Maxine's sister, married to Roger. Introduced when Maxine returns home. Unfortunately she seems to be a shopaholic and runs up huge debts, and Maxine tries to help by doing a payroll snatch with Spud. Her ungrateful sister shops Maxine to the police, and later visits her in WDC to tell her she's pregnant (374). When Maxine is on the run and trying to find somewhere to stay (389), she phones her sister and is turned down, but this is a voice only and the actress (whoever it is) is neither seen nor credited.Judy's ex-lover (prior to Sharon). Judy seek shelter with her after she escapes from hospital (131), but Pauline begs her to give herself up and eventually tells the police where they can find her (132).Robbed by Wayne, Margo and Bazza after he's collected the wages for a shoe factory from the bank. They have to take him with them in the car after the girl he's with turns out to be a martial arts expert and fights back (183).Madam in the massage parlour where Jackie Coulson had worked (63). She appears again (73) when Ros escapes from Wentworth and is looking for somewhere to stay.Halfway house resident (399).Prostitute, examined by Neil Murray (307). She also has a run-in with Joan, when she accuses her of "perving" on her when she catches Joan watching her getting dressed. Released from Wentworth and goes straight back on the streets to become the first victim of black gloved killer (309).Accosted by Doreen while she is on the run dressed as a nun. Her collecting tin only prompts him to give her a long sob story of his own, and she can only persuade him to part with 5 cents. When Pat visits her son David in Pentridge, she sees him beaten up by this officer (75). The character is not credited, so I may have misidentified the actor.Amateur video cameraman at Joyce and Mervin's wedding reception (618), seen again in (621).Maggie Kennedy's solicitor (373).When Paul Reynolds is in hospital after being shot (423).When Shane is trying to get someone to help get his dog out of the drain, this man is about the only person to stop for him. Unfortunately, he seems more interested in helping himself, and strokes Shane's hand and asks him to climb in (470).Rodney's drugs contact in the car park during a shopping trip with Kath and Merle (663).First seen in (511) in the factory where Bobbie serves her apprenticeship. Eventually they fall in love and they become engaged. The man in a coffee bar who rescues Shane from being tormented by a gang of kids and takes him home. This is a case of "out of the frying pan...", as he offers to show Shane some "artistic" photos. Shane escapes by throwing a painful of boiling milk in his face (527).Kath's solicitor, who advises her to plead insanity at her trial (637). He also appears in (638) uncredited.Psychology lecturer introduced in (44) when Karen Travers gets study release. He gets inside the prison by pretending to want to study the inmates, but he is equally interested in probing the reasons for Vera's frigidity or Jim's phobia. Completely messes up Doreen by questioning her about her lesbian relationship with Frankie Doyle.Husband of Pauline, the ex-lover of Judy's who gives her shelter while she is on the run (132).Sally's husband. He seems to think that a woman's place is in the home, and his is as far away from it as possible. Her drinking and maltreatment of their daughter Michelle lead him to threaten to leave her. He unwisely attempt this manoeuvre just before getting out of the car at the airport. Not surprisingly, Sally screws up her face in that way she has and aims the car at him (313)-(316). He survives, as he turns up at Wentworth after Sally's suicide attempt and agrees to help her get off the charge and come back to the family (320).Credited in (476): possibly the reporter who visits Reb posing as her brother.Tracey Bulman's solicitor (369).Doreen's lonely hearts column penpal. She is allowed a day on the outside accompanied by Erica to explain to him that she is a prisoner (192). He says he doesn't mind, but after Vera makes fun of Doreen, she calls him Peter No-Hope and decides not to see him again. He meets Doreen again in Erica's office and their parting is reasonably amicable (194).Transfers Reb to hospital after her beating by Marie Winter (472).One of the three boring men on the disastrous triple blind date set up by Pamela Madigan for herself, Ann and Meg (656).First seen wheeling his bike away from a cafe where Reb has just been seen for the last time (589), providing a bizarre link to the story of Nancy and her family. Peter attempts to protect his mother from his father's rages, but when he hits out and his father injures himself fatally on a coffee table, he allows his mother to take the blame. She is eventually imprisoned for her husband's murder (593), though Peter later tries to get the police to take his own confession seriously (595). Peter visits Nancy in prison (602) to tell her he is giving up University to pay for a better solicitor and again in (624) with the shock revelation that he about to get married. Nancy realises he is beating his wife just as his father had beaten her, and she co-operates with the police in getting him to confess to killing his father (650).Jenny Hartley's first lawyer (553-558).A boy hiding in the roof of the house the women are doing up to be used an attendance centre. Doreen discovers him and immediately takes a fancy to him (228). He tells the women he is on the run after his friends involved him in a robbery as a getaway driver, and Bea urges him to give himself up and have a talk to Meg who is a parole officer at this stage. When the police arrive at the house after a complaint, Peter runs off and Doreen follows. When Meg finds their hideout, she tells Doreen Peter isn't wanted by the police, but Doreen keeps this to herself and the two hide out in Sid's house until Doreen is persuaded to surrender. He visits Doreen in prison (234).Playing himself in (578). A celebrity cookery program introducer type of person, but in this case the judge of the cookery contest entered by Mervin.Nazi extremist who tries to shoot Hannah Geldschmidt inside Wentworth (456).Ex member of the cult joined by Helen Smart's sister Sharon (382).Reporter alerted to Julie's wedding by Jessie (628).Angel's friend. When he visits her in prison (481), she has developed a grudge against Meg and blackmails him into raping Meg by threatening to reveal details of his other rapes to the police. He and Trog force their way into Meg's house and rape her (483). Myra finds out about Angel's involvement and roughs her up to find the names of Peter Wright's other victims. He is eventually tried (512) and found guilty.Peter Wright (facsimile) (Andy Meldrum)
Credit in (488). Completely mysterious... I have no idea what this credit can possibly mean.Priest who visits Lyn's parents to express his disapproval, making Lyn's father defend her (10) Brought to Wentworth on remand for her father's murder (383). She is quickly drafted in to help teach the women, but when she hears about the new doctor, Scott, she deliberately drops an iron on her foot to get to see him (385). It turns out that they know each other and he has taken the job at Wentworth only to be near her. Their secret is pretty soon known by most of the women, and other secrets follow. In (386) she tells Lizzie that her father was sexually abusing her and was beginning to make advances to her younger sister Emma. What she does not tell Lizzie is that it was really Emma who killed their father. When Emma is found drowned (389), Scott urges Petra to change her story and save herself, but she refuses and is given a life sentence at her trial (398). Petra and Scott are married in Wentworth (404) and she is about to go for an appeal when a mistrial is declared and she is released (407). If any of this sounds familiar, it is a shameless rehash of earlier plotlines, but particularly of the relationship of Karen Travers and Greg Miller.Defence counsel at Lou Kelly's trial for attempted shooting of Joan (534).Reporter on City Probe who exposes Craven after his death: an irritating performance, peppered with silly joky American and German accents (676-677).Totally dreary social worker, who speaks his lines in a pronounced American drawl best imitated by clenching a pillow between the teeth (e.g. "Auwnnn Meyaguh"). Introduced during prison strike, and his seedy attempts to get Meg into bed are inadequately disguised as "caring" and "empathetic", and he does not desist from these puny assaults even after Meg is raped. Stays on as voluntary social worker. Tries to help Bobbie Mitchell. Affair with Meg. Shot by Brian Lowe, and not a moment too soon (475-499). One of the most gratifying scenes is where Lou Kelly belts him with a baseball bat during an escape attempt (490).Jo Slater's husband. He comes to visit her in (275)Travelling salesman who offers to take Chrissie Latham on a trip with him until he finds out that she is intending to bring Elizabeth with them (286).Kath's solicitor (638)? Does she have two, or is this one the replacement for Peter Bladen in the previous episode?Visits Wentworth to meet Pixie after replying to her personal ad (402).Pleasant customer in the restaurant where Joan works as functions manager - but see Esther Wilson for a different reaction to Joan's "customer care" skills (681).One of the men conned by Pixie, as she flits from one to the other promising to marry them all - and probably meaning it (377)-(378). In (382) he is referred to as Pixie's second husband. Judy's barrister at her trial for Hazel's murder (410-411).Barbara Fields' lover, who suggests the land deal for which she "borrows" money from George Logan's safe (302). Acts as her solicitor and go-between while she in Wentworth (310) but after arranging to have Joan's private diaries stolen from her house, he gives them to Barbara in return for a signed statement that he knew nothing about any business deal before the factory burnt down (321).Shows Bella Albrecht to her cell (51). Puts Doreen to work in the garden and sees her put a fork in her foot (55). Credited in (60) and appears uncredited after this from (72) up to at least (161). The same actress was credited in (50) as "Officer".Sam Greenway's real mother. Sam believes her to be dying and escapes in order to visit her, but when she meets her in (517), her mother rejects her completely. When Shane is in hospital after the drain incident. She allows Joan to see him, even though forbidden by Shane's father (472).Helps Meg to get a likeness of Peter Wright after she reports the rape (484). Takes the photograph of Mr Strachan and Susie Driscoll which will be used in the advert for his pizza parlour (284).With the press for the dance marathon (479). With the reporters at the gate asking about Ettie's release (524).With the reporters outside Meg's house when Ettie is released (525)>For Matt and Marlene's wedding (533).Police photographer who takes a photo of Lou Kelly dead in solitary (616).Prisoner who makes occasional appearances between (49) and (460). More details.Trying to help Sid after his stroke (175).Outside Wentworth during the officers' strike (476).One of the only black (Afro-American) actors ever to appear in Prisoner (7) and what is he? Once again, crude and lazy stereotyping gains the upper hand over its usual liberal values.

Updated ~ 11 August 2001