EPISODE 331Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 07 August 1998 04:40 Jeffries has it in for Sara. Lizzie sees a chance to make illicit booze.CREDITSMeg ~ Elspeth BallantyneJudy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Sara ~ Celia de Burgh Geoff ~ Danny Adcock Nola ~ Carole Skinner ![]() Hazel ~ Belinda Davey Mr Jeffries ~ Syd Conabere Valerie ~ Barbara Angell Charlie ~ John McCallum-Howell ![]() Tom ~ David Scott ![]() Lil ~ Judith McLorinan Shop Assistant ~ Vikki Eagger ![]() Secretary (Miss Doyle) ~ Brenda Clarke ![]() Man ~ James Wright ![]() Not surprising that Tom is a dodgy character: what is he trying to hide with that monstrous cravat? | Chrissie and Bea discuss whether to bash the lagger or hand her over to the police: Bea suggests they bash her then hand "what is left" over to the cops. Mr. Jeffries' solicitor phones the halfway house asking to speak to Sara: Judy advises her not to speak to anyone until the hearing is over. Judy visits Bea and offers to contact Legal Aid for her to get her a solicitor. Lizzie gets cramp sewing the mailbags and uses it as an excuse to ask if she can be put on kitchen duty instead. Bea and Chrissie start asking questions about the fire on their own behalf: they start with Paddy and ask her where she was at the time the fire broke out. Margo edges closer to try to hear what is being said but Bea notices and tells her to move away. Paddy can't tell them anything they don't already know, but Bea tells her they don't suspect that she's involved. Bea suggests to Chrissie that they carry on questioning the least likely suspects to make their chief suspect sweat a little. A man in a suit comes to the halfway house, sits down and orders a coffee. As if this were not already suspicious enough, he asks for Sara and gives Judy twenty dollars in payment for some "information". Judy tears up his note and tells him to get lost (though in the next scene she can be seen trying to stick it back together with Sellotape). Lizzie gets to know the men working in the kitchen and notices them apparently smuggling in booze. A mystery woman arrives off a freight car. Lizzie checks the bottle she has seen the men put out of sight on a shelf in the kitchen, but it is empty. She then sees a drop hanging from the spout of an urn, tastes it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 332Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 08 August 1998 04:40 Margo is ostracised by the women. The inquest into Alan's death begins. Sara leaves the Halfway House.CREDITSMeg ~ Elspeth BallantyneJudy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Sara ~ Celia de Burgh Valerie ~ Barbara Angell Geoff ~ Danny Adcock Det. Sgt Farmer ~ Simon Chilvers Mr Jeffries ~ Syd Conabere Nola ~ Carole Skinner Hazel ~ Belinda Davey Jerry ~ Peter Harvey-Wright ![]() Mr Douglas ~ Ian Smith Det. Gilbert ~ Ian Cuming ![]() Barrister ~ Colin Vancao ![]() Coroner ~ Alan Rowe ![]() Clerk ~ Malcolm Fuller-Darby ![]() | Chrissie is amazed by Bea's apparent forgiveness of Margo, but she only thinks that no-one should get extra time for an accident - and that includes them. Bea says she hopes Judy gets them a good solicitor. Colleen hears that the women are to go back to Wentworth the following day. Geoff advises her not to report what she heard Val say, but then immediately contradicts himself, leaving Colleen to make up her own mind. The inquest into Alan's death begins. Bea sees Jerry Steel, a solicitor from Legal Aid. She gives him information about the second fire, but refuses to name Margo as the person who started it. Sara tells the inquest about the suicide pact, but the opposing barrister accuses her of murdering Alan to prevent him testifying against her over the possession charge. Sara replies that Alan was originally charged as well, but his father used his influence to have the charge dropped, but she is unable to support the allegation and has to withdraw it. DS Farmer helps Bea's solicitor make up for Bea's refusal to co-operate by letting him see the papers on the case: he leaves them on his desk and goes out "to make a coffee". Colleen goes to dinner with Geoff again and they make a token attempt to discuss work: when the conversation turns to more personal matters, she refuses to commit herself to seeing him again, though she is obviously tempted. Judy confronts Mr Jeffries outside court about his wife's suicide, which Sara didn't feel able to mention. She asks him if he now trying to ruin a third person's life. When the court resumes he gives evidence that Alan was depressed about his mother's death and admits his share of responsibility for both deaths. A verdict of death by misadventure is brought in and the charges against Sara are dropped. Jerry asks Bea to confirm what he's learnt from the police file about Barbara and why she would have been found in The Governor's office. In return, he tells her about the illegally stored turps, which he intends to use as the basis of a new line of defence. Judy refuses to lend Hazel money, fearing that she will only spend it on drink. Lizzie gets some marked cards from the men and involves Maxine in setting up a poker game to win some money to buy booze from the men. Lizzie deals and Maxine clears out the other women. The women are told they are going back to Wentworth that afternoon. Bea tells the women to lay off Margo, as she now has information to suggest that it wasn't entirely her fault. Val is released and thanks Colleen for keeping quiet, remarking that she'd made lots of mistakes in her life and reminding Colleen how lucky she is to have a family and a happy home life. Colleen tells Geoff she can't have dinner with him again as she values her family too much to lose them over an affair. Maxine and Lizzie sneak off to have a quick drink ![]() |
EPISODE 333Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 09 August 1998 04:40 The women return to Wentworth and Erica invites Judy to an opening party at the prison.CREDITSMeg ~ Elspeth BallantyneJudy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Jean ~ Carole Skinner Jerry ~ Peter Harvey-Wright Mr. Douglas ~ Ian Smith Det. Cons. Crosby ~ Jeffrey Hodgson ![]() Ellen ~ Dawn Klingberg Customer ~ Iain Murton Shop Assistant ~ Louise Siversen ![]() Colleen's cell allocation gives a handy list of H block inmates, though some don't seem to square with the people we see... In the official statement read by Ted Douglas, Mouse and Barbara acquire the middle names "Reylene" and "Louise", neither of which were used at their inductions in earlier episodes. | The women are taken back to Wentworth ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 334Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 11 August 1998 04:40 Joan discovers the illicit drink which she reports to Erica.CREDITSMeg ~ Elspeth BallantyneJudy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Jean ~ Carole Skinner Jerry ~ Peter Harvey-Wright Det. Cons. Crosby ~ Jeffrey Hodgson Visiting Justice ~ Lloyd Cunnington Heather ~ Julie Hilton ![]() Desk Sergeant ~ Peter Black ![]() Radio Announcer ~ Rob Maynard | Joan offers to join in the women's celebrations, for as she points out, "we've been through a lot together". Bea comments that she wishes she'd killed Joan when she had the chance, but Bea reminds her she's speaking to the person who saved her life. Bea spits in Joan's face: Joan merely wipes it away and proposes a toast to eveyone's "future", but insists on taking Lizzie's drink to do it. Having tasted it ![]() ![]() ![]() ~ ~ ~ The ages read out on the radio for Barbara (23) and Mouse (19) are rather implausible... When Bea's solicitor "signs in", it is clearly into a standard desk appointment diary: it has the month NOVEMBER visible at the top The uncredited uniformed poilceman at the station looks remarkably unmoved in Nola's presence The flashbacks during Bea's hearing include this brief high angled shot |
EPISODE 335Broadcast on Channel 5 Wednesday 12 August 1998 04:40 There is a hint of discomfort among the officers with Meg at the centre of it. Judy's sister arrives from America.CREDITSMeg ~ Elspeth BallantyneJudy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton Margo ~ Jane Clifton Paddy ~ Anna Hruby Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Jean ~ Carole Skinner Hazel ~ Belinda Davey Det. Sgt. Tanner ~ Peter Paulsen ![]() Frances ~ Barbara Ramsay ![]() Detective Constable ~ Jeffrey Hodgson Ellen ~ Dawn Klingberg Nola's mugshot replaces Judy's in the opening credits. Perhaps they belatedly realised that Judy stopped being a prisoner well before her mugshot was included! | Chrissie gets three months and Margo claims the credit for making Meg give evidence. Colleen dismisses Meg's assumption that Joan will now be investigated: he was only giving Bea and Chrissie the benefit of the doubt and although he will be maing a report, it isn't likely to implicate Joan. Joan is champing at the bit to have more rules enforced and gives as an example the "no communication" rule, where officers only speak to prisoners to give orders. Colleen picks up on Joan's casual remark "if I were Deputy Governor" and reminds her bluntly that she isn't, and so Joan will just have to take orders from her. Margo doesn't believe Jean's claim that it is her first time inside. Erica tells the officers that a new points system will be introduced as an incentive for good behaviour: each woman will get one point a day for good behaviour, but will lose five points if put on a charge. When the women earn 1,000 points, for instance, they could have a television: Erica claims the whole prison could earn this many points in under three weeks (which implies that there are round about 46 prisoners in total ?!). Joan suggests the officers could take off one point for minor infringements of rules. Colleen is keen to rub Meg's nose in it for siding with the women, so picks up Joan's suggestion that the no communication rule should be enforced. Erica is in "tough" mode, so she agrees to the suggestion. When the women hear about the scheme, they are stolidly unimpressed, even when Erica offers to start them off at 200 points. As they aren't suitably grateful, she withdraws the offer and tells them they will start at zero. Bea cynically comments that this shows the whole point of the scheme is to make a gesture of giving them something only so there is something to be taken away again. Colleen and Meg eat lunch in silence, until Colleen tries to break the ice and Meg responds by listing the subjects they can no longer talk about, sarcastically suggesting that Colleen talks about her family. Colleen says that all isn't rosy on that front either, and the reason she's keen to avoid trouble is thats he's worried about the financial implications if Patrick loses his job, as seems likely to happen. Bea tries to get Nola to talk about herself, but Nola says she only wants to be left alone until she's released. Erica senses Meg's contempt for the points scheme when she asks her to draw up the charts. Bea hints to Meg that it was Margo who threw the Molotov cocktail and that the police know it. When Erica is informed, she refuses to re-open the case. Meg grudgingly explains the points charts to the women and tells them there's no point changing it as a duplicate count will be kept in the Governor's office. Bea makes a mildly critical remark and Joan takes a point off. Jean is a bit worried when Margo remarks that her fingerprints will be put on the police computer and when she asks whether it covers other states, Margo expansively claims it covers "the rest of the world" (as if!). Meg tries to convince Erica that the women's knowledge of a coverup and Margo getting away with starting the fire will not do any good for their credibility. Erica still refuses to have the investigation re-opened and suggests they will just have to deal with it in their own way. Consequently. Margo is taken out of the dining room in front of the other women ![]() ~ ~ ~ When Meg and Colleen are discussing involvement with prisoners, there are name checks for Susie Driscoll, Carol Lewis, Hannah Simpson, Sandy Edwards and Myra Desmond. The names on the points charts on the rec room noticeboard bear little resemblance to the known inmates of H block. Although the lower chart |
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