Colin Nicole
Male Guard (12)
Male Escort (468) Credit is actually Colin Nicoll
Victoria Nicolls
Heather Rogers (461)-(462), (464)-(484)

Gerda Nicolson
Roberts, Mrs (197)-(198)
Credited as Gerda Nicholson
Ann Reynolds For the exact episodes listing for this character, see the core cast page
Films: The Getting of Wisdom (1977)

Ellie Nielsen
Female Shopper (436)
Louise Mann (456)
Credited as Ellie Nielson
Debbie Stewart (615), (619), (622), (625-(626), (633)
Julie Nihill
Nurse (315) 
Lindy Peters (383)-(384)
Julian Noel
Backpack Cameraman (481)-(482)
Roger Nolan
John Goulding (404)
Mullins, Det (528)
SOG leader (551)
Ted Jones (656)
Helen Noonan
Receptionist (20), (39)
Wendy Scott (41), (63), (67)-(68), (75), (78)-(80), (84), (94), (105), (108), (115), (117)-(120), (123), (140), (142), (150), (153), (158), (169), (186), (189), (199), (218)-(222), (226), (228), (230)-(231), (234), (237), (242), (245), (250), (269), (275)-(277), (280)-(281), (285), (287)-(291)
Jessica Norton
Skeet (438)
Nurse (538)
George Novak
Truck Driver (stunt) (457)
Judy Nunn
Joyce Martin (40)-(48)
Publicity shot of Judy Nunn
Other soaps: The Box (Vicki Stafford); Home and Away (Ailsa)

Roger Oakley
Chris Young (344)-(351)
Other soaps: Home and Away (Tom Fletcher)
Publicity shot of Roger Oakley

Brendan O'Brien
Sleazy Agent (521)
Mal Winner (657)
Glenys O'Brien
New Prisoner (3) 
John O'Brien
Kensai Tamura (561), (563) Other soaps: Home and Away (Mr Pearce in the pilot episode)
Peter O'Brien
Tim Carter (436)
Publicity shot of Peter O'Brien
Di O'Connor
Policewoman (222)
Tess (340) Credited as Dianne O'Connor
Gladys (475)-(477)
Niall O'Donell
Health Official (641)
Jan O'Donnell
Boy's mother (3)
Marilyn O'Donnell
Muriel (13) 
Wanda (35)
Jim O'Donohue
Sinclair, VJ (522)
Freddie O'Farrell
Taxi Driver (478)
Gillian O'Flynn
Instructress (7)
Policewoman (38)
Michelle O'Grady
Bernie (680)
Jansis O'Hanlon
Reporter 1 (525)
Rob O'Hara
Shooting Gallery Attendant (468)
Photographer (525)
Tatiana Ohotin
Mandy (461)
Tony O'Keefe
Crean, Sgt (456)
Sarah Olcha
Policewoman (495)
Tom Oliver
Ken Pearce (104)-(106), (108)-(114), (116), (189)-(191) 
Publicity shot of Tom Oliver
Other soaps: Neighbours (Lou Carpenter)

Marie O'Loughlin
Sue Dennis (374)
Robert O'Neil
Driver (359)
Helen O'Neill
Nurse (6)

Updated ~ 09 June 2001