Judy goes to see him to try to get a job for Bea (322).Jenny Hartley's aunt, first seen visiting her in Wentworth with her husband Steven to make it clear that she must not try to contact them (558). Her involvement in Mrs Hartley's death is made clear when she tries to bribe Jenny's solicitor (562), and he asks to give evidence at Jenny's trial to introduce evidence incriminating her (568). Jenny is later told of her death, and it is Steven Formby's arrest for his wife's murder that leads to his identification as Mrs Hartley's murder and Jenny's release. Interviews Joan after the fire at her home, and misses her collecting drugs from the letter box (624). Priest taking the service at Wentworth , suffering from a bad cold (603). He is credited as Father even though Julie says he is not Catholic in (602). Marilyn Mason's employer in the hotel. His sexual advances make her decide to leave and go back on the game (8) Marilyn's pimp (9). I think it rather unconventional (not to mention dangerous) of Marilyn to string along two pimps at the same time:- two episodes ago she was working for quite a different person. See Pimp.Driver of the car containing Inspector Grace when he follows the van taking Ruth Ballinger and the terrorists to the airstrip (552).This credit seems a little rough on the humans with dialogue in the same episode who don't get a mention, such as the gate guard Greg (421). Harry is the cat befriended by Cass and eventually poisoned by drinking the milk intended for Rick Manning. Owned by the first lassa fever victim, and still squawking when police break into his flat in (393). If having dialogue is one of the criteria for being credited, then who can quibble at this? Heavy for the McNally gang who holds Vera at gunpoint to make her phone Wentworth and get Terry to come back home. Jim and Terry overpower him and he is arrested by Inspector Grace (218).Murderer of Nora Flynn, first seen in (602) as he pulls up outside Jessie's house to get Lexie, though he had previously been heard when he phoned Wentworth in (599) offering to track Lexie. When Lexie knocks him out and calls the police, he is cleared of suspicion because he is an ex-police officer. He leaves town while Lou Kelly is on the run, leaving his son to take care of her to divert suspicion from him, though nothing happens on this front. When Jessie escapes from hospital as a trap, he traces her and is caught red handed by Tom Harley breaking in and attempting to kill her (620). Estate agent friend of Helen Smart, who is offered a special deal on sexual services in return for dropping his price to allow Judy to buy the second Driscoll House (342). Follows up Mr Westmore's visit to Doreen in (115) trying to put pressure on her to sell her mother's house and increasing the offer to $100,000.Male prisoner transferred from Blackmoor, first seen working on the reward cell (679). He becomes the love interest for Alice, which survives even her discovery that he was imprisoned for involvement in a gang rape. He is transferred out of Wentworth in the last episode (692). Husband of Joyce. Visits her to try to find out where she has hidden his money and when she refuses to tell him, arranges to snatch her from Wentworth (41). The actor's memory fails him on his second visit in this episode, where he asks to speak to his wife Joyce "Miller".Nancy's son, Peter's brother, who visits to tell her about Peter's juvenile misdemeanours (646); credited in error for (645). Crime boss, who blackmails Joan into running drugs into Wentworth (627) via Janet Williams' sister Sandra. Joan asks him for a favour in return: to get the Conquerors to stop persecuting her (630), after which he steps up his demands to include recruiting Cynthia Leach to set up a network of officers supplying drugs to other prisons (633). When Joan crosses him by exposing Sandra Williams while she is bringing drugs to Wentworth, he orders that Joan's friend Andrew is killed. Joan is forced to go to the police when Andrew's daughter Jenny is also threatened, and Inspector Grace sets Joan up to expose Parker by going to talk to him wired up with a bugged locket (635). Parker realises what is going on and holds Joan at gunpoint until he is persuaded to give himself up. In a news broadcast in the following episode, we find that Harry Parker has mysteriously died while in police custody...A mysterious character, first appearing in (465). He is also credited for (464) where he does not appear in the version shown in most parts of the UK, but was possibly cut along with any other significant mention of Edna Pearson after Emily Perry claimed the storyline was based on her own case. If the real case is any guide to what the plot may have been, he is Edna’s husband, who supports her throughout her trial, despite her attempt to poison him (allegedly).Bea's husband, not credited though he does have time to get out a few lines before Bea pops him with a giftwrapped pistol (2). His new girlfriend who first answers the door also has lines but isn't credited either.Corrupt businessman who is standing as an MP and uses his influence to have Helen Smart put in prison to keep her quiet about the special "catering" services she provided for his business contacts. He is first seen in (282) when reporter Matt Thomas goes to interview him. It may be the same actor's voice when the women listen to a radio interview with him in (279), but the character isn't credited.Leading the blockade outside Wentworth (567-569). Resident of the old people's flats where Ettie Parslow (briefly) stays.One of the three boring men on the disastrous triple blind date set up by Pamela Madigan for herself, Ann and Meg (656).Jenny's dreadful grandmother, a supposed invalid, who gets out of bed whenever Jenny leaves the room (541). She is attacked in bed by an intruder (546), but Jenny assumes this is just another story to wring out more sympathy. However, Jenny finds her battered to death in (547). Appearing for both Mum and Bea at their trial (203)-(204). He gives Bea a complicated and unconvincing explanation of why he is still able to represent both of them even though one is giving evidence against the other. The real reason would probably be to economise on actors: this is another example of a courtroom scene where there are only six jurors.A delightful term for fast food waitress, presumably implying a certain casual attitude. She frightens Maxine while she is on the run by referring to a regular customer as Serge (a nickname). Not fully seen (389). "Hash slinger" is not, as I previously thought, an Australian slang term, but one of those mystifying dated Americanisms that the writers sometimes use to spice up the scripts. Funk and Wagnall's online dictionary defines hash as "diced cooked meat and potatoes or other vegetables browned together or reheated in gravy" and dates "hash house" as far back as 1865–70.Union Representative at Andrew Reynolds' clothing factory who complains to Vera about the non-Government contract work being done by the Wentworth women to undercut the wages of the full-time workers (133). The actress is not identified in the credits until the following episode.Long-term prisoner during the Bea era. More details.Fighting the forest fires in (649), though credited in error for (650). CFA stands for Country Fire Authority (thanks, Robert!)When Erica is taken to dinner by her ex-husband Michael (23).When Ben Fulbright ruins Pippa's date with another man by turning up at the restaurant claiming to be her husband (567). Disinfecting the prison corridors after the outbreak of Golden Staph in maternity (641).Owner of the shop where Sarah Roberts identifies Bert Warren as the man who raped her (19) Receptionist/Secretary at Wentworth, credited in (334). Also appeared earlier in (326) without credit.Prison officer first appearing in (461). School friend of Marlene. Blackmailed by Marie Winter. Affair with Dennis Cruickshank. Dismissed when she takes the blame for a failed attempt to frame Joan (484). Other members of her family have their surname spelt as Rodgers in credits. Steve's other sister, taking over sororal duties from Hope Ryanwho is not seen again after her first appearance in (604). Heather is first seen in (616), credited in (627) and last seen at Steve and Julie's wedding (628). Visits Joe, Tracey Morris' boyfriend, with instructions to silence her by arranging a little accident (146). When Tracey is put back in Wentworth in the following episode, he visits Kath Leach pretending to be her boyfriend and passes on a message to her to fix Tracey.International beauty consultant, first seen being interviewed on television (8) and the first of Wentworth's celebrity inmates after her arrest for the hit and run killing of a child. Her snobbery initially antagonizes the women, but she manages to gain favour by running beauty classes and asking her lawyer Mr Guthrie to arrange Lyn's appeal. Blackmailed by her assistant James Brandon, she gets Doreen to forge her signature on his contract. She celebrates her victory in the court case by sacking James and appearing on television to tell the world what she really thought of the women (10).Much-arrested tart with a heart. More detailsNew prisoner who arrives in the last episode and is impressed by the way Kath deals with Rodney (692). Plants the bomb under Rick's car that kills the Powells (433). Possibly the same character as Fred McDonald, who is played by the same actor.Possibly the same character as before, still working for Lionel Fellowes. This is in the aftermath of Ruth Ballinger's recapture after the siege, when Joan's kitchen is set on fire, her car blown up and so on (556).The same character is credited as Brucie in (543) and (554). Together with...... who was previously credited as Charly in (543), both of them worked for Fellowes on a bank job. In (548) they are waiting outside Wentworth in a car, ready to whisk Ruth Ballinger away, as Joan is supposed to have arranged an escape for her.Policewoman who interviews Doreen about her rape by Vince Talbot and concludes that there is insufficent evidence, on the (surely incorrect?) grounds that she needed witnesses to the rape to proceed with a prosecution (138).At Jenny Hartley's trial (568). Mother of Susan Rice, visited by Jean to find out more about her. Jean finds out that Susan's husband Frederick had applied for divorce 3 months earlier (26). Coach to Michelle Parks (209)-(213).The doctor who sells Greg his practice, which allows Greg to leave Wentworth (50). When he returns in (60), the same actor is credited as Henry Cuthbertson.The doctor who sells Greg Miller his practice in (50) - where the same actor is credited as Henry Blake - then buys it back from him after Karen and Greg decide to settle in Queensland. Dr Herbert also becomes the visiting doctor at Wentworth, and is called in when Chrissie gives birth (93).Searches Maxine's room at halfway house for stolen goods (307) and investigates Margo Gaffney's theft of Meg's car (308).Go-between who takes Pat O'Connell to meet her son David where he is hiding out with Shayne Berkley (76). In a rather bizarre touch, he pretends to be allergic to the jasmine in Mrs Devlin's garden and sneezes throughout his first scene so he can cover his face. After David shoots Karen, he takes the bullets out of the gun while David is out of the room, then leads to the police to their hideout (79). He is set to appear as the major witness against David at the preliminary hearing (85), but Greg recognises him and points out to the police that Herbie's claim that David was holding him hostage cannot have been true. As a result, Herbie has to change his statement and tell the truth about Pat's meeting with David.Comes to Wentworth to tell Rick Manning he has a new job in the juvenile service (457). Higgins, Miss
See Sarah HigginsFrom the Health Inspector's office. He tries to trace source of lassa fever outbreak (391). One of the thugs working for Sean McNally to put pressure on Glenys Buchanan to withdraw her testimony against Toni McNally (60). Credited in (61) and (62) as "Hit Man - Rory"Working with Hit Man 1 (60). Credited in (61) and (62) as "Hit Man - Brian".The two gunmen who kill Meryl King and nearly get Rick Manning (432).Sees Brandy Carter, and recommends she sees a psychiatrist (378). During the siege when Merle is mistaken for a dangerous criminal holding a child hostage (672). Involved with questioning after Sam's murder (521). The executioner in Joan's drug trip flashback to her hanging (413). Credited more on grounds of sheer bulk than anything else.

Updated ~ 03 March 2001