At the hospital when Gail's son Jason is taken after "falling out of bed" (125). He is obviously sceptical of this explanation of Jason's injuries, but tells Meg that child abuse is very difficult to prove. Paul Reid also visits him to try to get proof of Meg's suspicions (127).Val's date for the double date arranged by Val for her and Bea (34). Son of Denise. She takes the blame when he kills his brother in a fight, though he eventually admits his guilt at her trial (362).Working in the office at Bob Morris' import business. She accuses Nick of taking money from the petty cash (205) and shows in Arna Johannsen when she comes to visit (205) - where the character is credited as Secretary.Wife of crime boss Harry Ballinger, and a nasty piece of work in her own right. Her appearance is well trailed - the women watch a news report on TV about her arrest in (536) and Andrew Fry visits Ann to tell her Ruth is to be given special treatment (537). She is brought to Wentworth by two federal policeman (538) who are trying to get information from her about her husband's activities. Ruth is a demanding prisoner: she tells Ann she wants a larger cell, a double bed and new furniture. (Unfortunately, either her taste is very dodgy or the prison authorities have a contract with the Australian equivalent of MFI...). The women are initially impressed by her tales of high living around the world, but learn to be a little wary of her too. Myra warns her not to deal drugs in Wentworth (541) but Ruth makes a deal with Joan Ferguson in return for providing her with enough heroin to finish off Myra. Ruth gives Myra a taste of what's to come with a cup of coffee laced with acid (543). The federal authorities provide Ann with a file on Ruth: when Joan Ferguson sees the details of Ruth's involvement in child pornography, she goes straight to her cell and bashes her (544). However, Ruth has photos of Joan paying for the drugs and offers the negatives in return for having an escape arranged: Joan insists that Myra must be fixed first. Joan is ready to go ahead with this, and Ruth is just getting ready to inject Myra (548) when the plot is foiled by Daphne and May. Joan duly double-crosses Ruth and accuses her and Lou Kelly of attempting to murder Myra. Meanwhile, Lionel Fellowes' people outside Wentworth give up waiting for Ruth and a group of terrorists take over - they break into Wentworth to free Ruth (549-552). During the siege, Ruth pays back Myra by selecting her as the second person to be shot to put pressure on the police to give them safe transport out of Wentworth. After the terrorists are captured at the airport, Joan has Ruth at gunpoint, but Inspector Grace persuades her not to shoot (552).Prisoner - one of the minor ones who makes just enough appearances to be recognisable. Caught with some of Nola's stolen cigarettes in (343). Credited appearances in (348), (354). Involved in heavying Joan's niece Lucy in (388). Takes a tray to Minnie in solitary in (418). Credited in (420) (423) and (425). Shot by Nazi extremist Peter Secker, the Nazi who is trying to kill Hannah Geldschmidt (456). Seen at the fete shortly afterwards with her arm in a sling (460) and serving food when Rachel takes charge of the kitchen (470). Adds a few reminiscences to the "greatest hits" episode (536). [Comments: "I looked up 343 and can't see her in it being caught with Nola's stolen cigarettes?" (Louise West); "I watched 536 and can't see her reminiscing about the past? (Louise West); "Ruth Shaw has no contribution to the flashback episode whatsoever" (Steve Hurst)]Tells Erica the reason for the mystery prisoner's confinement to solitary in (278), though after we find out that she is Helen Smart, it is also clear that it was Sgt. Ryan who framed her on the drugs charge at the instigation of Harry Stanfield. Sgt. Ryan returns to interview Helen again (283), but he tells Steve Fawkner he is retiring to become manager of a security company. Steve finds out from his reporter friend Matt that the company is owned by Harry Stanfield. It is never made clear what happens to Sgt. Ryan, but we later find out he is under investigation by Internal Affairs (286).S.O.S. Policewoman (Sue Formby)
When Meg reports her rape (484).Friend of Ettie Parslow. She lives next door in the old people's flats where Ettie is persuaded to stay (briefly) by Meg (530). Appears as someone for Ettie to talk to about her dotty schemes to get back in Wentworth (539).Not a character, presumably, but a behind-the-camera advisor (628). I'm not sure what's supposed to be so dangerous in this episode - perhaps it's when a waiter inflames the pan of crepes in the restaurant and brings back Marty Jackson's fear of fire (and haute cuisine).Picked up Ros Coulson at the docks when she is on the run, and he agrees to smuggle her aboard ship, but she is arrested before he can do so (83). The character does not appear in the credits, so the description is my own. The actor is recognisable from several other appearances in the series.Vacuum cleaner salesman booked by Ettie while she is living at Meg's house (528).Allows Lizzie to try on a mink coat then leaves her alone with it, revealing a touching faith in human nature (103).<When Judy goes to buy an outfit for Lori's wedding (252). Seems to decide that phony flattery is the best option ("Madam has made a very wise choice") when Judy selects a piece of purple sacking with a hastily embroidered bodice. And the hat is even worse! Judy has the nerve to criticise her in the next episode: I feel she deserves the highest award known to saleswomanship for managing to keep a straight face. Appears again in (255) when Judy and Lori return the dress and buy something even less suitable.Receptionist at Wentworth (41), previously credited between (11) and (40) with just her job title. She appears between (72) and (104) on a fairly regular basis and often has dialogue, but is usually not credited at all.Ex-prisoner suggested by Judy to Colleen as a housekeeper for Chris Young while his wife Janice is in prison. Colleen has second thoughts when she sees how pretty Sally is (348).Friend of Tony Reid. While Tony is staying with her and boyfriend Bill after an argument with is father, Sharon Gilmour is busted delivering drugs to the house (90). She is not credited until the trial (94) when she actually has no lines.Trainee officer who arrives in (184). Vera tries to turn her into a minature version of herself, but Sally is basically too stupid. She overhears Georgie Baxter memorising a passage in a book by heart, and when Georgie pretends to be "reading" it, she exposes the fraud in front of all the other women. The women get their own back by making her think that drugs are hidden in the pottery made at David Andrews' class, and she smashes them all without finding anything. After a telling off from Erica she realises she can't cope with the job, and resigns (186).Employs Maxine Daniels to look after her daughter Michelle (313). Secret drinker, shoplifter and child abuser. Sent to Wentworth on remand after running over husband Peter, and attempts suicide by hanging, but is saved by Colleen and Phyllis. Her husband accepts his part in her guilt and gives evidence which leads to her being freed by the court (320). The first prisoner to be seen, being chased down a corridor by Meg and Vera. After Vera locks her up on her own, she hangs herself, to be discovered by Karen when she is moved to share with her (1). Runner up in the Wentworth Sudden Death Sweepstake (for the winner see: Rob Summerton) With Billy Thompson stealing Ettie's handbag.Sam Greenway's sister, who visits her in (512) after she has contacted her real mother. She tries to protect Sam by letting her think her mother is ill rather than that she doesn't want to see her. After Sam escapes, only to be rejected face to face by her mother (517), she visits Sam again to try to explain, but Sam refuses to accept her offer of friendship (518). Landlord of Edith and Horrie. He visits them in (44) to tell them to move out by 6 o'clock as their house is to be demolished the following day.Enters Wentworth on remand for drugs possession (495). A university student and talented artist. While in prison, she asks for her real parents to be traced, which is achieved a mere 9 episodes later: her real name is Julie Ann Cameron. Refused permission to visit her mother, whom she believes to be ill, she plots to escape, and enlists Geoff's help in building a "robot" teaching aid inside which she hides. Her mother rejects her, and she gives herself up and returns to Wentworth. Distraught when Judy also apparently rejects her, she attempts suicide, which lends plausibility to her eventual fate. She is electrocuted by a "live" door knob intended for Myra, then strung up by Lou and Frank (521).Nancy McCormack's solicitor (593-601).One of Nick Clarke's flatmates, who tells Nick that their friend Gary has been arrested on a drugs charge (202). In (203), she is hanging around sulkily behaving as if she is his girlfriend, as though the writers had forgotten the way she was introduced in the previous episode. Similarly in (207) when Nick goes back to the flat, she has a new man in her life and tells him to go away.Faye's niece (348).Samantha Russell (Dina Mann)
Paul Reynolds' lawyer (411). She is flirtatious and embarks on an affair with Wally which puts his relationship with Ann under strain. The role is credited in (411) and (412) to Nadine Wells and in (413) onwards to Dina Mann. As far I can tell it is the same actress throughout, and she appears to be the one who played Ken Pearce's daughter Debbie in earlier episodes.Sanderson, Mrs (Jan Lord)
The wife of Eve Wilder's lover Robin Sanderson. Mrs Sanderson visits Eve in (577).Janet's sister. She refuses to bring drugs into Wentworth but puts Joan onto her contact (624). By (627) she has changed her mind and brings drugs in herself, and again in (633) when she is caught by Rodney.One of the shortest-lived top dogs but neverthless many people's favourite. More details.Sandra Hamilton was a newspaper reporter who intentionally got herself put inside to get the inside scoop on the tunnel escape (173). She quickly alienates all the prisoners with her constant questioning of them. When Sandra hears Judy is a lesbian she acts provocatively towards Judy to try and get info out of her, but this plan does not work. Sandra is still around when Evelyn Randall and Georgie Baxter appear. Evelyn has Sandra agree to write a newspaper article about her which Evelyn hopes will help her appeal. Sandra steals Evelyn's file to get more info but is caught with it leading Erica to discover Sandra's true intentions - and Sandra is transferred to isolation to prevent her from writing her article. Soon after Wentworth is hit by the mysterious tropical disease apparently brought in by Jenny Armstrong. This leads Evelyn to do her stuff to prove herself worthy as a herbalist. During this period, Sandra is released from isolation but does not cope too well with her fears of contracting the disease - she attempts to flee the prison during a 'food drop' while Wentworth is quarantined which almost results in her being shot by Officer Jim Fletcher. Sandra sees sense and returns to the prison. Sandra does not end up getting ill however and soon after the 'disease' is cured she is released from Wentworth, with quite a different story to tell than what she expected (180). [Info from Robert Lindsay]Sent to Driscoll House before trial on drugs charge, then remanded to Driscoll after sentencing (325). Her boyfriend Alan Jeffries meets up with her, and stays overnight. Judy finds next morning that they have made a suicide pact and Alan is dead, though Sara is only unconscious. When Sara returns to Driscoll from hospital, she is charged with manslaughter (326) and Alan's father threatens to ruin both Sara and Judy (328). Sara's legal expertise comes in handy when Mr Jeffries tries to close down Driscoll House for health violations. Mr Jeffries is eventually persuaded to tell the whole story at Alan's inquest, a suicide verdict is returned and the charges against Sara are dropped (332).David Adams' wife in one of those tear-stained flashbacks he has when he's cracking up (584).Sarah Forrest
See Jacki Nolan.Eva Braun lookalike, first seen as the cool and implacable chair of the parole board for Lizzie and Phyllis (416) where she is credited as Miss (naturally) Higgins. She is next seen as a Visiting Justice who gives additional sentences to Bobbie, Myra, Reb, Dot and Marie Winter (471). It seems out of character when she "does a favour" for Ann and is lenient on Bobbie Mitchell (488), but favours for others involving cash payments for light sentences lead to her imprisonment in Wentworth. Her semi-Nazi ideas horrify Meg. After being removed from isolation and put in H block, she is found one morning with her throat slit (499). There is no shortage of suspects, and Lou Kelly looks the likeliest, but the murderer is eventually revealed as Fran, though the case is closed without anyone being charged for the murder. Schoolgirl who is raped by one of her father's employees (18). Her mother Catherine runs the rapist over and is sent to Wentworth. Full name: Sarah Elizabeth Webster. Hides money for Reb, and is first seen when she visits Reb to ask her to move it elsewhere (433). When Reb escapes, she goes to Sarah's to collect the money, but she is followed by Kevin Stansfield, who threatens Reb and Sarah. Sarah accidentally stabs Kevin in the stomach (it can happen) and Reb hides the body in the boot of the car she is driving. When Reb is captured, Sarah's documents are found on her and Sarah is taken to Wentworth on remand (437) with her baby son Joey. Judy tries to get Reb by letting Reb know that she going to be bashed and Sarah framed for it (440), but Sarah alerts Reb to the set-up. Sarah's wimpy boyfriend Barry visits her and they make it up, and when Tim Carter is caught and clears Sarah she is released (441).Aboriginal girl who causes havoc at first when she is brought to Wentworth (658) and is on the receiving end of much racist abuse, particularly from Spider, with whom she has to share a cell. Spider and Vicki tie Sarah up and try to paint her white and to get back at the women, she sets up a tripod and releases poisonous fumes from hydrochloric acid through the air conditioning. Only Rita is able to get through to Sarah, though she refuses to do it officially when asked by Pamela Madigan. Pamela traces Sarah's foster parents, who are unsure whether to tell Sarah what they have found out about her real parents: her mother is dead and her father is a white alcoholic jackaroo. Under pressure from Rita, Sarah makes it up with her foster parents (663). Sarah is transferred to Barnhurst for her own safety after Craven arrives at Wentworth (668).Helen Smart's solicitor, though he resigns citing "professional ethics" when Helen mentions Harry Stanfield (279). He appears again to issue veiled threats against Chrissie, this time credited just as "Solicitor" (285).Accompanying Tracey Morris to and from court (153) and she is in the back of the car with her when McNally's men attempt to kidnap her (154). One of McNally's gang shoots her and we learn later in the episode that she has died in hospital.Friend of Bobbie's who she meets on the street after her escape (474).Tells off Marty Jackson for kissing his girlfriend Donna (4) Manager of a wedding dress shop owned by her brother. She gives Pixie her dream job (418).Owner of the wedding dress shop where Pixie works (420). He returns in (459) to offer her the old job again.Petra's fiancé and doctor in Wentworth (383-418).Alice's brother. When Lou escapes from hospital she seeks refuge on the Jenkins' farm in the country. Sean rapes Lou (609) and so she kills him (611) and shoots his mother for good measure.Toni's husband. His affair with Jackie Coulson is the reason Toni shoots her. While she is in Wentworth on remand, he appears to support her but after she is found not guilty he tells her she is on her own (63) - just before Ros Coulson shoots her. Despite this single appearance, he is referred to for a long time afterwards, as the writers decide to use his name whenever a powerful unseen gangland boss is required by the storylines. For instance, he is behind the drug smuggling that Tracey Morris is involved with and the attempts to kill her to silence her. He even appears in shadowy profile in (147), but the actor is not identified. McNally is also behind the attempts to kill Kathy Hall, and the killings of both Kathy (220) and officer Terry Harrison (223). His name is mentioned ocasionally throughout the Sandy Edwards era, as Marie Winter gets her drugs supply through McNally and is told by him to kill Sandy (259). In (380) we learn from Roxanne Bradshaw that Lionel Fellowes has taken over the McNally operation.Credited in (443). Possibly one of Kurt Renner's gang?Catches Matt Thomas looking at details of her boss Harry Stansfield's phone calls on her desk and protests feebly "you can't do that" (283).At the interview for Governor, attended by Meg, Colleen and Joan (364).Outside the Minister's office when Ann is summoned to explain the spate of "escapes" (413).Outside the Minister's officer when Ann comes to discuss her promotion (561).The Minister's secretary when Joan visits him with Nancy's diary (618).Only heard as a voice on the phone complaining to Julian Phillips about the news headline linking her MP boss to Jacki Nolan (158). She introduces herself with the name Maggie Kirk.Security Guard (Jim Cain)
At the factory where Doug and Bernie attempt unsuccessfully to steal the payroll (14).When Bobbie is caught stealing a Walkman while on the run (416).In the bank where Ettie does a hold-up (544).Treats Cheryll at the halfway house (388).After Nick Clarke has been arrested (201). The character may be meant to be the same as the Desk Sergeant played in earlier episodes by the same actor - the police station set looks similar. When Nick Clarke is arrested again (208) the same actor re-appears credited as Police Sergeant.During the siege when Carol Coulson kills her husband and holds her daughter at knifepoint (375). This may or may not be meant to be the same character as Sergeant Rouse, played in earlier (and later) episodes by the same actor.When Rosemary goes to the police station with Wally to report the theft of her purse (391).Called to the fracas at the halfway house over Clare and Wayne Adams (407).Anita Selby's Mother Superior, who questions her religious faith and commitment (529).Credited in (459), the episode where Myra escapes at the fete. I am not sure which character this is.Neighbour of Vivienne Williams who comes to comiserate with her after her husband's death (90). She is not credited until her second appearance (100) when Paul Reid calls to find out why Vivienne hasn't reported to the police after she is released on bail.Poses as a customer for Lisa Mullins but working for Ronnie Willis. He threatens her with a knife to stop her helping Marty Jackson look for Christine Dutton (681).Young boy Joan finds one night when she arrives home to what looks like a burglary, but she finds Shane hiding in her lounge after running away from his father (462). Whenever anything goes wrong for him after that, Shane turns up at Joan's and sometimes appears to be living at her house. When he gets stuck in a drain trying to save his dog (470), his father turns up at the hospital and threatens Joan. She starts a court battle to win custody of him from his father, though she fails and he is made a ward of the state and initially sent to a children's home, where Joan visits him in (502). When Shane is placed with a new adoptive family, she realises she must break all ties with Shane. This isn't as easy as it sounds, for when Shane runs away from his foster parents, he makes a bee-line for Joan (513) After meeting the foster family, the Taylors, Joan is certain she must not to see Shane again, so when he runs away from his foster parents a second time she refuses to help him (527) He is tormented by a gang of boys in a cafe, until he is "rescued" by a friendly paedophile, who takes him home. Shane gets nervous when his new friend tries to show him some "artistic" photographs and escapes by throwing a pan of boiling water in his face. Joan helps the Taylors and the police find where he is hiding (528) A bizarre attempt to emphasise Joan's "maternal", "human" side (as if we want that!), so most of Shane's all-too-frequent re-appearances are unwelcome returns to sentimental and often silly plot lines. Judy Bryant's girlfriend. Arrested delivering drugs to a house where Paul Reid's son Tony is staying (90). Manipulatively childish, especially to Judy, even after she has deliberately had herself imprisoned to be with Sharon. Her attempt to demand protection from the other women by blackmailing Jock Stewart who is threatening Doreen. Sharon is found with her neck broken at the bottom of a flight of stairs (116). Margot Knight performs a unique "dyke double" by returning as Terri Malone, thus acting as girlfriend to the main two lesbian characters in Prisoner. Helen's sister, first seen when Judy helps Helen to try to get Sharon away from a sinister sub-Moonie cult (383). The members of the cult have to submit to a severe test of loyalty, such as being forced to answer to preposterous cult names: Sharon's is Sister Peace Bird. Helen and Judy have Sharon kidnapped and taken to the attic at Driscoll House to be "deprogrammed", but Sharon accidentally stabs the de-programmer in the stomach with a cheese knife. (It could happen!). She is brought to Wentworth charged with malicious wounding (385) but she blames Helen for her problems and accuses her of wanting to get hold of her money. At Sharon's trial, Judy and Helen give evidence in her favour: Sharon is found guilty and sentenced to 3 year's probation (388). This seems a rather light sentence (particularly since the charge was murder at one stage) but it saved the writers having to figure out what else to do with Sharon.One of the supporting prison officers. She is credited in (368), but a promising career in the corrective services is cut cruelly short when she is found dead in the laundry, a victim of the lassa fever outbreak (393). I think we are supposed to deduce that she caught the fever when putting Glynnis' clothes and bedding in the incinerator in (391). She is referred to as Wendy Sharpe in (393).Sharpshooter (Ed Ryan)
He has Merle in his sights at the siege after she is believed to be holding a child hostage (672).Sid Humphrey's lawyer, who visits Lizzie in Wentworth after Sid's death to tell her that he changed his will in her favour the week before he died, and that she has inherited his house and a few hundred dollars (224).Friend of David O'Connell. When David escapes from Pentridge, he hides out with Shayne. Shayne and David steal a car and go to say goodbye to David's mother Pat, but they drive straight into a police ambush (76). Shayne is killed.Brought to Wentworth on remand for possession of drugs (519). Her personal hygiene is a subject of comment from the other women, but her musical skills soon become apparent when she sings a neat blues song after lights out. Judy helps her to gain confidence and teaches her "Pixie's song" to wean her off her own songs which are tuneless drivel and Lexie helps her with make-up hints. Sheila is released in (524). She is next heard on the radio as "Shelly" Brady singing a thinly disguised version of "Pixie's song" which is a huge hit (530). After Judy starts legal action to claim her rights to the song, Sheila comes back to Wentworth to apologise to Judy (532) and to promise that she will get the royalties. In the next episode, she drives up in a white sports car to sweep Judy away to a life of riches, fame and romance (... possibly ...).Aunt of Danny Jones, who is Linda Jones' son. Danny is living with her while Linda is in prison and she takes him to visit Linda in Wentworth (141). She confiscates the money Linda gives him and takes his savings from their hiding place, even though she is also cashing welfare cheques to pay for supporting Danny.

Updated ~ 21 September 2008