-tongue-out faux pas when he assumes Terri is Joan's daughter (562).When Terri Malone and her boss take a customer to dinner (574).When David and Ben take a working breakfast (585).When Marty and Meg go out for a meal. His flambéing of a pan of crepes reveals Marty's fear of fire (629).Investigating after the knifing of Colin Burton at Driscoll (385).Serves Lizzie a drink in the bar of the hotel where she goes to stay after the arson charge is dropped (250).In the cafe where Rosemary has her purse stolen (391).Although there are two possible scenes in this episode, when Pippa and her married lover Simon and Mervyn and Joyce go out for a meal, there does not seem to be a waitress in either (545).Credited in (565), though it's not clear who she is. Possibly the barmaid in the scene where Howard Simmons talks to Det. Insp. Grace in a bar?When Ben and Pippa go out for a meal (569).When Joan goes for a drink after finding Terri in bed with her boss Barry (573).At Kath's trial (638). Kath is told he is likely to give her a harsh sentence, as his wife is suffering from a terminal illness and he is opposed to euthanasia (638).At Ida and Roach's trial (638). Ida manages to charm him into giving her a two year bond, though Roach is sentenced to six months imprisonment.Referred to in dialogue as Frank Waller, the prosecuting counsellor at the trial of Mum and Bea (203)-(204).Real name: Albert Wallace. First introduced when Judy is on the run after the tunnel escape, and he takes her back to his little potter’s cottage in the woods (167). Judy seeks refuge with him after Jock Stewart has fallen down the steps outside her flat (259)-(262), and is a character witness at her trial (269)-(270).Turns up again in time to help Judy set up Driscoll House (291) and again in (369), helping Judy with the second halfway house, though in this case his daughter Mikki is the cause of most of the problems. He gives pottery classes at Wentworth, and his first is interrupted by Brandy Carter attempting to seduce him (374). Ann invites him to stay in her attic and Ann’s son Paul helps him move in (379). By (390) he has started an affair with Ann, but he also has a fling with Paul’s solicitor Sam (413) and when Ann finds out this leads to a temporary break in the relationship. Wally leaves town in (420) but returns in (425) to visit Ann in hospital after her mastectomy. It is only because Wally takes Paul to the country to recuperate after being shot that Ann is able to return to work. He is mentioned in (456) when Ann promises Myra she will ask Wally to visit Kay in hospital, and returns in (459) at the fete (minus beard) when Pixie prophesies a tall dark handsome stranger for Ann. He ignores Ann’s warning and helps Myra when she escapes to get Kay off drugs, but Ann finds out about his involvement (465). His last appearance is in (466).It's not clear which character this is: possibly the man at the finance house who gives Joan a high interest loan to pay off Don Baxter (412).Walton, Constable (Ian Mumby)
Taking part in the raid on Maxine's hideout. He is diverted by Belle into chasing her instead of going after Maxine (390).Matt Thomas' boss, who gives him permission to offer Helen Smart money in return for her story about Harry Stanfield, if it can be supported by proof (281). He visits Wentworth to ask Erica's permission to give Bea a regular column in The Dispatch (289).One of two minor prisoners - the one with dark frizzy hair - given two small scenes in (35). She is drunk in the laundry talking to Noeline and takes part in Clara's cookery class.Husband of Dierdre Sims, one of Amy Ryan's snobbish friends (616).Many uncredited appearances as a background character e.g. (316). Credited in (590) and (593).When Ann is in hospital for her breast operation (423).Marlene's mother. She comes to visit Marlene in (474). Last seen at Marlene's wedding (533).
Secretary at the firm where Kevin works (90). She gives him Doreen's address. The actress is not credited, but the Scots accent and lack of acting ability make an identification certain - thanks to Devon for pointing it out.Investigating murder of Lou Kelly (616) and questions Marty after drugs are planted on him, later charging him with possession (684).Credited in (391).Head of Department of Corrective Services. Rodney has appeal to him to stop his posting to Smithton. He is credited in error in both (644) and (645) and eventually arrives in (646), where he is not credited.Irene Henderson's butler, borrowed by Lizzie along with her house for her meeting with Mick Lawson (398).Catches Lorelei after she steals car to follow Zoe when the Hoskings take her away (653).When Meg visits Lizzie in hospital, after she had been injured by Joan during the charity concert at Woodridge (322).When Daphne is being treated by Drs Veitch and Massey (575).Karen's husband in her Psycho style flashback to the day when she snaps and stabs him in the shower (1).Comes to Driscoll armed with a rifle looking for his wife Clare (407).Tracey's husband in her nightmare (370).Margo's boyfriend, who visits her in Wentworth shortly before she is released (179). Wayne's mate Bazza recruits him and Margo to do a payroll robbery (183), but it goes wrong and develops into a siege as first two old ladies are taken hostage, then one of them is swapped for Meg. Wayne is shot (184). In the following episode, Margo is told that he is dead.Lucy Ferguson's boyfriend. He is dealing drugs with her and persuades her to get some capital to finance their little business by asking Joan for a loan (385).The contact Doreen recommends to Judy to use to get a forged passport after her escape. He first charges her $500 in (131) but when she goes back to collect it he doubles the price as he senses it's a "rush job" (132). When the women escape through the tunnels under Wentworth, Helen Smart visits him and threatens to have him beaten up to make him provide driving licenses in false identities for all the potential escapees (164)-(165).Psychiatrist who is frequently called to Wentworth to assess a prisoner's mental state. He does this for Susan Rice (28); Ros Coulson (64); Rosie Hudson (71); Kay White (136)-(140); Doreen (157); Anne Griffin (164); Bea for her amnesia (201) and giving evidence for her at her and Mum’s trial (203); Paddy Lawson (310) whom he treats with hypnotherapy (312)-(313); Laura Gardiner who is also treated and cured by hypnosis in a remarkably short time (380-382); Pixie Mason (382); Cass Parker (423); Sonia Stevens (434); Daphne Graham (555); Willie Beecham (562); Reb Kean (582-584). He is last seen in a cafe with Reb Kean after her release (589). Ted Douglas calls him Eric in (310), though maybe that should be "Erich" or even "Erik". Thanks to Alex in Sweden for pointing out that he is also referred to as "Carl" in the judge's chamber at Mum and Bea's trial in episode (203).At the children's home where Jilly Coulson is sent after her mother is sent to prison and her father is dead (376).With Inspector Thorne when he questions Joan over the murders of prostitutes (312).Undercover policewoman introduced to Wentworth to gain Lisa Mullins' confidence (651) Last seen (659) when she returns to tell Lisa that her boyfriend Lester is dead.

Updated ~ 18 July 2009