EPISODE 321Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 24 July 1998 04:40 Cookie and Kerry face decisions about Kerry's pregnancy. Margo gets on to a breakout and agrees to keep quiet provided she can go along. Phillip Langdon trades with Barbara using diaries stolen from Joan's house.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Tony ~ Alan Lee Barbara ~ Susan Guerin Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Kerry ~ Keely Macarow Andy ~ Ric Herbert Geoff ~ Danny Adcock Cookie ~ Judi Connelli Mouse ~ Jentah Sobott Errol ~ Stewart Faichney Mr. Crawford ~ John Proper ![]() Phillip ~ Kirk Alexander Foreman ~ Reg Evans Dan ~ Peter Hosking ![]() Thug ~ Rod Densley UNCREDITEDEllen - the silent guest at the halfway house. She doesn't seem to be Dawn Klingberg, who appears as a character with the same name in (333)-(336), but she scuttles down the stairs and into the back room so fast you can't really see her face. | Cookie suggest that rather than have an abortion, Kerry could go ahead with the pregnancy and put the child up for adoption. Judy tells Kerry of her own experiences, and even though she didn't see her daughter for twenty years, she was glad she went through with the pregnancy. Kerry is still bitter and says any child of her and her father's is more likely to turn out a "monster". Bea goes out to work as the women go for the final rehearsal at Woodridge. Errol gets drunk at home and tries to stop Cookie leaving, offering the usual excuses: he didn't force Kerry, he thought she wanted it as much as he did, and so on. Cookie refuses to accept any of it and tells him bluntly that he raped his own daughter, and turns down his offer of money. Dan Proctor is drafted into the concert party to take the place of Lou: Margo notices him skulking about suspiciously and sees him hide a rope and grappling iron backstage. Bea is concerned when Cookie fails to turn up for work due to "family problems". Judy tells Kerry that if she decides to have an abortion after all she will give her all the help she can, but Kerry says she has decided to go ahead and have the baby. Cookie collects Kerry from the halfway house: they will be going to live with her sister. Paddy and Andy sneak off for a little privacy, but unfortunately the Governor of Woodridge comes to observe the rehearsal and wants to take a look "behind the scenes". Margo tells Dan she'll inform on him if he doesn't let her go with him. Andy and Paddy are discovered and the Governor says he wants both of them taken off the show, but Geoff Carlson argues that Andy can't be replaced at such short notice. Paddy is taken to isolation until the women return to Wentworth. Phillip gets Joan's papers from the thug he hired to break into her house: he finds Barbara's contract and burns it, and is intrigued to see that Joan's personal diaries are also amongst the haul. Joan arrives at work the next day in a fury and seeing Barbara in reception, she tells her to stop work and go to her cell. She follows and turns the cell upside down to search for the missing documents, and is just pulling on the black leather gloves to give Barbara a body search ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 322Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 25 July 1998 04:40 Margo makes her escape attempt. The concert is interrupted and Lizzie is taken out by stretcher. Joan finds out that Barbara is responsible for killing her dog and tries desperately to find her diaries which Barbara has hidden.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Barbara ~ Susan Guerin Geoff ~ Danny Adcock Mouse ~ Jentah Sobott Tony ~ Alan Lee Mr. Douglas ~ Ian Smith Mr. Crawford ~ John Proper Kathy Hudson ~ Kaarin Fairfax Mr. Harper ~ Les Tyrell ![]() Dr. Watson ~ Tom Travers ![]() | Margo makes a dash for the wall, chased by Joan and several Woodridge officers, but when she climbs the rope to the top of the wall she is faced by two armed guards on the other side. The sound of the alarm brings the concert to a halt, Ted Douglas goes backstage and Erica makes an announcement from the stage. Lizzie is taken off to hospital on a stretcher. Ted Douglas tears a strip off Mr Crawford for his lax security, and after everyone sees Lizzie carried out on a stretcher, he announces that the concert is cancelled due to an "illness in the cast". Bea returns to Wentworth early and tells Meg she's been sacked. Chrissie explains to Bea about Lizzie's injury but her account makes it sound as though it were mainly Margo's fault. Joan takes Margo to solitary, making her displeasure clear, saying that she reckons Margo owes her one after her attempt to double-cross her. Judy frets about Lizzie when only official visitors are allowed in to see her, but Tony tells her they ought to be more worried about the overcrowding at the halfway house. He suggests that some of the residents, like Maxine, should be asked to find somewhere else to live. Meg visits Lizzie in hospital but she is too poorly to talk: the doctor tells Meg that Lizzie has severe internal bruising from the fall. Barbara hides Joan's diaries in a filing cabinet in Erica's office. Margo nearly spills the beans to Colleen about Joan's instruction to wreck the concert, but pulls herself up in time. Joan sarcastically congratulates Bea on her return to work the steam press, and her snide remarks about Lizzie nearly provoke Bea until Chrissie and Paddy calm her down. Paddy has a surprise visitor when Andy's sister Kathy comes to see her and offers to visit regularly to thank Paddy for giving Andy something to look forward to. Margo is worried about going back to the other women in case they want to pay her back for wrecking the concert. Paddy is told about Dr Weissman's favourable report on her to the Attorney General: Erica says that if her victim gives his consent, the prosecution against her may be dropped. Bea blames margo for Lizzie's injury until Margo tells her what really happened. Joan goes to Barbara's cell to find out what she's doing about getting her file, but Barbara pulls out a sheet of paper and reads back to her a passage from the diary about Joan and Audrey. Joan snatches the paper and accuses Barbara of killing her dog, but Barbara archly points out that she's been in Wentworth all the time. Judy tells Maxine she'll have to pay up or find somewhere else to live. Judy visits Bea to offer her help in getting Bea another job. Barbara teases Joan by pretending to hide something in a filing cabinet in reception, then making an excuse to come back later to see Joan turning the place upside down and offer to find what Joan is looking for. Judy enquires about a job for Bea, but the employer refuses to hire ex-prisoners, though he would be prepared to offer a job to Judy if she wanted one. Judy rounds on him for his hypocrisy and tells him she's an ex-con herself and tells him she's been inside three (?) times. Paddy shows Bea an advert for a hairdresser in a rough area of town, so Bea asks Meg to arrange for her to make a phone call. Tony agrees to have Maxine stay in his flat, but Judy thinks he's out of his mind and asks if he knows that Maxine has a crush on him. Joan overhears Bea making her call about the job and Bea's suggestion that her prospective employer should phone the Governor for a character reference. Maxine makes herself at home in Tony's flat, tossing aside his classical LPs and copies of Solzhenitsyn and making endless phone calls to old friends. Judy has to push Tony to go home, and when he does get back to his flat he finds Maxine waiting for him in his bed. Joan intercepts the phone call from the hairdressing salon and reads out Bea's record to him, including her convictions for murder and all her charges since. |
EPISODE 323Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 26 July 1998 04:40 Joan gets hold of Erica's office keys, and confidential files go missing. Chrissie and Margo discuss the possibilities of getting rid of Joan once and for all.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Tony ~ Alan Lee Barbara ~ Susan Guerin Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Mouse ~ Jentah Sobott Melissa ~ Robyn Gibbes ![]() Kathy Hudson ~ Kaarin Fairfax Denise ~ Sue Chapman Colleen says at one point "Kennedy, come with me", but it is Jacko who moves rather than Ronnie. To add to the confusion, Margo calls after her "See you, Jacko". | Tony sets Maxine straight, telling her that he isn't interested in her in that way and suggesting she gets out of his bed and goes to sleep on the sofa. Bea asks Meg to check up on the progress of her job application, but when she mentions the name of her employer, Meg realises who Joan was talking to on the phone. Tony has to endure a certain amount of teasing at the halfway house, as everyone assumes that he would have had his wicked way with Maxine (or, more likely, vice versa). He tells Judy that he is in fact expecting a call from his girlfriend, who's visiting from Adelaide. Meg finds out that Joan's spoiling tactics worked, and Bea is not going to be offered the hairdresser's job. At a staff meeting, there is general agreement that Barbara has worked well in reception, but Meg uses the topic to remark on the harm someone could do if they got hold of the wrong files. The subject moves to Bea's parole, and Meg reports that Bea now has no immediate prospect of getting a job. Colleen chips in that she understands that someone from the prison gave out personal information on a prisoner over the phone and asks Joan if she knows anything about it. Joan coolly admits that it was her and says she only read out the written record in Bea's file without any personal comments. Erica admits she was within her authority to do so, but asks that any character references should be left to her in future. Bea overhears Margo criticising her during an exercise period and taunting her for watching the gate: Bea makes Margo stand and watch the gate herself and tell her "if any top dogs come through". Meg reports to Bea about her job, and Bea works out that it was Joan who ruined her chances: Meg urges her to forget about it and look to the future. Joan notices Erica deposit her office keys in a security box at reception and establishes that she will be out for the rest of the afternoon. She pretends to take the library keys from the box, but pockets Erica's instead, but she can't use them straight away as Colleen sends her to supervise in the kitchen. Tony's girlfriend Melissa drops in at Tony's flat and assumes that Maxine is the cleaner. Maxine tells her she moved in the day before, but Melissa doesn't stay long enough to get the whole story. Joan stonewalls Bea's hints about losing her job and demands that Bea ask her a straight question. So Bea asks "Did you sabotage my job?" and Joan looks her straight in the eye and says she did. Bea tells Paddy and Margo she isn't going to do anything about it for now, as that will have considerable irritation value in itself. Tony finds out where Melissa is staying and goes round to see her: she is very cold and distant and won't listen to him, saying she is still very tired from her trip. Joan finally gets the chance to let herself into Erica's office: she takes some files from a drawer marked "K-L" but has to hide behind the door when Colleen pops in to file something else away. Joan manages to put the keys back without anyone seeing. Tony arrives home and finds Melissa has visited earlier. Joan hides the papers from Erica's office in Barbara's locker: meanwhile Colleen has been given some stock sheets to file away and has noticed that some of the folders are empty. Joan gives Barbara one last chance to hand over the diaries, but she saucily replies that that if Joan is good she'll give them to her when she is released: if not, she'll give them to the women. Colleen arrives in reception looking for the missing papers and asks Joan to make a search there, but at that point Kathy Hudson arrives to see Paddy, so Colleen takes Barbara off to search her cell. Colleen finds the files without much difficulty, and Barbara protests that she wouldn't jeapordise her release for them. Colleen points out that she couldn't have known about her release without seeing the very papers she has just found. Joan sees Kathy slip a note in Paddy's pocket, but does not react. Bea is suspicious that Joan took so much trouble to frame Barbara and wants to know what she has on Joan. Chrissie suggests to Margo that she should fix Joan herself, so when Bea goes she would be the next top dog. Margo tries to recruit others to join her, but with no success. Colleen calls Barbara out of the rec room and manoeuvres her into naming Joan as the person who is framing her, but won't say why. Colleen tells her she will lose a week's priveleges and her recommendation for early release. Joan turns up in Bea and Paddy's cell before lights out and enforces the "regulation" that no beverages are allowed in the cells, pouring their coffee powder into the sink. Colleen goes home and leaves Joan on night shift. She makes a call on Barbara to point out that she has had her stay in Wentworth extended without even trying, and more will follow if she doesn't get her diaries back. She then lets herself into Bea and Paddy's cell and demands the note passed by Kathy. When Paddy refuses, Joan gives her a body search ![]() |
EPISODE 324Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 28 July 1998 04:40 Hospital staff worry that Lizzie is not responding to treatment. Joan turns the tables on the masked prisoners.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Barbara ~ Susan Guerin Mouse ~ Jentah Sobott Tony ~ Alan Lee Melissa ~ Robyn Gibbes Drug Counsellor ~ Chris Gaffney ![]() Sara ~ Celia de Burgh ![]() Bea claims that Debbie was 16 when she died, despite the evidence of the tombstone in (2) which reads "Deborah Smith 1957-1977 Daughter of Beatrice". | Joan deflects the blow and lands a few kicks and punches as the other women join in the attack. Finally she grabs hold of Paddy ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 325Broadcast on Channel 5 Wednesday 29 July 1998 04:40 Joan seems determined to make Bea's parole unsuccessful.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Barbara ~ Susan Guerin Mouse ~ Jentah Sobott Tony ~ Alan Lee Melissa ~ Robyn Gibbes Sara ~ Celia de Burgh Jeannie Stanton ~ Rona McLeod ![]() Alan ~ Roger Stephens ![]() Parole Board Chairman ~ Lawrence Held Mr. Jeffries ~ Syd Conabere ![]() Paula ~ Kate Fell ![]() | Joan hints to Mouse that Lizzie is dead, but in such an ambiguous way that it won't be possible to trace it back to her. As Joan expects, Mouse gets the wrong end of the stick and tells the others. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Script Editor: Barry Main (321); Ian Smith (322); Barry Main (323); Ian Smith (324); Barry Main (325)
Storyliners: Dave Worthington, John Mortimore, Andrew Kennedy, Patrea Smallacombe
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