Questioning Ettie about the bank job (545). Conducting the Sunday service at Wentworth in (67).He leads the Sunday service at Wentworth, during which Franky goes on the roof to throw herself off (11). Nurse at Wentworth following Sister Franklin, though for a while the two characters alternate. First seen in (183) tending to Bea after she's been hit over the head in a fight in the dining room. In (238) she allows Kate to consult her medical books. Refuses to give Donna Mason anything stronger than aspirin for her withdrawal symptoms (298). Takes leave after getting kicked about by Paddy Lawson when she is inducted (304). Replaced by Neil Murray. The same actress appears later (460) as Sister Hall, which suggests several possibilities: a) she is meant to be a different character b) she has got married in the interim c) she has changed her name by deed poll d) the scriptwriters thought we would not notice. An even more evil psychiatrist than Peter Clements, Jonathan Edmunds is given permission to visit Wentworth to carry out experiments in behaviour modification. He is also an old flame of Ann's, which does not prevent him carrying on a parallel courtship of Meg Morris. After he has nearly succeeded in getting Cass Parker to kill Bobbie Mitchell through post hypnotic suggestion, he is found out when Colleen mentions his two timing to Ann. She goes to confront him, but finds his taped notes and plays them back. Judy has also asked Scott to investigate, and he writes to her that Jonathan was dismissed from the last clinic he worked at for exceeding his authority. Ann makes him reverse Cass' conditioning, then calls the police (448-455).Mervin's "English" opponent for the stupid cookery contest (578).With Det Thorn questioning Joan about robbery of finance house (692) and present when he arrests her. At the clinic where Meg goes for an abortion, but changes her mind (508). Daughter of Marcia Huntley, the woman who claims to be Lizzie Birdsworth's daughter (118). Last seen in (140) when Lizzie visits her in hospital after an operation, and later in the episode she is brought to Wentworth to see Lizzie before she is taken to Chicago for further medical treatment.Bea has to explain to him that her column on sex in prison was not true (291).Doreen's high school friend, who she tries to hold up in a supermarket to get back in Wentworth, but her friend just thinks it's a huge joke (436). Wouldn't it have been more sensible to try to hold up a complete stranger?First seen in (29) making snide remarks about Vera and Ann Yates, and is escorting Susan Rice when Doreen attacks her. Intermittent appearances thereafter, but usually used where a minor officer has several scenes with a fair amount of dialogue, for example in episodes (43) (63) (74) (113) and later. Her first appearance after a long absence in (297) and she is intermittenly credited as a support officer from then on. She is first credited just as "Joyce" for (471), but it is a little while after this that she becomes a more regular character. There is a mysterious reference in (455) to Joyce Barry's marriage: this can only be to Norm, who appears in the next episode at Colleen's leaving party, though many years earlier her husband had been called Terry. Are they already married, and why has Joyce always been credited as Officer Barry, when Norm's surname is later revealed to be Barry also? Did Joyce marry Norm so she wouldn't have to change her name, or did he take hers? Norm's death, when their son Jim turns up. Marries Mervin Pringle, thus revealing an unhealthy taste for weedy (if not outright camp) husbands. Hospitalized after being bashed by Eve Wilder. Returns to duty in a "Bea Smith" wig that later saw duty for Kath Maxwell's escape. Full name: Joyce Dierdre Martin. Imprisoned for receiving stolen goods (40). Recognises the recently appointed Jim Fletcher from visiting her husband Harry in Pentridge. She tells the other women she is the only person who knows where the proceeds of her husband's last job are hidden. When she refuses to tell him, he attempts to snatch her from Wentworth, injuring Jim in the process (41). Joyce cuts Monica in on the money if she will move to another place when she is released on parole, but Monica is able to give the key to the safety deposit box back in person when she is brought back for assaulting her husband Fred. The key goes missing from Joyce's cell and is hidden in the toilet block by Blossom. After Jim has carried out the con on Blossom Crabtree, the scriptwriters deal with Joyce by transferring her to D block - the last time she is seen is in an interview with Jean Vernon when she rejects any offer of rehabilitation or training courses (48).Associate of Ronnie Willis (680) Sentences Catherine Roberts to three years' imprisonment (22) At Karen's retrial (24-25). Melinda Crosse's trial (53?) Credited as Judge, but actually the chairman of Karen's parole board (54?). At Toni McNally's trial (63). At the trial of Sharon Gilmour, Tony Reid and the others (94). In (102), the same actor is credited as Magistrate for Tony's trial for assault, and refers to the earlier trial in a way that suggests he is supposed to be the same person. Surely he can't be both a Judge and a Magistrate?The only speaking character of the three judges at Pat O'Connell's appeal (110). These scenes seem to have been shot in a chapel rather than a courtroom: Pat looks like she is giving evidence from a pulpit, and the judges' bench appears to be a choir stall.At the eventual trial of Caroline Simpson and Vivienne Williams (114).At Gail Summers' trial (133).Sentences Lizzie to five years for killing Kay White (150).At Lizzie's appeal against her sentence for the manslaughter of Kay White. However, the actor credit is wrong: this is not the same actor as in the original trial in (150). The actor who really plays the judge looks familiar, but I can't place him...At Mum and Bea's trial (203)-(204).At Michelle Parks' trial (212)-(213).Sentences Kate Peterson to 10 more years for fraud, conspiracy to commit perjury and drug trafficking (268). One of the shortest trials on record, it appears to be over within a single afternoon!At Carol Lewis's trial for the manslaughter of her husband Doug (284).Dismisses the arson and murder charges against Barbara Fields (306). The character is not listed in the credits so I may have misidentified the actor.Pixie's trial (380) At Sharon Smart's trial (388). At Petra's trial (398) At Judy's trial for murdering Hazel (410-411).At Myra's trial (446). As the whole OB budget is being blown on the "Sonia, Bobbie and Joan in Sydney" plot strand, this has to take place in the corner of a very small room.At Rachel Milsom's trial (472). At Peter Wright's trial (512). At the custody hearing where Lorelei loses Zoe to the Hoskings (655). A legal expert hired to explain to Judge Wallen Ida's use of the term "tinny" (638). Judith-Anne Watkins (Kim Deacon)
Mum's granddaughter, and the only member of her family to take any interest in her (5). Visits her in Wentworth to reveal she is pregnant, and shortly afterwards moves into a flat with Mum after her release. When Bea seeks refuge with them when she is on the run, she uses all of Mum's savings to buy a disguise for Bea just to get rid of her (32). Reintroduced in (61) when Mum's health deteriorates and she is due to give birth. Karen Travers is persuaded to move in and look after her while Mum is in hospital. She gives birth to a son (66) and is reconciled with her mother. Both she and Mum go back to live in the family house (67).One of the major characters over a long stretch, both as a prisoner and on the outside running halfway houses. More details .Offers Dot a newspaper in hospital waiting room (476). The waiter at the expensive restaurant where Greg takes Karen in (61).Friend of Mrs Hanlon, who calls on her only to find her tied up in a shed by Bea Smith (357). Business partner of Sarah Forrest, who tries to dissuade Jim from investing in their interior design business (150). After Sarah's true identity as escaped convict Jacki Nolan has been revealed, he comes into conflict with Jim Fletcher over their differing methods in the attempt to get her freed from prison (159).Camp credit in (533). I suspect someone is having a bit of fun here, as the character isn't named in the dialogue: he's the caterer who tells Matt's father his canapes are imported."Friend" of Joyce Martin, who visits her in (41) to try find out where the money is hidden, after Joyce gets Martha Eaves to contact her by telegram. She is the girlfriend of Mac, one of the original gang and is acting on his behalf. Martha then contacts her again and gets her to visit in (43) to try to find out for herself where the money is hidden. Julie seems to be the brains behind the attempt to kidnap Monica, and is arrested with the other members of the gang in (44) after the plan has misfired and they kidnap Lynn Warner by mistake.The housewife whose house Susie unluckily chooses to seek refuge in after she escapes from hospital. Mr Cameron turns out to be a policeman and when he returns home he already knows Susie's description and recognises her as an escapee (271).The third of Wentworth's receptionists, and the quietest. Although she appears fairly consistently between (151) and (161) and again (172)-(173), she is usually silent, and her first credit is not until (245). Perhaps her longest speech - certainly her most memorable - is in (320): "Reception? WHAT!!! Mrs Morris, one of the women has hung herself". Final credit in (365), by which time a silent receptionist called Coral takes up residence behind the desk.One of the prisoners transferred from Barnhurst after the fire (537). Transferred to Barnhurst after her wedding (628). Andrew Reynolds' wife, who arrives back from a trip overseas to find Erica in his office tenderly fondling his shoulder (135). She evidently regards this as grounds for a divorce, and tells Andrew their marriage is over.Credited in (409).Wife of Hugh Bennett, Belinda Johns' Braille teacher (428) The prisoner who pops into the laundry to give the women news that the cake for Lizzie's surprise party is ready. The same actress appears again as a prisoner called June with the surname Guthrie when her husband Greg come to visit her in the new conjugal suite (189).Wife of Roger Harris, the bus driver for the Glee Club trip (434). Ivan and June Hoskings are a couple who look after Zoe while Gran is in hospital, but they decide to keep her and apply for custody (652). Mrs Hosking does not appear after this episode. Buying a wedding dress in Mr Schumann's shop (420). At Karen Travers' retrial (25). Note the desperate attempts to conceal that the "jury" here is an economy version! Only six jury members are in shot at any one time, and it is the same six people shifted back and forth between one end of the jury bench and the other. At Toni McNally's trial (63).At Gail Summers' trial (133). Not a misprint for Norman - the jury "foreman" is a woman.At Peter Wright's trial (512). At Lorelei's trial (652), but credited in error for (651). TV reporter, interviews the Minister about Julie's wedding (628). Arrives at Wentworth in (1), along with Lynn Warner. Flashbacks in Psycho style show how she stabbed her lover in the shower after his persistent verbal and physical abuse. Franky Doyle takes a fancy to her, but she rejects her when Franky mistakes her willingness to teach her to read. Greg Miller, an old flame, happens to be the prison doctor, and he tries to persuade her to better herself. Eventually she attends university on day release. Her tutor, the sinister Peter Clements, is allowed to do research on the women. Released on parole and stays with a friend of her mother's, then a lesbian civil rights lawyer, who persuades her to set up the first halfway house. Renews affair with Greg Miller. Moves in with Mum when granddaughter is pregnant. Shot by Pat O'Connell's son in mistake for Greg, and she suffers extensive injuries from gunshot and glass fragments. Last seen in hospital when she regains consciousness (80), and she and Greg make plans to move away and get married.Social worker for the project where four teenage delinquents are put inside Wentworth to be "scared straight" (568).Neighbour of the Kipmans' who calls the police after recognising Merle (672). Doctor jailed for killing husband Conrad. Kills Sandy Edwards. Goes mad and is transferred to psychiatric hospital. More details.One of Lou Kelly's cronies, and involved with some of her scams, but as an informer and messenger rather than as a heavy. First seen in (514). Last credit for (557). Credited in (540) as Cath not Kath.Introduced as a friend of Bob Moran as his dinner guest with her husband Alan (601). Bob and Alan served together in Vietnam and as a result of Alan's exposure to defoliants, Kath's daughter Linda was born handicapped and suffering considerable pain. Kath calls Bob to help her after she kills Linda to end her pain and he advises her to give herself up to the police (...). Brought to Wentworth, persecuted by the women, starts dealing coke with Janet Williams, Joan transfers Merle Jones from another block to act as her bodyguard, has breakdown after overdoing the coke (634), Rodney Adams, trial, snatched from prison, casino while Rita is away, becomes top dog, Spider Simpson, shop, recruited by Ronnie Willis to frame Marty Jackson for supplying heroin to Spike Marsh, leaves Merle behind when she escapes, escapes from guard Matt Denson after killing his brother, recaptured trying to get Merle out of Ingleside. Inducted on her return to Wentworth as Katherine Lorraine Maxwell (687). Rita prevents her committing suicide after Merle rejects her Does a deal with Rita over the videotape for the documentary. Teacher Tom effects reconciliation with Merle, named by Rita as her successor as top dog. Intriguing character, largely due to fine acting from Kate Hood. As written, the character is required to change from goodie to baddie and back again with bewildering speed, but the actress manages to make her character at once repellent and sympathetic: for once, the "middle class prisoner" fights back. Character developed out of one of the background prisoners, who is initially credited just as "Prisoner". The earliest credit as "Kathleen" is (30) and from there are occasional appearances such as in (46), where Toni McNally pays her to work the press for her, and in (57) and (66) where the actress is credited as Penelope. Ros Coulson is put in to share a cell with her in (80) and she becomes involved in Ros' escape attempt with Janet Dominguez. She is questioned by the police about the escape and disappears a few episodes later (89). She returns in (143) looking and behaving like a tart, supposedly on a four week sentence for drunk and disorderly conduct, but in fact put inside to look after Tracey Morris by her boyfriend Joe and his "employer". Last appearance (149)?

Updated ~ 20 July 2008