EPISODES 1-25 * 26-50 * 51-75 * 76-100 * 101-



Neuzugänge (Newcomers)
22nd September 1997
Brutal hierarchies, oppressive restrictions, unpredictable moods: Life in prison is rough, particularly for Susanne Teubner (Cheryl Shepard), who is accused of the murder of her husband's mistress. As if that weren't enough, the attractive woman gets mixed up in the battles between the leaders of two rival groups: Ursula "Uschi" König (Barbara Freier) and Christine Walter (Katy Karrenbauer) fight with brutal methods.
Sieg oder Untergang (Victory or surrender)
29th September 1997
Governor Jutta Adler (Claudia Loerding) wants to put an end to the riot by force, when she has a new boss imposed on her: Evelyn Kaltenbach (Franziska Matthus) decides to negotiate and lets herself be exchanged for a hostage. But Jutta Adler undermines her plan.
Die Kindsmörderin (Child killer)
6th October 1997
Dr. Evelyn Kaltenbach, the attractive, liberal new institute chief, takes a stand against the prison officers. Her opponent Jutta Adler creates bad feeling against her in return. The young Martina Tielmann, an alleged child murderer, is brutally treated by the inmates. Prison officer Zoellner offers his protection to her - in return for sexual favours. 
Alles hat seinen Preis (Everone has their price)
13th October 1997
Double cross for Susanne: someone is trying to frame her as a drug addict. The Governor Dr. Evelyn Kaltenbach (Franziska Matthus) takes a firm grip on the problem of the drug trade in the prison. In a routine check, Susanne's (Cheryl Shepard) urine sample tests positive for drugs. But Katrin had earlier exchanged the sample with her own. When the dealer Dagmar (Kristiane Kupfer) plants another package of drugs on Susanne, which is found during the cell search, suspicions are confirmed. But Susanne has other worries: her appeal is rejected.
Mutterliebe (Motherlove)
20th October 1997
Zöllner's drug dealing business flourishes. He feels secure in the support he gets from Jutta Adler, who is in love with him. But it causes problems when Jutta wants more from him. Susanne loses the fight for custofy of her children.
Der Preis der Freiheit (The price of freedom)
27th October 1997
"Mutz" Korsch is soon to be released. She is happy, especially at the prospect of going to live with her daughter Gaby and her family. But her son-in-law Dieter causes unforeseen difficulties.
Unter Druck (Under pressure)
3rd November 1997
Gerhard Zöllner versorgt seit längerem die Knastdealerin Dagmar Friese mit Drogen. Durch Evelyns Personalkontrollen gerät er in ernste Schwierigkeiten und verliert das ihm anvertraute Geld für die Drogenbeschaffung. Jeanette findet das Geld in einem Mülleimer und versteckt es. Zöllner und Dagmar geraten in einen Streit, der tödlich endet...
Eine Leiche zuviel (One corpse too many)
10th November 1997
The prison officer Gerhard Zöllner (Wolfgang Fink) refuses to pay his gambling debts with Dagmar (Kristiane Kupfer). When she tries to pressurizes him, her gets tough with her. Not long after Zöllner is dead and it is Dagmar who finds him in the shower room with his throat cut. Christine Walter is standing over the body, wiping the blood from her hands. Walter protests her innocence, but Dagmar convinces her that nobody will believe it. The two women decide to get rid of the body and become unwilling accomplices. Jutta (Claudia Loerding) notices in the meantime that her colleague has disappeared. She is worried not only for his safety, but also because the prison key have gone missing. Jutta alerts the criminal investigation department. But if Walter didn't kill Zöllner, who did?
Liebesschwüre (Vows of love)
1st December 1997
Because Lollo loves Fuchs, there is trouble with Walter. Dagmar's (Kristiane Kupfer) murder of Zöllner is in danger of being exposed: Lollo (Isabella Schmid) has fallen in love with the investigating officer Fuchs (Rainer Frank). When she finds Zoellner's gold ring by accident, she gives it to Fuchs as a token of her love.
Die Entscheidung (The decision)
8th December 1997
A new prisoner is brought to block B: Caro Wagner (Friderikke Weber) is allegedly a political prisoner, but she is not all she seems to be. She is to persuade Seifert (Ana Fonell) to be chief witness during an important trial. Will the women unmask the informer? Meanwhile Vivi is in a bad way. She is pregnant with Zöllner's child. Under pressure from Christine Walter, she goes to an abortionist for a termination.
Der Verrat (Betrayal)
15th December 1997
Jeanette soll Caro für Jutta Adler ausspionieren und findet auch tatsächlich den versteckten Sender in Caros Zelle. Pflichtbewusst leitet Jutta den Sender an offizielle Stellen weiter, ohne zu ahnen, dass dadurch Caros Tarnung auffliegt. Tief enttäuscht von dem Verrat zieht sich Regine in die Isolation zurück. Auch ihr Sohn Michael kann Regine nicht von der Kronzeugenregelung überzeugen. Regine beginnt, ein Buch über ihr Leben zu schreiben...
Männer (Men)
22nd December 1997
The suggestion to create a "conjugal suite" in which the inmates can be together with their husbands, generates great excitement in block B. The opposite sex suddenly becomes the number one topic. Everyone hopes that the idea finds favour with the judicial authorities. Only Susanne (Cheryl Shepard) takes no part in the increasing hysteria, but continues to try to set straight her relationship with her daughter. Dr Beck comforts her and Susanne falls in love with the sympathetic doctor.
Die Versuchung (Escape attempt)
Das Christkind (The Christ child)
29th Dec 1997
Double episode? 
Martina's husband Alexander arrives in the prison disguised as a mechanic. He wants to help her to escape, but Martina hesitates. The secretary Sybille Mohr finds out about the escape plan from an anonymous phone call. [Martina möchte sich mit ihrem Mann Alexander aussöhnen. Doch ihre Freundin Gudrun erklärt Martina, dass Alexander sie nicht mehr liebe. Um so erstaunter ist Martina, als Alexander kurze Zeit später als Monteur verkleidet in Reutlitz erscheint und ihr vorschlägt, mit ihm zu fliehen...]

In the second episode: Nativity play in the prison. A child is found in the market garden. [Kurz vor Weihnachten findet Martina im Geräteraum der Gärtnerei ein neugeborenes Baby und schmuggelt es in ihre Zelle. Als Vivi das Kind entdeckt, will sie es unbedingt behalten. Das Kind kommt aber von einer Insassin, die nach der Geburt Selbstmord begangen hat. Susanne versucht, zwischen den Ge-fangenen und Evelyn zu ver-mitteln. Sie kann Evelyn davon überzeugen, dass das Baby noch zum Krippenspiel bleiben kann und dann zum Vater kommt...]

Prost Neujahr (Happy New Year)
12th January 1998
Walter und Vivi planen ihren Ausbruch. Die Silvesterfeier des Personals und die Abwesenheit der Anstaltsleiterin kommt ihnen dabei unverhofft zu Hilfe. Als Jutta entgegen den Anordnungen die Korken knallen lässt, überwätigt Walter Dahnke und entwendet seine Uniform und die Schlüssel zu allen Räumen. Pünktlich zum Silvesterfeuerwerk öffnen sich für Walter und Vivi die Schleuse zur Freiheit...
Überraschender Besuch (Urgent visit)
19th January 1998
After their escape from jail, Walter (Katy Karrenbauer) and Vivi (Annette Frier) have no idea where to go without cash or a getway car. Then Walter has a crazy idea: they hide themselves at house of the Jutta Adler (Claudia Loerding) - the "Vulture"!
Die letzte Hoffnung (The last hope)
26th January 1998
Mutz' Schwiegersohn Dieter Kaiser ist nach einem schweren Sturz vollständig gelähmt. Dieter bittet seine Frau Gaby mittels Zeichensprache, ihn sterben zu lassen. Verzweifelt fragt Gaby ihre Mutter zu Hilfe. Mutz besorgt zwar einige Fläschchen Methadon bei Dr. Beck, überlässt jedoch Gaby die Entscheidung. Als Jutta Dieters Todesanzeige liest, wird sie misstrauisch und schaltet die Polizei ein. Als Gaby verhaftet werden soll, opfert sich Mutz für ihre Tochter...
Bittere Wahrheit (The bitter truth)
2nd February 1998
Walter (Katy Karrenbauer) and Vivi (Annette Frier) return to block B, where Dagmar (Kristiane Kupfer) has become top dog. But the rivalries are interrupted: in the exact place where Zöllner is buried, new pipes are to be laid.
Altlasten (Rubbish heap)
9th February 1998
Martina (Katja Strobel) hardly her her son Olivier in her arms again, when Gudrun (Brit Gdanietz) takes him from her and threatens to harm the child if she doesn't get a safe conduct out. But the prison officers overpower Gudrun. Only an DNA analysis proves that Olivier is Martina's son. Now nothing stands in the way of her release. But just as Martina is saying goodbye to Mutz (Brigitte Renner) in the market garden, Zoellner's body is discovered. Again Martina is under suspicion of murder, and her release is postponed indefinitely. The inmates are now in a dilemma: on the one hand they do not want to see the innocent Martina fall victim to the law, on the other hand one the code of ethics forbids to them to betray the real perpetrator: Dagmar (Kristiane Kupfer). Then Vivi (Annette Frier) thinks of something which will give Martina a secure alibi.
Wahre Liebe (True love)
Vertrauensfrage (Question of betrayal)
Double episode
23rd February 1998

The title of episode 20 is probably meant as an allusion to the German programme "Wa(h)re Liebe", the magazine show on VOX about sex hosted by Lilo Wanders.

Lollo (Isabella Schmid) breaks off her relationship with Commissioner Fox (Rainer Frank), when he tries to get information from her about Zöllner's murder. But when a drug-dependent prisoner kills herself with the murder weapon, she is wrongly assumed to be the murderer and the case is closed.
In the second episode, Undersecretary of State Fock (Ruediger Kuhlbrodt) fears that publication of Regine's (Ana Fonell) autobiography will compromise him. He promises Jutta Adler the Governorship of the prison, if she steals the manuscript for him. This is done for Jutta by her informer Jeanette (Christine Schuberth). When Regine notices the theft, she goes on hunger strike. The Governor Dr. Kaltenbach (Franziska Matthus) is called to account, and Jutta Adler already sees herself as her successor.
Freundinnen (Friends)
2nd March 1998
Vivi (Annette Frier) explodes in a jealous fury when she finds that Walter (Katy Karrenbauer) has shared her closely guarded secret with Susanne (Cheryl Shepard) that she can neither read nor write. When Vivi offers to teach Walter, she says that Susanne already beaten her to it.
Die Bewährung (Protection)
9th March 1998
Uschi suffers a blow on the head and loses her memory. [Evelyn möchte Uschis Reststrafe zur Bewährung aussetzen lassen. Dazu muss Uschi einen persönlichen Bericht über ihre Tat und die Zeit in Reutlitz verfassen. Ausgerechnet jetzt stürzt Uschi bei einem Streit mit Dagmar so schwer, dass sie das Gedächtnis verliert. Unter dem Vorwand, ihr zu helfen, versucht Dagmar, Uschi hereinzulegen und so die Bewährung zu verhindern.]
Vermisst (Missing)
16th March 1998
Susanne is frantic when her daughter disappears. [Marlies Teubner will um jeden Preis verhindern, dass ihre Enkelin Nina mit einer Aussage das Ansehen ihres Sohnes beschmutzt. Er soll Nina vergewaltigt haben, woraufhin Susanne ihn ermordete. Marlies setzt Nina massiv unter Druck. Aus lauter Verzweiflung reisst Nina von zu Hause aus und versetzt alle in helle Aufruhr. In einer Fernsehansprache bittet Susanne Nina, sich in Reutlitz zu melden. Und Evelyn verspricht, sich persönlich für eine Wiederaufnahme des Verfahrens einzusetzen.]
Falsches Spiel (Double cross)
23rd March 1998
The inmates of block B feel an icy chill down their backs: the murdered Gerhard Zöllner comes back in person to examine their cells! But it is only his twin brother, who is checking on behalf of the Ministry whether the JVA Reutlitz can be converted into a men's prison.

Updated 22 October 1999