Nicknamed Maggot, first seen in (599). When Lou Kelly plots to injure herself to avoid being sent to Blackmoor, Janet helps her by distracting Mervin, while Lou steals a knife from the kitchen (606). When Lou returns from hospital, Janet is suspected by the women of attacking Lou. She is transferred back to Wentworth at the same time as Kath Maxwell (613) [and this is without having been transferred out of Wentworth beforehand!]. She overhears Bob Moran talking to Kath Maxwell and tells Lou what she knows, planning to use the information to force Bob to help them escape. After Lou Kelly is found murdered in solitary, Janet is interviewed by police and tricked into admitting that she killed Lou (617). Janet then joins forces with Kath Maxwell (621) and makes her provide the cash for them to buy support and weapons. Janet's sister is enlisted to bring in drugs (624) and Janet and Kath are involved in selling it to the women. Contrary to Kath's wishes, Janet tries to antagonize Merle into attacking Rita, and persuades Merle to hand over her medication to her rather than take it (637). When Kath finds out about this, she bashes Janet, but Joan has set them both up, and Janet is transferred to A block (639).Prisoner in outrageous red wig in (40). She tries twice to proposition the new male Deputy Governor Jim Fletcher and his disgusted refusal establishes his tendency to put women on a pedestal.Brought to Wentworth in (514) for a 3 month's sentence for drunken driving and inducted as Janice Mary Grant. Joan finds a legal textbook in her bag and she turns out to be a solicitor. Lou Kelly latches on to her alcoholism and supplies her with meths. Myra and Ettie try to help her sober up, but she manages to get drink from Lou, Alice or Frank and suffers hallucinations. She becomes interested in Ettie's case and eventually reveals to her that she has been in prison for 45 years without trial (519). She then pushes the case for Ettie to be compensated. Alice and Lexie force her to drink grain alcohol. Last seen in hospital in a distressed state when Ettie visits her (528).Brought to Wentworth in (344) for refusing to pay compensation and court costs after a car accident. She becomes increasingly annoyed by Colleen Powell's interference in her family affairs, prompted by her attraction to Janice's husband Chris. She confronts Colleen in (348). Chris comes to collect her on her release (352). Resident of the halfway house, who cuts her finger and is attended by Scott Collins (383) One of Marie Winter's cronies at Barnhurst when Bea is transferred there (197)-(198). She seems to be the "muscle", though Bea has no great difficulty throwing her out of the cell. She is mentioned later in (253) when Doreen is brought back to Wentworth after her transfer to Barnhurst and is worried in case the other women find out she lagged on Janie.Pop star who is alleged to be the lover of Susan Rice's husband Frederick. In fact, they are the same person, and this is her way of expressing her feelings about him deserting her for his career. Susan throws acid in his face during a live TV show (29), but he has also been seen in flashback in (28) and credited in (27). UK viewers might be forgiven for suspecting that the character is a teasing amalgam of Jason Wyngarde (the star of who was arrested after an incident in a motorway service station toilet) and Cliff Richards (for the references to the character "finding God" of course: I wouldn't want anyone to think I was doubting Cliff's much-publicised celibacy) .Jo Slater's son, who comes to visit her in Wentworth (275) One of the group of terrorists who break into Wentworth to free Ruth Ballinger (549). Hit by police marksmen and finished off by Ram (550). Interestingly, he has an Irish accent.Prison welfare worker, after Bill Jackson. She arrives in (14) and antagonises Meg by clearing out Bill's things. She then goes on to demonstrate her efficency by setting Marilyn on the straight and narrow with a two minute pep talk and helping Mum by getting her granddaughter to visit. Moves in with Meg (20). Repeated futile attempts to help Noeline Bourke and family. After Leanne is arrested (56), Jean is not seen again, and her departure is not even mentioned again until (120) when Leanne Bourke explains to Judy that Meg and Jean had an argument and Meg threw her out.Pregnant prisoner, first seen in (325) answering Joan back when Joan tells her to move on. She is transferred to Woodridge after the fire and gives birth to her child there, helped by the other women after they are unable to get any assistance from the officers (329). Mother of Georgie Baxter, first seen visiting her in hospital after the operation that cures Georgie's deafness (180). She's a tough woman who runs a brothel and ends up in Wentworth with Georgie (181) where she clashes with Bea. She and Georgie were released having made up their differences [Information from Robert Lindsay]A man who visits Kath Maxwell accompanied by Jane Preston. Acting on Rita Connors' instructions, they kidnap her and take her out of Wentworth by force (651). Alan Jeffries' father. He is outraged at his son's death in Driscoll and tries to blame Sara Hamilton and Judy for it, and sends health inspectors to Driscoll to try to have it shut down. He is eventually forced to tell the whole story at Alan's inquest, where a verdict of suicide is entered and the charges of manslaughter against Sara are dropped (325-332).Drunken resident of the halfway house, who pulls a broken bottle on Mikki Wallace when she is told to take her drink elsewhere (376). This is the name under which Terry Bourke's hopelessly unreliable book lists Judy Bryant's daughter. It is a mistake - Judy's daughter is called Lori Maynard, or Lori Bryant when she first appears, though strictly I suppose she would have been using the surname from her adoptive parents, but I don't think this is ever mentioned.The solicitor acting for Edddie and Marilyn when they buy Monica's shop. When she meets Steve Wilson, who is acting for Monica, she turns out to be an old flame (42). She is a grotesque twittering mass of flirtatiousness, and manages to persuade her rich father to put up the cash for she and Steve to be partners in the legal sense. Appears again in (42) where Karen comes to see Steve and meets Jennifer instead, and she is given the distinct impression that Steve's affections have turned away from Karen.Colleen Powell's teenage daughter, first seen in (272). Kidnapped by armed robbers when they realise she has recognised one of them. Raped by Mel (277). Years later re-introduced only to be killed by a car bomb intended for Rick Manning (433). Resident of the halfway house (349). Brought to Wentworth at the same time as Georgie Baxter and Evie Randall (175). After she is released it is found that she is suffering from a rare virus she had contracted in Africa, and the prison is quarantined when staff and prisoners start to fall ill.Policewoman guarding Ann and Meg, shot by Brian Lowe as he forces his way into Meg's house (497). Initially introduced as a friend of Pippa Reynolds (540), but we know from her intrinsic dullness as a character that she has no other reason to exist than to eventually end up in Wentworth. This takes until (549) when she is arrested for the murder of her tyrannical grandmother, who had prevented her attending the Conservatoire to develop her talent as a pianist. Her conviction that she must soon be released is shattered when the witnesses who might establish her innocence disappear or die. As if her treatment by the other women were not enough, a group of terrorists break into Wentworth shortly after her arrival, and Jenny is tormented by their leader, Ram, who holds an unloaded gun to her forehead and pulls the trigger (551). Her lawyer is pretty hopeless, and she appoints another suggested by May Collins (562). Her trial (568) ends with a hung jury and she is returned to Wentworth to await a retrial. She finds out that her uncle Steven Formby has been arrested for his wife's murder (584), and is told he has also confessed to her grandmother's murder. Lexie asks her to look up Lady Brooks-Giddings, who Lexie believes to be her mother: when she does so, Lady Giddings assumes Jenny is attempting to blackmail her (585). She is last seen when she decides to leaves Ann's house to look for a flat on her own (588).Jenny Hartley (Young Jennifer) (Melinda Watts)
Seen in Jenny's flashback to the cruel treatment her Grandmother gave her as a child (542).Andrew's daughter, nearly shot by Joan when she lets herself into Andrew's flat after his death (634). Joan notices a car following her and Jenny next day, and directs her to drive to a police station (635). The actress' name is spelt Derneen in the credits. Called by Joan when Shane has a cold (470). An ex prisoner who has an argument with Ann in a bar, adding the perfect touch at the end of the disastrous blind date arranged by Pamela Madigan (656).Bea Smith's solicitor, consulted by her in (332). He sees her again in (371) over her court appearance for her murder of Nola McKenzie. Sonia Steven's lover and accomplice, who visits her in (395). Joan Ferguson tells Sonia in (396) that he has been killed by the police, and their stash of money recovered. Lexie Patterson's real mother, introduced in a particularly pointless scene with her friend Mabel in (589). As this scene has no connection with anything that has gone before, the audience is left to guess why we should be interested in two old tarts reminiscing about the good old days. Commits an unspecified crime to get inside Wentworth to be with Lexie. Poisoned by Lou Kelly. Escapes from prison and sets a trap which catches Harry Bassinger. Released (620). As a treat for the women, sends a male stripper on the back of a van to park outside the gates (624). The sex dummy Alice receives in the post (675) is also supposed to be a present from Jessie.Shop owner called Mr Aldridge in dialogue who has bought Val's jeweller's shop, making it harder for Bea to find her old mate while she is on the run (32). Thanks to Steve West of Blockade Magazine for sending a typed list of credits which identifies the correct character name and actor's name.Social researcher admitted to Wentworth at Ted Douglas' insistence (348) to try to make an evaluation of both prisoners and staff. Joan Fergsuon becomes suspicious of her, especially when she sees Ted Douglas arrive for a secret meeting with her in solitary (351) and to head off any accusations against herself, she establishes that Jill was never sentenced and passes the information on to Nola McKenzie so that she will expose her as a spy to the other women. When Jill realises the women know about her, she asks to be let out for her own protection (353). Daughter of Carol and Des, held at knifepoint by mother after killing her husband (373). Joan Ferguson's maternal side comes to the fore when she visits Jilly in the children's home (376) and takes her to the zoo (377). Resident at the halfway house, thrown out by Alice Dodds (404-405). Miraculous son of Joyce and Norm, since when Joyce comforts Meg after her rape by Peter Wright, she confides in Meg that she and Norm cannot have children! He is not seen until after Joyce has left Norm for Mervin, and Norm is gravely ill in hospital (580). He makes plain his disapproval of Joyce's relationship with Mervin, comparing Mervin unfavourably with Norm (though to the unbiased eye they are much of a muchness). He is reconciled with his mother by (617-618) when he returns for Joyce's wedding to Mervin. Arrives at Wentworth as Deputy Governor from Pentridge prison, after service in Vietnam. More details.Director (?) of a TV documentary shot inside Wentworth, arranged for its PR value by Ted Douglas (356) but used by Nola to make drugs contacts with an old friend. At the early stage in her career when Helen Smart is still working the streets, this shady character seems to be her pimp and supplies drugs for Kerry Vincent (123). The actor is not credited, so I may have identified him wrongly.Fay Quinn's visitor in (341), passing money to her and throwing tobacco over the fence for her to collect.Alias "The Freak". More detailsOne of the delinquent girls who takes part in the rehabilitation program (568). Her offence was shoplifting. Nikki Lennox persuades her to rob a chemist's shop. Joanna falls and twists her ankle and Nikki runs off, leaving her to take the blame (569).Prison Officer. First credited as Junior Officer Riley (347) and (355). Seen at Colleen's leaving party (456), on the picket line during the officers' strike (475). Tied up by Lou Kelly during her escape (491).Arrives at Wentworth (at the same time Kate Peterson is transferred) on a charge of unlicensed driving (273). Susie believes Joanne to be her mother but eventually finds out the truth. Joanne comes to take Susie from the halfway house to live with her family (302). Sarah West's foster mother (662-664). Replacement officer for Jim Fletcher during his leave after his wife and kids are killed (114), or that is how he is first introduced, though Jim returns to work almost straight away and is there at the same time as Jock. Thoroughly nasty and sinister with a deep growling voice. He slaps Doreen around to try to persuade her to sell her house, and when Sharon Gilmore threatens to tell Erica, he kills Sharon by pushing her down a flight of stairs (116). He is suspended (119), but later tracked down by Judy Bryant when she escapes and traces him by working in a massage parlour (171)-(172). He is arrested and supposedly serves a sentence in Pentridge, though it is only about a year later when Judy comes across him again at a race meeting just after she is paroled (255). He tries to blackmail her, then breaks into her flat and rapes her (258) Judy gets her revenge "for Sharon, for Dor, for me and all the other women" by refusing to help him when he falls down a flight of stairs after chasing her out of her flat. We find out that he has been crippled and wil spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Halfway house resident involved in an argument over TV (405-406). Tracey Morris' boyfriend. when she visits him after being bailed from Wentworth, she overhears Joe telling another member of McNally's gang that he can't stand her and was only using her as a courier for drugs (146). His surname is mentioned in (147) but I'm not sure how it should be spelt - Valler? Valla? Valour?One of the men playing poker with Des Coulson (373). Nancy's husband. After seeing his casual treatment of his wife, we learn that he has a girlfriend and is about to leave Nancy. Before he can do so, he is involved in an argument with his son Peter, which develops into a fight. Joe falls and hits his head on a coffee table, killing him (589)-(591). Current occupant of Miss McBride's old house, who tells Doreen she has died when she visits in (70).Impersonates a policeman in the fake transfer of the male prisoners, along with Billy Vinton. The attempt is foiled by Dennis and Joan, and one of the conspirators is shot by Joan (518) The mechanic who comes to Wentworth to fix the dryers broken by Brandy Carter. She offers sexual favours in return for payment and booze (376). One of the men who visits Wentworth to meet Pixie after replying to her personal ad (402). Anita Selby's friend in the peace movement, who visits her to tell her about a trip to Geneva they could make together. Despite her vows, she is obviously tempted (530). Susie's last customer, as she gets away from him and her pimp Des by pretending to see the Vice Squad arriving to raid the premises (298). As the character's name is not used, "john" is possibly meant in the American sense?Represents Gordon Munroe at Shane's custody hearing (480). Apparently an Anglican curate visiting Wentworth, but really a drug dealer called John Patrick Forbes, passing drugs to Nola in a hollowed out Bible and LSD soaked prayer cards. He is eventually exposed by Joan Ferguson (360-361). Photographs Shane's bruises at Joan's request (474). Legal Aid lawyer known as Jack the Giant Killer, consulted by Bea over her compensation claim (389). Shadowy underworld character working for the McNally gang, who Kathy Hall is supposed to have seen in Paul Tranter's pawn shop arranging a drug drop. Although Kathy doesn't know who he is, her description of him allows Inspector Grace to identify him. He is supposed to be well built and blond, but when Terry Harrison is taken to see him he oddly turns out to be neither. He puts pressure on Terry to pass on information about transfers of prisoners (223), but then has Terry killed and flies off to Sydney so Inspector Grace can't arrest him (...erm..?). He turns up again posing as Sandy Edwards' laywer (244) and negotiates a deal with her whereby Sandy will recruit inmates to work as prostitutes on their release and in return Fitzwater will arrange the drug drop via the laundry deliveries. Sandy kills him in the interview room by stabbing him in the stomach (256).A client of Randi Goodlove's, who hires her for a business contact (404). TV news reporter who arrives on the scene to get the story about the siege when Wayne, Bazza and Margo are holding two old women hostage in their shop (184).Son of the wife of Hannah Simpson's father, who offers a deal to Hannah's solicitor to keep her evidence out of the court case (300). The teacher appointed to Wentworth to help Dianne Henley (356-357). Solicitor for Janet Dominguez. He tells her she is very likely to be extradited to the US, so she tells him to go ahead with the escape plan involving Ros (80).Hazel Kent's son, who visits her in Wentworth with his father and sister (188). He is brought by her husband to see her for the last time in (396), where the character's name is given in the credits as Johnny Coxcombe (which is probably a mistake for Goscombe, which is Hazel's husband's surname).Rosemary's employer at her restaurant job (399)

Updated ~ 03 March 2001