86 * 87 * 88 * 89 * 90


Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 30 June 1997 Mon 11:40 p.m. Pat is in shock.

Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
Erica ~ Patsy King
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
Paul ~ George Mallaby
Greg ~ Barry Quin
Vera ~ Fiona Spence
Pat ~ Monica Maughan
Roslyn ~ Sigrid Thornton
Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
Det. Sgt Little ~ Anthony Hawkins
Officer Phillip ~ Lise Rodgers
Betty Stevens (halfway house resident)
TV announcer
Priest (with another terrible Irish accent) at David's funeral

  • Written by Margaret McClusky
  • Directed by Rod Hardy
  • Lizzie estimates that a bottle of gin would cost three dollars. She also says she's seventy one..

    Meg won't tell the women why Pat is so long in the Governor's office, but Vera eventually brings Pat back to the rec room in a state of shock. Paul gets permission for Pat to attend David's funeral, though her husband has been refused. Pat sees a TV report that Herbie's change of story was due to Greg . This is a surprise for the women too as they find out for the first time that David is dead. Chrissie's misguided attempt to sympathise (along the lines of "he's better off where he is") provokes Pat to attack Chrissie. When they are both taken to the surgery, Pat attacks Greg and gives his hair a good pulling. Erica asks for Pat's assurance that she will not attack Greg again and when she refuses Erica withdraws permission for Pat to attend the funeral and sends her to solitary. Chrissie warns Greg that he won't be popular with the women after "shopping" Pat. Paul finds out that Pat has been refused permission to go to the funeral and goes to Erica's office to argue Pat's case. He succeeds - Erica gives in. Ros talks to Pat in another cell in solitary through the toilet bowl to try to find out why she is in solitary. Vera tells Pat she can go to David's funeral after all. Chrissie asks Bea for protection against Pat but Bea isn't very agreeable to the request. Paul sees both Lizzie and Ros - they both seem ready to turn over a new leaf and look to the future. Pat attends the funeral handcuffed to a policewoman . Paul confounds Jim's prediction by recommending that Ros serves her maximum time in solitary. Paul is taken by Greg to see the halfway house to check it out for Lizzie and is told that Doreen has got a job. Det Sgt Little interviews Lizzie again about the events surrounding her original imprisonment: she says she poisoned the stew with "rat stuff" when the shearers teased her about her cooking. When Meg invites Greg to his own leaving do in the Governor's office, he says he'd rather leave without any fuss but eventually he agrees to attend. Meg rebuffs Jim's attempt to make peace by inviting her to dinner. Lizzie sees Greg packing up and asks Vera if she can say goodbye: she tells him not to blame himself for what happened to Pat. Meg accompanies Greg to the gate after the farewell party . Lizzie tells the police that both she and the shearers were owed thousands in wages by the overseer Ralph Campbell, a sum of money which disappeared on the very night the shearers died. Lizzie assumes the police are trying to pin the theft of the money on her, but Erica tells all the staff that the police believe that Lizzie may be innocent of the murder charge that has kept her in Wentworth for 20 years.

    EPISODE 87

    Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 01 July 1997 Tue 11:30 p.m. Bea senses a cover-up over Lizzie.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Paul ~ George Mallaby
    Pat ~ Monica Maughan
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Roslyn ~ Sigrid Thornton
    Kathleen ~ Penelope Stewart
    Goodwin ~ Lloyd Cunnington
    Mal James ~ Graham Rouse
    Officer Williams ~ Anne Sutherland
    Officer Edwards ~ Dawn Klingberg
    Gate guard ~ Brad Lindsay
    Passerby talking to Paul

  • Written by Marcus Cole
  • Directed by Marcus Cole
  • Lizzie comments that Vera might find herself in the drier like Ann Yates.

    Bea tries to put Lizzie's mind at rest by saying she will find out what the police are up to. Paul asks to see Bea to get her to canvass the women for suggestions for the sort of training and activities they would like organised. In return Bea asks Paul to help Lizzie by finding out what the police want. When the VJ arrives to consider the charges against Ros, Paul repeats his recommendation for maximum punishment, while Erica argues for leniency. When Bea passes on Paul's suggestion, Chrissie wonders if the women could start a newspaper like the one at Barnhurst. Bea looks thoughtful when Chrissie says they used to use it pass messages in code. The VJ does not punish Pat, but he follows Paul's suggestion and sends Ros back to solitary for 7 days, even after she apologises and promises not to misbehave again. When Paul won't tell Bea what is going on with Lizzie, she suspects there's a cover-up. Chrissie overhears Bea discussing her suspicions with Pat and offers to help and ends up having to use her home-made key to get access to Lizzie's file in Erica's office. To give her time, an elaborate diversion involving the alarm is set up. Pat and Bea have to pretend to Lizzie that it was all a practical joke, but Lizzie doesn't believe them and sulks even more. Chrissie passes the details of the police report to Bea and Pat: Bea decides to get Lizzie's story to a newspaper by asking for a journalist to visit Wentworth to help them with the newspaper. Paul finds a reporter willing to visit, but he has an ulterior motive and wants to get a follow-up story on Pat. Paul finds his car has been stolen and misses his appointment with the journalist, so Erica has to sign him in. After his talk, Bea hands the journalist a pile of the women's stories to read, including one on Lizzie that has escaped being checked by Vera. When the reporter calls Erica later to ask for a comment on the apparent coverup, she denies that there has been any cover-up over Lizzie and wants to know where he got his information. Lizzie is finally told about Ralph Campbell's deathbed confession : although Lizzie had put enough rat poison in her cooking to make the men ill, he had increased the dose to make it fatal so he could keep the shearers' wages and pay off his gambling debts. There is a message at the prison for Paul - the person who stole his car has been found and the police want to come along and identify the young man, who claims to be Paul's son.

    EPISODE 88

    Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 02 July 1997 Wed 11:30 p.m. Paul returns.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Paul ~ George Mallaby
    Pat ~ Monica Maughan
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Roslyn ~ Sigrid Thornton
    Kathleen ~ Penelope Stewart
    Tony ~ John Higginson
    Mal James ~ Graham Rouse
    Officer Phillip ~ Lise Rodgers

  • Written by Ian Bradley & Anne Lucas
  • Directed by Marcus Cole
  • Pat puts Lizzie straight about the cost of gin: she says it's about 15 dollars a bottle.

    Lizzie tells one of the extras "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Lil".

    Erica wants to know how the newspaper got the story about Lizzie, but as she points out none of the women could know anything about it and Vera has already hinted she suspects Paul was to blame. Bea tells Lizzie she should try to get compensation. Lizzie is initially hurt that Bea knew for days without saying anything but eventually bursts into tears saying she won't have any mates as good on the outside. Paul gives his son Tony a roasting for borrowing his car without permission and is about to have a rare heart to heart chat with him when he is called back to Wentworth by Erica. He denies leaking the story to the press, though Erica isn't sure he's in the clear. By the time Paul arrives home, Tony has left. After getting the cold shoulder at work, Paul gets fed up and finds out by ringing the newspaper who it was who really leaked Lizzie's story. Paul is able to tell Lizzie that there's a room for her at the halfway house but fails to get Lizzie to lag on the women by identifying who leaked the news to her. Vera pooh-poohs Paul's suggestion that the women must have broken into Erica's office to get a look at Lizzie's file. Bea gets permission to throw a farewell party for Lizzie. Paul gets Bea to half-admit she was responsible for the press leak. Lizzie is allowed to talk to Ros and say goodbye while taking her meal to solitary. Vera get suspicious at the length of time this is taking and finds that Lizzie has passed Ros a couple of books with the tray. Lizzie is taken to Erica after her cell is searched along with the box full of stuff she'd pinched from the women over the years which she was going to give back to their rightful owners. On the way back to her cell, Lizzie wanders into the staff room, forces Vera's locker and takes a transistor radio . Paul demands that Chrissie hands over the key she has, or he will tell the officers of its existence. Chrissie does so and accuses Bea of lagging on her to Paul. Paul hands the key over to Erica, but he refuses to say where it has come from. Lizzie gets the radio in to Ros in solitary by taping under her dinner tray. Tony tells Paul he's giving up his college course and looking for a job instead. Paul leaves Wentworth at lunchtime for an appointment with the college principal, but forgets the letter Lizzie gave him to deliver to Doreen. Lizzie's farewell party is a barbecue in the grounds. Ros listens to the radio in solitary to drown out the sounds from the party outside. As Lizzie is taken off to get changed, she says goodbye to the women and asks Chrissie to name her child after her if she has a girl. Lizzie is released, but Doreen hasn't come to meet her , so she sits down on her suitcase to wait.

    EPISODE 89

    Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 03 July 1997 Thu 11:40 p.m. Erica gives Lizzie a lift to the halfway house.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Paul ~ George Mallaby
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Roslyn ~ Sigrid Thornton
    Kathleen ~ Penelope Stewart
    Tony ~ John Higginson
    Caroline Simpson ~ Rosalind Speirs
    Vivienne Williams ~ Bernadette Gibson
    Brian Williams ~ Terry McDermott
    Kevin ~ Ian Gilmour
    Rhonda West ~ Joan Letch
    Shirley ~ Charmayne Lane
    Gate guard ("Ted")

  • Written by John Upton
  • Directed by Leigh Spence
  • The other inhabitants of the halfway house are named by Rhonda as Betty, Tracy and Linda.

    The gate guard phones through to Erica's office to tell her that Lizzie is still waiting and is now quite worried, so Erica lets her share her taxi and gives her a lift to the halfway house. Rhonda is now in charge there, but she doesn't know anything about the letter, and nor does Doreen - Lizzie realises it's Paul's fault for not delivering it. Paul tells Tony he has to finish his college course before he looks for a job. Lizzie and Doreen go out to the pub and roll home drunk. Doreen tells Lizzie about a young man she's met at work. Erica warns Paul that the sort of mistake he made over Lizzie's letter must not happen again, and asks Meg to talk to him as she is concerned that his personal problems are distracting him from doing his work properly. Vera notices her radio is missing. Paul calls at the halfway house to apologise to Lizzie. At first she refuses to acknowledge him, but he gets her attention with mention of the possibility of extra money on her pension. Vera takes great delight in telling the women about Paul's mistake, which makes it difficult for him when he wants to discuss the newspaper project with them. Paul has an argument with his son, who threatens to leave home. Lizzie slips into the pantry for a quick drink, but Doreen warns her about the no-drink rule at the halfway house. Two women visit the halfway house - Caroline Simpson and her mother Vivienne Williams. The older women has a badly bruised face and is being beaten up by her husband, but Rhonda says she cannot take them in and gives them the address of a refuge. Vivienne refuses to go to the refuge and insists that Caroline comes home with her . Paul sees Ros in solitary and tells her the second VJ is seeing her that morning. Doreen is seen at work (where she is going under the name Debbie) and her admirer Kevin invites her out to a disco. She agrees but won't let him pick her up at home, and says she'll meet him there. When a change of clothes is brought for Ros before the VJ's hearing, she slips the radio to Chrissie to smuggle it out. Lizzie comes back from a shopping trip with three bottles of wine, which she tells Rhonda are for cooking. Ros is not sent back to solitary thanks to Paul's positive report to the VJ. Ros asks Paul to find out who the radio belongs to and return it to them. Caroline tries again to persuade her mother to leave home with her, but Vivienne says she cannot desert her husband, who has been left slightly disabled after an accident. Paul finds out that the radio belongs to Vera and leaves it on the table in the staff room. When Doreen gets home Lizzie has cooked a special meal, so she has to stand Kevin up . Brian Williams comes home drunk and points a rifle in his wife's face , demanding that she begs him to forgive her. Caroline creeps up behind him and stabs him in the back with a bread knife .

    EPISODE 90

    Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 04 July 1997 Fri 11:35 p.m. Vera is worried.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Paul ~ George Mallaby
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Roslyn ~ Sigrid Thornton
    Caroline ~ Rosalind Speirs
    Vivienne ~ Bernadette Gibson
    Rhonda West ~ Joan Letch
    Brian Williams ~ Terry McDermott
    Det Sgt Allen ~ Kenneth Goodlet
    Tony Reid ~ John Higginson
    Sharon Gilmour ~ Margot Knight
    Kevin Burns ~ Ian Gilmour
    Mr Muir ~ Lester Morris
    Officer Barry ~ Joy Westmore
    Sally ~ Kate Turner
    Bill ~ Rob Forza
    Mrs Seymour ~ Fay Mokotow
    Miss Waterhouse ~ Hannah Govan
    Bill and Sally's friends Mary and George (though George is George Harlem)
    John (family friend of Vivienne)

  • Written by Ray Kolle
  • Directed by Leigh Spence
  • Thanks to Devon for identifying Hannah Govan.

    Caroline tells her mother the police will never believe that they acted in self-defence, and makes up a story about Mr Williams disturbing burglars. Lizzie is disappointed to learn that the wine in the casserole she cooked has evaporated, but has put some in the dessert just to be on the safe side. When Vera notices her radio has been returned, Officer Barry points out that no prisoner could have got through the security gate to put it back. Caroline reports the "burglary" to the police but is alarmed when the police want to take her fingerprints for elimination purposes. Vera reports the loss and reappearance of her radio, which makes Jim suspect the women must have another key to the security gates, and orders a cell search. Kevin knocks over Doreen's radio and promises to fix it and return it to her: when Doreen won't tell him where she lives and insists she gives her the radio back at work, he asks the secretary for Doreen's address. Caroline and Vivienne are surprised to be told by a family friend who is an insurance agent that Mr Williams had taken out a very substantial policy in their favour. Vivienne says she can't accept the money. Erica suspects that Lizzie took the radio, but Vera points out that it was returned after Lizzie's release. Chrissie overhears Vera and Officer Barry discussing the search and finds out they are looking for a key. When Bea is told she blames Ros for entrusting the return of the radio to Paul and says that since he got them into trouble, he should fix it for them. Doreen gets into trouble at work for allowing Kevin to distract her from her duties. Tony goes to stay with friends - they mention they are expecting a visit from a drugs dealer called Sharon and he offers to get money out of his bank to help them pay for the drugs. Bea tells Paul she blames him for the searches, so he says he will own up to returning the radio without saying where he got it. Jim and Vera are outraged that Erica doesn't press Paul to tell him where he got the radio, but she points out that she is not interested in punishing someone for returning stolen property. Vivienne is tormented with guilt and interprets a neighbour's innocent remark about there being "a rainbow after the storm" to mean that she suspects them of murdering her husband for the insurance money. Vera catches Bea in discussion with Paul which makes her suspicions about him even stronger. The police return to interview Caroline about a few discrepancies in her statement, such as the absence of fingerprints on the knife, but Vivienne can't stand it any longer and blurts out with a confession. Meg tries to encourage Paul by poiting out that her husband Bill had as much difficulty getting through to the women. Vera and Jim are in agreement about their dislike of Paul. Caroline makes a statement to the police admitting that she killed her father, but they are told that it will be hard to prove they acted in self defence. The drugs dealer Sharon Gilmour makes a delivery to the house where Tony is staying, but the police have followed her and they raid the house.

    Storyliners: Dave Worthington, Margaret McClusky
    Script Editor: Anne Lucas, Ian Smith

    (81) to (85)
    (91) to (95)

    Updated ~ 20 April 2001