EPISODES (336) TO (340)

336 * 337 * 338 * 339 * 340


Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 14 August 1998 04:40 The police discover Nola's real identity and that she is wanted for killing a policeman in Western Australia.
Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
Erica ~ Patsy King
Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
Paddy ~ Anna Hruby
Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden
Jean ~ Carole Skinner
Trixie ~ Anna Mizza
Ellen ~ Dawn Klingberg
Hazel ~ Belinda Davey
Det. Sgt. Tanner ~ Peter Paulsen
Frances ~ Barbara Ramsay
Gate Guard ~ Brad Lindsay
Ron Patterson ~ Brian Granrott

  • Written by Coral Drouyn
  • Directed by Lex Van Os
  • Although the gate guard is referred to by Meg (as "Ted") when she complains to Erica about being searched, we don't actually see him. Was his scene cut?

    Frances tells Judy she's now married to Wilbur Hunter and Judy is now an aunt. She can't understand when Judy tells her Frances is also an aunt, as she has a daughte rof her own. Judy doesn't believe Frances' claim that she wants to make up for lost time together, and tells her she suspects her of wanting to prevent her getting any share of their father's estate. Hazel is brought to Wentworth (still drunk!): Meg is incredulous at the charge of armed robbery and starts to question her, but Joan overhears and asks if she needs any help with the "official" induction procedure. Hazel is welcomed by the other women in the dining room and is just starting to explain that she was caught passing money she didn't know was stolen when she meets the eyes of Jean glaring at her from another table and freezes. Jean catches up with her later as the women leave the dining room and warns her to keep her mouth shut. Bea notices and wants to know what's going on, but Hazel won't say. When Judy comes to visit Jean, Erica explains about the no-communication rule and asks her to act as liaison with the women until a social worker can be appointed. Judy is taken to see Jean in the garden and asks her to get Hazel off the hook, but she refuses. As Judy arrives to visit Frances at her hotel, she is on the phone to America, which reveals that she is conniving to trick Judy out of her share of the inheritance. Maxine and Lizzie make a lot of noise arguing about Lizzie taking food from the dining room to give to Hazel. Meg tells them to keep their voices down slightly ahead of the arrival of Joan, who takes a different approach and wants to dock the women by twelve points, but Meg overrules her. Judy gets drunk with Frances and tells her she never hated her or any of the family. Frances accepts Judy's invitation to come and stay at the halfway house. Lizzie suggests that the points chart could be amended as the officers change shift, if she could get into the staff room to change the book there to match it. Meg objects to Erica that her car was searched by the gate guard, but Erica explains that Joan has mentioned to Ted Douglas that they are stepping up security so she has to go along with it. Hazel sees a solicitor, who warns her the police have a strong case, including a signed confession, which he shows to Hazel. She says that she can't really remember but even if she'd been drunk she wouldn't have confessed to a robbery in a place she's never even been to. Bea works out that since Hazel seems to have got the money while she was in the halfway house, it's likely she stole it from Jean, and confronts her but Jean denies any knowledge of it and asks Bea for her proof. Bea says she'll get it somehow. Trixie Mann arrives in Wentworth charged with soliciting. Judy confirms Bea's suspicions that Hazel is innocent of the bank robbery and that Jean complained of having money stolen but wouldn't go to the police. Paddy is indignant that Hazel has to suffer as a result of the "no-lagging" rule. Joan tells Colleen that the women seem to have a lot of goods they shouldn't have and accuses Meg of bringing goods in. As Meg is just leaving at the end of her shift, Joan insists that she should be bodysearched. Meg agrees if Joan will be searched too, so she backs down. Lizzie hovers around outside Erica's door while delivering her tea tray and overhears Meg complaining about Meg wanting to body search her. Paddy asks to see Erica and tells her who really did the bank job Hazel is accused of. Colleen delivers Paddy back to the laundry as Jean is taken to see the Governor, making the connection plain to everyone. Bea admits that Paddy has guts, but says she'll need them if she's lagged on Jean. DS Tanner visits Erica in response to her phone call: although he still believes Hazel did the bank job, he has checked Jean's fingerprints and they reveal her to be Nola McKenzie. Nola comes back to the laundry wanting a talk to Hazel, and admits she's an escapee from Parkwoods in Western Australia and was inside for a double murder, one of them a cop. Bea and Chrissie realise this means she was facing a death sentence and Nola sarcastically thanks Paddy for putting a noose back around her neck.

    EPISODE 337

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 15 August 1998 04:45 Meg is determined not to be pushed out of her job, and Judy begins to see through Frances. Nola threatens Paddy and Hazel for exposing her.
    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Paddy ~ Anna Hruby
    Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden
    Nola ~ Carole Skinner
    Hazel ~ Belinda Davey
    Frances ~ Barbara Ramsay
    Barry ~ Ken James
    Trixie ~ Anna Mizza
    Det. Insp. Lovell ~ Terry Trimble
    Mr Askin ~ Telford Jackson

  • Written by Angela Barr & Andrew Kennedy
  • Directed by Steve Mann
  • When Chrissie brings Colleen back to the rec room after seeing Barry Simmonds, they seem to come from the wrong end of the rec room - out of the door leading to the store cupboard.

    Nola tells her story : she killed her drunken wastrel husband after an argument then when his best mate the local cop came after her, she shot him too. She repeats (ominously this time) to Hazel and Paddy that she's got a lot to thank them for. Meg demands that Colleen tries to find a social worker and tells her that she refuses to let Joan undermine what little good can be done for the women. Trixie wants to know why no-one's doing anything about Hazel and Paddy lagging, but Bea tells her that if anyone does they'll have to go through her first. Bea suggests to Paddy that she asks to see a career's advisor for when she leaves in four days' time. Frances offers Judy $10,000 if she will give up any claim to her father's estate. Judy is upset by the revelation of Frances' true motives. Nola gets Trixie to follow Paddy to the shower block, where she joins her later and they both bash her. DI Lovell arrives to interview Nola and Hazel as Judy is leaving: she tells him that Hazel had too much of a drink problem to be capable of doing over a bank. When he interviews Nola, she tells him much the same thing, then openly admits to the robbery. Nola is taken to solitary, and asks how long the extradition is likely to take, assuming that she's safe in solitray for a few days at least. Colleen warns Meg not to cause trouble over Hazel's fake confession, as the police seem keen to forget about it. Barry Simmons arrives as social worker: he knows Meg from when she was a welfare worker. Erica asks him to see Chrissie and Paddy who are both due for release soon. Frances tries to get Judy to accept the money by tempting her with what she spend it on to improve the halfway house. Meg asks Barry to get round the no communication rule by passing on to Hazel the police's advice not to make too much fuss about being framed, but to claim that she deliberately made a false statement to protect herself from the other women. Barry agrees to Paddy's request that he could smuggle in some cigarettes. Chrissie suggests that the women should start a points system for the officers. Frances pretends to be Judy when Mr Askin calls at Driscoll and finds out that the case will go to court in a few days and that the will is sound and will be upheld in court. Judy agrees to sign an statement giving up any claim to her father's estate but Frances seems to want to drag her off to a JP to do it at that moment. Joan finds a points chart for the officers pinned on the rec room noticeboard, tears it up and orders the women to clear up the mess. Bea is intrigued by Joan's reaction, and how she seemed to regard the points chart as a serious threat. Mr Askin phones Judy: she finds that the estate is valued at $100,000 and that her father asked her forgiveness in the will. She rounds on Frances, who defends herself with an easily shattered prop vase and Judy has her hands around Frances' throat when Erica arrives on a visit. Erica pulls Judy off Frances.

    EPISODE 338

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 16 August 1998 04:40 Judy is convinced that charges will be made against her. Bea promises to protect Hazel against Nola.
    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Paddy ~ Anna Hruby
    Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden
    Nola ~ Carole Skinner
    Hazel ~ Belinda Davey
    Barry ~ Ken James
    Frances ~ Barbara Ramsay

  • Written by John Mortimore
  • Directed by Steve Mann
  • Maggie Kirkpatrick is credited as "Fitzpatrick".

    Erica restrains Judy and tells Frances to leave, but Frances says she's going straight to the police. Judy is worried at the consequences for her parole, but Erica thinks that Frances may not be willing to risk lodging a complaint as she may be guilty herself of attempt to defraud by passing herself off as Judy. Judy angrily replies that she won't stand a chance if Frances names Erica as a witness to the assault. Colleen finds another chart just after Chrissie has put it up in the rec room. She takes a point off Chrissie, but tells Joan she won't punish the women, especially after Joan tells her about not reporting a similar chart the night before, as she didn't think it was important. Judy reports to the police: Erica tells her she can't lie to cover for her, but agrees to pays her bail to keep her out of Wentworth. When Judy gets back to the halfway house, she finds a letter from Lori telling her she has had a baby boy. Joan goes to fetch Nola from solitary and tips her out of bed onto the floor when she refuses to move. Joan pauses by the security gate to let Nola know that the only other "cop killer" in Western Australia was hanged that morning. Colleen warns the women that if they put up any more charts they will lose all their points. Bea warns Nola to stay away from Hazel and taunts her by saying that she'll soon be leaving anyway. Nola says not with what she knows - and claims it was on the front page of the newspaper that the women found had been censored by the officers. (As this doesn't seem to be explained later, the censored news article was probably meant to be news of the execution that Joan has told Nola about, and she means it makes her more determined than ever not to be extradited). Lizzie finds the staff room empty and changes the points book. Joan catches the women in the laundry taking a break, snatches a pack of cigarettes from Bea and drops it in the washing machine. Meg finds another points chart and shows it to Colleen, who goes to find the book to dock a few more points. After commenting on the slovenly standard of the last few entries, she is amazed at how many points the women seem to have collected. Hazel goes to court. Barry finds a job for Paddy as a courier and hands over the cigarettes in return for the information that the points system is not just a joke but will have serious consequences for the losing officer. Hazel gets a sentence of two weeks, so walks free from the court as she's already served the time, but she refuses to go back to the halfway house. Joan demands that Chrissie and Bea are transferred to Barnhurst as they are obviously behind the points scheme: Erica refuses so Joan goes straight to reception and phones Mr Douglas. Erica gets a call later ordering Chrissie's immediate transfer to Barnhurst. Joan confiscates some cigarettes from the women and notes that they are a brand not available through the buyup. Outside on recreation period, Lizzie offers to take the blame so Paddy doesn't get into trouble. Joan tries to divert Erica from her tirade against her by producing the packet of cigarettes and claiming they were smuggled in by Barry Simmonds, as Meg failed to search him properly. Paddy asks to go inside early from the exercise period, but Colleen asks Chrissie to stay outside. Meg brings out her things in a cardboard box and she is pushed screaming into the car and driven away. Nola is waiting in the shower block and drowns Paddy in a wash-basin . Bea notices Paddy isn't in the rec room and bashes Trixie who's smirking in a corner to make her say where she is. Bea arrives in the shower block too late: Paddy is already dead . Nola gloats that after she's committed a premeditated murder, they'll be stuck with her in Wentworth after all.

    EPISODE 339

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 18 August 1998 04:40 Bea attempts to revive Paddy. The women go on strike to protest against Meg's enforced resignation.
    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Paddy ~ Anna Hruby
    Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden
    Nola ~ Carole Skinner
    Trixie ~ Anna Mizza
    Mr Askin ~ Telford Jackson
    Mr Douglas ~ Ian Smith
    Det. Skinner ~ Rob Hewitt
    Mr Nicholson ~ Denzil Howson
    Det. Nielson ~ Ian Cuming
    Police Prosecutor ~ Tom Traver

  • Written by Coral Drouyn & Dave Worthington
  • Directed by Kendal Flanagan
  • [The role of Mr Douglas is in fact credited to a certain "Ian Stewart"!]

    Bea goes for Nola, grabbing her by the throat and it takes Colleen and two other officers to hold them apart. Meg tells the women that Chrissie has been transferred, but makes no attempt to explain Paddy's absence. Nola tells Erica she had no real motive for killing Paddy - she just happened to be the first one to come along. Erica replies that she's never seen anyone as cold-blooded and sends her to solitary. Bea tells the women that Paddy is dead, though at first Lizzie and the others can't take it in. Trixie unwisely lets Bea know that she was aware that Nola was planning something. Meg says that she will inform Paddy's family and Andy Hudson's sister, but Erica tells her she unfortunately has to bring up the matter of the cigarettes. Meg freely admits that she didn't search Barry, but Erica says it will have to go down on her record. Detectives arrive to interview Nola, followed by Ted Douglas. Joan takes the opportunity to fill him on the failings of security and hands him her report on Meg's failure to search Barry. Erica tries to defend Meg but Ted Douglas insists she must go. When Meg is told, she offers to resign instead. Lizzie is nearly caught in the staff room changing the points book, but overhears Colleen urging Meg to reconsider her resignation and dashes to the laundry to pass the news on. Colleen finds the book after Lizzie's latest tampering and gets to the rec room before Lizzie has a chance to change the chart there. Erica decides it would be impossible to work out what the true figure was, so they will just have to rethink the whole points scheme. Meg visits the halfway house and tells Judy she's resigned. Bea designs Nola's death certificate and gets the print-shop to make it up. Judy goes to Mr Askin and asks him to help her lay counter charges against Frances. Bea warns Erica what will happen if Meg goes, but she is unimpressed by Erica's response and decides the women will go on strike. Mr Askin tells Judy he had no luck persuading Frances to drop the charges. Next morning the women go to the rec room instead of turning up for muster , so they are locked in. Erica goes to court as a witness against Judy, but Frances has dropped the charges after all and gone back to America. Judy is offered a job as careers officer at Wentworth. The women prepare for a long stay in the rec room. Judy's parole officer tells her she still has to go before the Board: just being charged might be regarded as sufficient grounds for having her parole licence revoked. Meg tries to persuade the women to drop their strike, but when Erica addresses them, Bea tells her they are even mnore determined now that they know that the Department were willing to sack Meg. She tells Erica that if Meg goes then Joan will go too ... one way or another.

    EPISODE 340

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Wednesday 19 August 1998 04:40 The women continue their strike.
    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Paddy ~ Anna Hruby
    Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden
    Nola ~ Carole Skinner
    Trixie ~ Anna Mizza
    Faye ~ Anne Lucas
    Parole Board Chairman ~ Lawrence Held
    Mr Alcott ~ Tony Mack
    Tess ~ Dianne O'Connor
    Shirl ~ Leonie Bradley

  • Written by Dave Worthington
  • Directed by Kendal Flanagan
  • The parole board chairman suggests the halfway house has been running "almost a year" but it was only proposed in episode (290) - which would have been about six months previously.

    Erica takes Bea to her office to continue the discussion in private. Bea tells Erica to sack Joan instead of Meg, but the result of the shouting match that results is stalemate. The women are showing signs of boredom and disenchantment with the strike. Erica tells Meg she has managed to convince Ted Douglas not to sack her, and that they can to drop the enforcement of the non-communication rule, though other security restrictions will have to remain in place. However, he apparently thinks that the complaints against Joan are due to personality clashes amongst the staff, so she must stay. Meg tells the women the good news about withdrawing her resignation and tells them that though the officers are not allowed to get personally involved in helping the women, they could ask to see Judy when she becomes careers officer. Bea grudgingly promises Meg not to take any retaliatory action aganist Nola .. just yet. Judy interviews Tess for the halfway house, and warns her not to bring in drugs or booze. Nola's solicitor arrives to interview her. Faye is transferred from another block, and Joan hints that with Margo gone, she could start up the book again - only to make sure that she gets her cut if she does. Mr Alcott tells Erica that Nola demands to be let out of solitary. Erica explains that she's only there because isolation is still being renovated, and admits she has no legal grounds to hold Nola longer than two days, but can't understand why Nola is so insistent as she's partly in solitary as protection from the other women. Lizzie delivers a meal to Nola along with the printed death certificate: Nola just laughs and tears it up. Lizzie wangles a visit from Judy and sees a photo of Judy's new grandson, but Judy says she may not be allowed to go to Queensland to see him in person. Tess gets drunk and goes for Judy with a broken bottle: Judy nearly punches her. The women hang a dummy outside solitary to welcome Nola out: Joan walks past it and leaves it there for Nola to take down herself, then takes her to the laundry to work. Nola goes for Bea in the laundry: Joan lets them know she's watching and won't interfere if they decide they want to bash each other. The Parole Board give Judy one last chance. Maxine arranges a gang attack on Nola without Bea's approval: Bea finds out and stops them. A very bruised Nola is taken to see Erica but refuses to name her attackers, but hints that it might not have been the women, but rather an officer. She says that Erica can send her back to solitary if she likes, but she mustn't be surprised if it happens again. The women watch cagily as Nola gingerly sits down in the rec room to let them all know she's going to be around for a while yet. She also lets Joan know she's dropped a hint that it was her who bashed her, so she'd better watch out. A table-tennis table is donated by the PRG: Bea thinks Erica has only let them use it as there is very little else the officers can take away as a punishment. Nola starts her revenge by bashing Trixie when she comes to her cell to pack up her things before her release. Faye sees what has happened to Trixie just before she is locked in for the night with Nola.

    (331) to (335)
    (341) to (345)

    Updated ~ 26 July 2008