Bill Jackson dies.

First broadcast on Tue 6th March 1979 (Melbourne);
First UK broadcast: Yorkshire Mon 29 Oct 1984 23:00; other regions
Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 04 April 1997 Fri 4:40 a.m.
DVD release: volume 1 disc 1 (AUS & UK)
Duration: 00:48:16

Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong
Bill ~ Don Barker
Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
Franky ~ Carol Burns
Erica ~ Patsy King
Marilyn ~ Margaret Laurence
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Doreen ~ Colette Mann
Eddie ~ Richard Moir
Greg ~ Barry Quin
Vera ~ Fiona Spence
Karen ~ Peita Toppano
Mum ~ Mary Ward
Donna ~ Joanne Barker
Mr Gibson ~ Bill Bennett
Officer Yates ~ Kirsty Child
Sister ~ Belinda Davey
Officer ~ Jan Friedl
Mrs Gibson ~ Val Jellay
Marty ~ Ronald Korosy
Rosie ~ Ann-Maree McDonald
Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
Det. Sgt. Allen ~ Tim Robertson
Schoolmaster ~ Bill Stevenson

  • Written by Ian Bradley
  • Directed by Graeme Arthur
  • Lizzie is not credited because she does not appear in this episode

    Erica sends Officer Yates to fetch Greg, but he refuses to come as he's looking after Rosie, and sends Sister to tend to Bill. The Sister (rather inadvisedly?) pulls out the scissors. Eddie is told by Erica not to say anything about what he's seen. Marilyn is found and returned to the cell with Bea and Doreen. Mum phones to ask to speak to Bill and Erica takes the call, making the monumental understatement that he's "unavailable". As Greg calls for another ambulance to take Rosie and her newly born son to hopital, as the call arrives in reception that Bill has died on the way to hospital. Greg calls on Meg at home, only to find that Meg blames him for Bill's death, even though Greg points out that the scissors pierced Bill's lung and there was nothing he could have done. Marty arrives back and Greg tells him his father is dead. The news about Bill's death is shouted around the prison before the cells are unlocked. Vera tells Karen all the women are confined to their cells until the murder investigation begins, pointing out that stabbing is one of her specialities. Det. Sgt Allen decides to conduct his enquiries from Bill's office to make the murderer nervous: his first interview is with Lynn as she was the first one to point out Bill was dead, but she refuses to say anything. Eddie is called in but has to wait to be interviewed, but he tells Marilyn he saw who was responsible. Marilyn warns Eddie not to say what he saw, as the women will deal with it. Meg comes in to work, to everyone's horror. Franky points out that Bill was not "her type" and the murderer was probably someone who wanted him but couldn't have him. Chrissie tries to blame Karen for killing Bill. Marilyn whispers to Bea that Eddie saw who did it. Eddie tells the police he couldn't see who killed Bill, but on his way out he is cornered by Bea and a group of the other women and they "persuade" him tell all. Bea sends Karen out of the laundry and turns on Chrissie, insisting that she will have to own up. Marty talks to his (very grownup ) girlfriend Donna. Mum sees a newspaper headline about Bill's murder on the reception desk of the lodging house and her reaction reveals to her landlord that she knew the dead man. Franky refuses to help Chrissie when she realises she killed Bill. The women catch up with Chrissie and scalp her , inspired by a film they saw called on TV called "Five Branded Women". Chrissie confesses to Bill's murder. Erica sees Meg's distressed state and orders her to go home. At Bill's funeral , Meg ignores Mum. Mum has a fall at the rooming house: Mrs Gibson searches her handbag for the overdue rent . Chrissie is transferred to Fairlea. Franky is brought back to the rec room from solitary. Lynn is told that her request for an appeal has been turned down. Erica tells Meg she will get substantial compensation from the Department and doesn't need to work. Meg responds furiously that she isn't going to be pushed out of her job for the sake of Erica's peace of mind. In a change from the usual end credit sequence of an officer locking up, Meg is shown walking through the corridors oblivious to the prisoners .

    The first paragraph of the newspaper story about Bill's death is just about readable : his name is given as William James Jackson.


    ITV regional broadcast dates:-
    YTV Mon 29 Oct 1984 23.00; TVS Fri 01 Nov 1985 22.30; Channel Not shown; TSW Thu 05 Feb 1987 22.32; Central Sun 03 May 1987 00.40; Thames Fri 17 Jul 1987 00.00; STV Mon 16 Nov 1987 23.30; Anglia Fri 15 Jan 88 00.05; Granada Mon 22 Feb 1988 23.05; Tyne Tees Thu 28 Apr 1988 23.20; Border Fri 01 Jul 1988 23.35; HTV Tue 30 Aug 1988 23.35; Grampian Mon 19 Sep 1988 23.35; Ulster Sun 12 Nov 1989 23.35


    Updated 18 Nov 2012