EPISODE 607Lou Kelly escapes from hospital, but will she become another victim of Bassinger the maniac?First broadcast ... 1986 (Melbourne) | ![]() |
![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joyce ~ Joy Westmore Jessie ~ Pat Evison Nancy ~ Julia Blake Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Julie ~ Jackie Woodburne Lou ~ Louise Siversen Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Bob ~ Peter Adams Alice ~ Lois Collinder Dan ~ Sean Scully Mervin ~ Ernie Bourne Diana Groom ~ Amanda Cook Pat Slattery ~ Dorothy Cutts Janet Williams ~ Christine Earle Officer Hooper ~ John Mortimer ![]() Tina Murray ~ Hazel Henley Doctor Wainwright ~ Bruce Carter ![]() Nurse No 1 ~ Robyn Hughan ![]() Nurse No 2 ~ Amanda Colliver ![]() Orderly ~ Con Mathios Policeman No 1 ~ David Le Page Policeman No 2 ~ Terry Cornwill Trucker ~ Ron Bingham Thanks to Kim for the writer credit and for pointing out that Diana Groom is in this episode after all - I originally thought she was not. | Ann questions Nancy about the stolen knife, but she is just bewildered by the accusation. Lou overhears that a nurse telling the officer she is OK and probably go back to can go back to Wentworth the next day. Bob talks to Rita: she insists that she kept her word and didn't attack Lou, reminding him that he made the decision not to transfer Lou to Blackmoor and now it's blown up in his face he's trying to pin the blame on her. Nancy tells the women about Rita being in solitary and Lexie points out that Rita was in the laundry all afternoon. The women tell Bob of Rita's alibi, but Joan doesn't believe it and says the women were acting suspiciously when she came to collect Rita from the laundry. Lexie and Julie go to ask Mervin about the knife just after he's promised Janet not to say anything about it, but Lexie notices Janet acting shiftily. Ann tells Rita of the evidence against her and Rita calls her a silly bitch for falling for Lou's frame-up. Nancy insists that she must tell Ann what she and Rita were really doing in the kitchen, but Lexie tells her that only Rita can make that decision. Mervin is upset that the women in the dining room (led by Lexie) hiss at him for betraying Rita. Joyce admits her anxiety to Mervin about having to waltz at the wedding. When Joyce goes to collect the tray from Rita in solitary, Rita throws back at her the cake Mervin sent and demands to see Dan. Ann is forced to admit to Bob that bringing Dan in might cause problems itself because of their relationship, but Bob persuades her to give it a try. Dan arrives at the prison on his bike: he tells Ann that he can't believe Rita would kill anyone with premeditation. Lou's wounds are examined by a police doctor to try to determine if they were self inflicted. Dan talks to Rita and is convinced by her story. He is just trying to persuade Ann to let Rita out of solitary when Bob reports that the forensic physician has decided that Lou's wounds were self inflicted and that Rita was telling the truth after all. Lou groans to makes the guard open the door and hits him with a metal jug. Ann realises that Lou's behaviour only makes sense if she's planning to escape and phones the hospital. Lou breaks into the staff lockers and escapes from hospital disguised in a nurse's uniform just as the call from Wentworth comes through. Ann apologises to Rita and Alice for not believing their story. Ann refuses to grant Dan's request that Rita be given Slasher's jacket. Rita returns to the women ![]()
Story Editor: Bevan Lee
Script Editor: Alister Webb (606); Fay Rousseaux (607); Alister Webb (608)-(609); Fay Rousseaux (610)
Storyliners: Bevan Lee, Tony McDonald, John Coulter - all (606)-(610), Kelly Bermingham (606)-(608) only
ITV regional broadcast dates:-
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