EPISODE 631Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 15 July 2000 04:40.![]() Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Alice ~ Lois Collinder Nancy ~ Julia Blake Kath ~ Kate Hood Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Janet ~ Christine Earle Roach Waters ~ Linda Hartley Marty Jackson ~ Michael Winchester Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Andrew Hinton ~ Fredric Abbott Delia Stout ~ Desiree Smith Rodney Adams ~ Philip Hyde Harry Parker ~ Howard Priddle Margie Fleming ~ Helen Milte ![]() Pat Slattery ~ Dorothy Cutts Chikka ~ Ingle Knight ![]() Morgan McDermott ~ Maurice Marion | Joan tells Andrew she's not right for him, but does not correct his assumption that Terri was a man (perhaps because of the powerful visual metaphor that their relationship is a game of chess ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 632Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 16 July 2000 04:40. Andrew tells Joan that they cannot continue their relationship but he wants to remain friends. Janet swaps videotapes, an action that could incriminate them all.![]() Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Alice ~ Lois Collinder Nancy ~ Julia Blake Kath ~ Kate Hood Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Janet ~ Christine Earle Roach Waters ~ Linda Hartley Merle ~ Rosanne Hull Brown Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Delia ~ Desiree Smith Pat Slattery ~ Dorothy Cutts Andrew Hinton ~ Fredric Abbott Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines Barman ~ Bill Manderson Ida ~ Paddy Burnet Thanks to Nico for sending the credits from the TV4 broadcast. | Ann gives Rodney and Marty a warning not to pursue personal disagreements at work and brushes aside Rodney's implication that it was Marty's fault for taking too seriously what was only meant to be a joke. Ann keeps Rodney back to question him about the incident with Merle: he flatly denies that Merle attacked him. Delia defends Marty when Rodney starts to criticise him in his absence: he gets back at her by accusing her of having a crush on him and cruelly pointing out she hasn't much hope of anything developing. Lexie devises a plan to embarrass Rodney and stop Joan's drug dealing in one go. Alice is cautious about letting Roach know about the threat to Bongo in case she tells Kath. Lexie chums up to Rodney and lets him borrow her cassette player for the aerobics class. After a crafty sniff of coke, Kath has her "evil" head firmly on and she starts to psych Merle up to attack Rita. Janet warns Kath that Rita and her gang are plotting against her. Ann sees Rodney in his shorts ready for the aerobics session and tells him to change as they are too tight and risk inflaming the women's lusts (not that you can see anything, nor does there appear to be much there to see). Outside during the exercise period, Roach accuses Rita of putting revenge against Joan before Bongo's safety. Rodney borrows Mervin's shorts to avoid exposing himself to comment. Kath and Janet dress Merle up in ridiculous clothes and send her out to be mocked by Rita. Meg calls a halt to the aerobics class when the women start to make fun of Rodney. The two groups meet in the corridor and Merle lays Rita out with one punch. Joan makes a point of brusquely demanding Merle's transfer to an asylum, safe in the knowledge that this will make Ann even more certain to do the opposite. Merle is sedated and sent to solitary. Rita is devastated that she had been so easily beaten, and Nancy's suggestion that it was a lucky punch doesn't do much to help. After Ann has talked to Merle and is satisfied that she has calmed down, she is allowed to go back with the women. Kath is now feeling guilty about using Merle (perhaps the cocaine has worn off). Janet suggests voting for another top dog. Nancy prepares to show the video in the rec room: Janet goes to fetch Joan, but Meg tells her that Joan is off duty until the following day. Suspicious about Janet's request, Meg reports to Ann that she suspects Janet is Joan's new informant. Kath sniffs coke and exercises vigourously in the gym with manic intensity, sending Janet away when she comes to find her with a new plan. Meg walks into the rec room during a showing of the video ![]() There is no bar, let alone a barman, in this episode. Thanks to Mark Caffrey ("chicken") for the suggestion that the credit actually belongs to (639). I think he is probably right. Another possibility is that the barman in a scene in the previous episode may have had lines which were cut before transmission. Despite the apparent reason for cuts in (601), Channel 5 allowed Rita to say "moron" in this episode. |
EPISODE 634Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 23 July 2000 04:40. Joan discovers the penalty for not carrying out Parker's instructions to the letter.![]() Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Alice ~ Lois Collinder Nancy ~ Julia Blake Kath ~ Kate Hood Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Roach ~ Linda Hartley Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Janet ~ Christine Earle Jenny Hinton ~ Kereen Ely-Harper ![]() Delia ~ Desiree Smith Det. Insp. Grace ~ Terry Gill Sister Hall ~ Gael Andrews Freddie ~ Nick Antipas ![]() UNCREDITEDAndrew Hinton ~ Fredric AbbotHarry Parker ~ Howard Priddle OTHER CHARACTERSWatkins (trainee officer)Josie Lewis (Andrew Hinton's neighbour) ![]() Thug (threatening Joan at the end of the episode) | Joan asks to sit in on Ann's interview when she finds she's about to talk to Janet. Janet is sent to solitary and almost implicates Joan by looking accusingly at her when she hears about how her sister got caught. Ann tells Delia she is going to college to check out her story so Rodney's version of events doesn't go unchallenged. Joan warns Janet to clear out her cell in case there's a search. Merle is upset to be still locked in solitary and starts shouting when she hears Joan locking Janet into one of the cells. Marty tries to get Alice to lag on Rodney over the videotape, but he is put off by her amourousness. Rita tries to warn Roach about the forthcoming cell search: the whole elaborate plan with Rodney was precisely to bring this about it seems. Joan phones Parker to tell him the recent events in Wentworth, but he tells her he already knows and that Morgan is even now "seeing to" Andrew: sure enough, Andrew is the victim of a hit and run accident outside his apartment as he returns from a shopping trip ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() When Lexie does a flashy underarm shot at the biliard table, the ball surpisingly goes straight into the pocket right next to her. For the rest of the scene both her and Rita seem to be surpressing a fit of the giggles |
EPISODE 635Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 29 July 2000 04:40. Joan makes plans to trap Parker. And Lorelei adds a touch of colour to the drab prison.![]() Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Lexie ~ Pepe Trevor Alice ~ Lois Collinder Nancy ~ Julia Blake Kath ~ Kate Hood Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Roach ~ Linda Hartley Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Janet ~ Christine Earle Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Jenny ~ Kereen Ely-Harper Sister Hall ~ Gael Andrews Det. Insp. Grace ~ Terry Gill Ida Brown ~ Paddy Burnett Paul Webb ~ Gary Kliger ![]() Det. Crabb ~ James Patrick Harry Parker ~ Howard Priddle Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines UNCREDITEDMorgan McDermott ~ Maurice MarionOTHER CHARACTERSHelen Gardner (Jenny Hinton's bodyguard) | Joan sits up all night in a chair in the lounge with a gun to protect Jenny. Jenny is determined to go to the lawyer's office to sort out the details of her father's will: Joan offers to go with her. Rita makes an approach to Merle to undermine Janet's attempt to use her. Ann asks Kath about her talk in her sleep about Joan and Merle, but Kath tries to deny there is anything wrong and she asks to go back to her cell with Merle. Jenny lets Joan know she has noticed a car following her and Joan: Joan directs her to drive straight to a police station. Jenny is outraged and upset that she wasn't told the full circumstances of her fathers' death and after Inspector Grace has disposed of her by reducing her to tears, he demands that Joan tell him the whole story. Kath returns to her cell and refuses to help Janet to get back at Rita. Joan is forced to admit to arranging one drug drop, and Grace threatens to send her "up the river" if she doesn't tell him all she knows about Parker's organisation. Janet complains to Roach that her bank drafts bounced and demands information about Rita's plans if she can't pay up. Ann tells Meg that all outstanding remand prisoners, including Kath, are going to trial as the courts have caught up with a previous backlog. Roach tries Lexie for some handy hints about how to raise money in prison, without much success. Lorelei gives a makeup class with the women bringing their own materials and sharing: Merle is initially laughed at for bringing a bottle of baby oil, but she manages to persuade Kath to join in too. Janet finds she cannot even rely on Vicki for support. Joan is asked to visit Parker with only a bugged locket ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Inspector Grace seems to be working for the Family Court of Australia, to judge from the poster behind him |
Story Editor: Bevan Lee (631)-(634); Gwenda Marsh (635)
Script Editor: Neil Luxmoore (631); Alister Webb (632)-(633); Neil Luxmoore (634); Ian Smith (635)
Storyliners: Tony McDonald, John Coulter, Bob Greenberg
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