In the hotel where Lizzie stays after being released when the arson charge against her is dropped. He helps her to bed when she becomes incapable (251), but reports her to the manager when he finds out she has no money to pay her bar tab (252).Union Representative. First seen during the officer's strike. He tells Joan the dirt on Len Murphy (509). "Conman" who takes all of Lizzie's money, though he hardly has to do much more than spin a sob story about wanting to buy his wife a present before Lizzie is pressing wads of cash on him (251).Cookie's philandering husband, seen smuggling a girl "young enough to be his daughter" out of the house (316). The "girl" (who isn't credited) actually looks a bit older than that. Later turns out to be having an incestuous relationship with is daughter Kerry, and makes her pregnant. Oddly, it seems not to occur to anyone to report him to the police, so he appears to get away with raping his own daughter (321).Judith-Anne visits him to get Val's current address so Bea can track her down (33).Shows Angela Jeffries and Karen possible premises for the halfway house (61).Stroppy woman customer in the restaurant where Joan works, causing her to lose her temper and her job (681). This scene will gladden the heart of anyone who has worked with the public and longed to tell them exactly where to get off. Full name: Ethel May Parslow. Long term prisoner shifted from place to place. First appears transferred from Barnhurst in (514) and swiftly establishes her character by her puzzlement that female warders should have men's names (Morris and Barry). Due to the efforts of Jan Grant, who realises that Ettie has never even had a trial, she is released and awarded compensation (524). At first she moves in with Meg, who arranges for her to move into a retirement village (530). She cannot settle and commits a series of crimes to be sent back to Wentworth. Eventually contacts Lionel Fellowes who uses her as a diversion for another bank job. Shoots a policeman by accident (545) and is sent to Wentworth on remand (which she initially, and understandably, mistakes for Barnhurst). Delivers a message to Fellowes for Ruth Ballinger, but messes it up, thus sealing Ruth's fate. When she is found guilty and given 2 year's probation (559), she is released a second time, and uses her money to buy a block of flats as accommodation for wayward girls, and Ann Reynolds goes to help her there while she is on leave of absence. She is seen in (594) talking to Ann about Roach Waters and her boyfriend Bongo Connors, but her last appearance is in (600) when she tries to deliver a birthday present to Julie Egbert at Wentworth.Lyn's mother, who seems more concerned with her social standing in the local community than her daughter's problems (10-11) Doctor at the nursing visited by Lizzie in the hope of seeing Sid, but he's away visiting his son. He gives her a bed for the night when she returns later extremely drunk (187).Arch manipulator, jailed for murder of her lover still protesting her innocence. More detailsHomoeopathic poisoner ... or is she? (175) to (179).Seen when Joan takes Shane to Luna Park (468). This credit wins the "Most Unusual Job Title in Prisoner Credit Sequences" award: runner-up "Hash Slinger". One of the two policemen in a patrol car who happen to stop to inspect Col Bourke's van outside the Woods (34), and panic him into taking Mrs Woods hostage (35) .Gives Willie and May a lift after they have "escaped" on their way to Barnhurst - though Willie has to ride in the back of his truck (583)On the psychiatric panel assessing Daphne Graham (563). A visitor for Joy Andrews at Wentworth, allowing Russell Tyler to get inside by pretending to be a member of the family (366). Tends Lisa after her suicide attempt (659) and talks to Rita after her tests (686). While she is referred to here as Sister Fawcett, she is credited as Sister Morgan.Tall lanky prisoner, a crony of Lou Kelly's. First seen tormenting Barbie in (594). Also credited (598-599), (601). First appearance in (285): the writers decide just to drop her into a crowd scene then have her talk to Judy and Doreen in the dining room as if she's always been there. By (287) she's operating as the prison bookie, replacing Margo who's just been transferred to Barnhurst. She is beaten up by Lil and Phyllis for not paying out (288), finds out her money has been stolen and is taken off the book by Joan (291). She finds out Margo has replaced her (313). Transferred to another block (?). When she is transferred back (340), she is pressurized by Nola McKenzie to front for her insurance racket and provide cash for Nola's deals. She is released in (346) after Joan has forced her to lag on Nola's dealing, and goes to live with mother, but can't keep away from her old racing mates. One of them arranges a cleaning job for her and she gets an inside tip from another cleaner (347). Her sister Glynis forbids her to see her nephew Billy (349) and she leaves to live in the halfway house, where she tells Judy that Billy is really her son (350) She involves her old mate Snow in stealing the videos from her place of work, but she is caught, returned to Wentworth and transferred to D block (352).The two police officers handling the case of Ruth Ballinger, who they escort to Wentworth in (538). They insist that Ann indulges Ruth's every whim (including installing a phone with an outside line in her cell) so that they can get information on her husband's drug empire. Their conflict with Inspector Grace over the handling of the siege, and their smug satisfaction when his attempts to end it go wrong (551-553), must be seen as partly to blame for the deaths of Tammy and Myra.Seen after Sally Demspter runs over her husband (317). (Why a Federal Policeman for such a crime?) Credited in (545). Possibly something to do with either Ruth Ballinger or Ettie's bank job.At the employment agency where Karen tries to find a temporary job after her release (57).When Pippa narrowly escapes falling victim to a hit and run driver (567). "Pro-life" agitator holding a banner outside the court at Kath Maxwell's trial (638). Spotted by a store detective and arrested for shoplifting, ruining Doreen's attempt to get nicked for the same thing and get back into Wentworth (436). Helen Smart's solicitor (396). Joan's father. Joan's brother Brian (a shadowy figure who never makes an appearance) is supposed to be the ideal son and Joan feels she is not as important in her father's eyes and is constantly trying to prove herself to him. He is first seen when visiting her and being shown round the prison (363), and she feels rejected by him when he ignores her at dinner in favour of Colleen and Meg (364). He visits again in (423), while Joan is Acting Governor, and sees her humiliation by the women when Erica inspects Wentworth. He is kidnapped by Gary Wilder, Reb Kean's partner in crime, as part of a plot to free Reb (424). He goes with her for tests to Sydney (445)-(446) and is diagnosed as having leukaemia. Visits Joan to offer support after her sacking and for custody fight over Shane (475). Joan is called to his bedside in hospital in (522) where he dies.After Ann is beaten up, and also arresting Ted Douglas at the airport (382). The credit actually reads "Flight Arranger". Even if this is a misspelling (and not a reference to Julie's LSD trip), it is hard to see what he could possibly have arranged in the way of fights: the nearest is Julie's tussle for the knife with Nancy (625).From Internal Affairs investigating Det. Sgt. Ryan for corruption. He interviews Helen Smart, and arranges bail for her (286).When Joan's kitchen is torched by Lionel Fellowes (554).Called to Wentworth for the siege (550)Examines the aftermath of the cell fire started by Doreen and eventually finds another fire extinguisher full of Lizzie's grog (285).Rescuing Joan, Paddy and Bea from the roof during the fire (327).Called to the fire during the riot in (467)Called to the fire during the riot in (467). Also credited as Fireman in (554) when Joan's kitchen is torched.Called to Wentworth for the siege (550)Fitzwater
Later credited as John Fitzwater.At the TV studio where Mervin's cookery contest takes place (578).Alice's mother, who gives Lou refuge at her farmhouse while she is on the run (608) but plots with her son Sean to get rid of her. Lou kills them both in (611). Erica Davidson's mother. Erica visits her in (208) when she is ill which leads to much argument as Florence evidently prefers Erica's brother James. She collapses answering the phone at the end of the same episode and dies in (209) during an operation after suffering a cerebral thrombosis. The doctor tells Erica that her mother's apparent coldness towards her children was due to her feelings of guilt after her first child died in an accidental fall.In the dining room at Wentworth (413). Associate of Auntie Harriet in Blackmoor (666). As with her friend Onions Brown, her name probably derives from her lack of interest in personal freshness.At Bob Morris' factory (204). Used to establish that Bob is interviewing for a vacant position, so that Meg can ask Bob to consider Nick for the job.Tells Don Page off for arriving late and says he won't be employing him again in future (220).Foreman at the factory where Rosemary briefly works (401). When Dot goes to hospital for tests (476). Rat faced heavy, with no redeeming features. Introduced as halfway house resident (373), but turns up in Wentworth without explanation in (384). Credited in (425), (436), (448), bashes Hannah Geldschmidt with Alice (453). She no sooner begins to get lines than she is revealed to have slit Sarah Higgins' throat (501), but the case is closed without anyone being charged for the murder. She is found wandering around stoned by Judy (502), beats up Pixie (506) and helps distribute Lou's drugs (512). Her last appearance is as a punchbag when Myra bashes Lou Kelly's heavies to isolate her (525).Judy's sister, who arrives from the States to surprise her in (335). She is immediately revealed (336) as conniving and insincere in her desire to get to know Judy better. She pretends to be Judy when Mr Askin calls at Driscoll, only to discover from him that her father's will is sound after all (337). When Judy finds out about her double dealing and Frances retaliates by insulting her, she attacks Frances, which is unfortunately witnessed by Erica who is making an ill-timed visit to Driscoll, thus putting Judy's parole at risk. She presses charges against Judy (338), but leaves for America before the case comes to court and the charges against Judy are dropped.Halfway house resident during Tony Berman's time (311)-(313). Mervin's (fake) French opponent in the absurd cookery contest (578). Drunken mate of Don Page. He and his friend Gerry try to get Don to come out and have a good time with them, but he has to stay in and look after the kids (220).Accomplice of Benny Mitchell in his attempt to snatch Hannah Simpson from court (289) and involved in the attempt to recover money from Hannah Simpson's mother (295). He and Benny accept payment from Duncan Campbell to give themselves up and take the blame.Grooming Uncle Arch's racehorse when he is approached by Jock Stewart to find out Judy's connection to Uncle Arch (256). Inspector of building work who goes to inspect Wentworth, but is kidnapped so that Michael Landon can go in his place to wire up bombs (386). Union official, first seen during strike after Joan's sacking (475)-(477), then negotiating over the blockade preventing food deliveries. Joan later complains to him about the rehabilitation scheme for juvenile offenders, but he tells her she must go along with it (559)-(569). Full name: Francis Joseph Burke. One of three male prisoners transferred to Wentworth (500). Rapes Pixie. Branded by Geoff and Myra. Escapes and kneecaps Dennis Cruickshank (556).Associate of Sean McNally, running the massage parlour in place of Jacki Coulson. Roslyn Couslon seeks refuge there after her escape, but Frank shops her to the police (73). The same actor had previously played Bert Lynch, also an associate of Sean McNally, in (60). It's possible this character was meant to be the same person, since the credits for this episode are incomplete and I have taken the character name from dialogue.Friend of Erica's and Director of Wentworth General Hospital. She uses her friendship to get him to consider Doreen for a job after her release (151)-(152).Takes a party of trainees around Wentworth - allowing Bea to escape by tagging along with the group as they leave (352). An associate of Lionel Fellowes who visits Ruth Ballinger in Wentworth (542). We learn in (547) in a conversation between Fellowes and George Costello that Frank Richards has been arrested. As his name was not one of the ones Ruth had been told to give the police, they are suspicious.Ken Roberts' business partner. He tells Ken his only chance to raise money is to sell his share of the business (22) Frank Thompson (Tom Lake)
Owner of the cafe who gives Karen a job as a waitress and sacks her later in the same episode (59).Sister at Wentworth who is seen uncredited from about (141). Her first credit is for episode (175), though in this case she hardly appears and certainly has no dialogue. The same part is played by Gael Andrews in (202) but is returned to the original actress in (214), when she attends to Sid after he has another stroke. She treats Alison Page after her attempted suicide by electrocution (217); tends to Linda Golman after her return from hospital (234); gives Bea aspirins for a headache (237) and has stronger painkillers stolen from her by Sandy Edwards (239); tends Steve Fawkner's burns after a fire extinguisher explodes (285).Although the character is usually played by Di Greentree, when Sister Franklin is called out to give Mum an insulin shot (202), she is played by Gael Andrews - who later plays Sister Johnston and Sister Hall.Full name: Frieda Joan Doyle. Takes a fancy to Karen Travers as soon as she arrives. Brother Gary dies in tractor crash. Escapes with Doreen. Shot dead by police (20). Freak
See Joan FergusonVan driver talking to the gate guard in (41) as Karen passes through the gate. He is surprised to find she killed her husband.One of the phony workmen who plant a gas canister to poison the men from Woodridge (510). At the printshop where Bea does her work release (315)-(321).Owner of the cafe where Nikki Lennox is waiting to meet Charlie Jackson (572).Owner of the chip shop where Rosemary gets a job, only to leave when he tries to grope her (397)-(398). Possibly the swiftest career change in the history of "Prisoner" - only three episodes ago the same actor was running a caravan park under the name of Mr Dixon.

Updated ~ 03 March 2001