EPISODE 52Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 27 May 1997 Tues 4:40 a.m. Bella is in danger.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Dr Herbert ~ Henry Blake Bella ~ Liddy Clarke Mr Davey ~ Bill Connolly ![]() Peter ~ Carrillo Gantner Martha ~ Kate Jason Noeline ~ Jude Kuring Melinda ~ Lulu Pinkus Leanne ~ Tracy-Jo Riley | Bella's "assailant" turns out to be Martha trying to be friendly. Vera points out to Bella she can't be too choosy if someone is offering to be her friend. Bella suggests to Vera she could work in the garden and Martha could be her bodyguard. Jim annoys Karen by stopping her study release at short notice, so she hints that Peter Clements' research may not be all that it seems and that it's not the prisoners he's really interested in. Dr Herbert hands over his practice to Greg. Erica reluctantly agrees to let Martha act as a guard to protect Bella from the other women. Erica orders Peter Clements to leave Wentworth immediately when he admits he told Bea about Bella, but he manages to find time to let Lizzie know he's going, tease Vera with a sexual proposal and to taunt Jim with his haemophobia. Bea decides not to make a move on Bella and Lizzie tries to scare Bella by offering her some biscuits she got from Peter Clements then telling her what she's in prison for. Vera overheard Peter Clements' remark about haemophobia and finds out from Greg what it means. Noeline tells Leanne she can't go home while she's on the dole. As Leanne leaves, she runs into Jean who takes her to her office and tries to work out where she can live after she has lost her flat and her boyfriend has left. Bea distracts the officers while Monica attacks Bella in the garden, but Martha is with her and she attacks Monica. Noeline gloats to Bea that Martha will be pushing to depose Bea as top dog. Erica orders Monica to spend a night in solitary for the attack. Jean somehow persuades Meg to let Leanne move in with them temporarily. Leanne lets slip that she has been inside Meg's flat, but Jean insists she must be truthful in future and not try to pretend she wasn't involved with the burglary. Karen defends Bella, so Bella seeks her out to talk to her in her cell and shows her the necklace her lover gave her. Martha overhears Bella tell Karen what she really thinks of her. Meg is disgusted by the way Leanne has taken over her flat. After an argument about Martha's ridiculous plan to arrange an escape for her, Martha leaves Bella alone in the shower block ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 53Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 28 May 1997 Wed 4:40 a.m. Melinda finds Bella's body.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Mr Baxter ~ Burt Cooper ![]() Mr Crosse ~ Robin Cuming ![]() Det Sgt Allen ~ Kenneth Goodlet ![]() Martha ~ Kate Jason Noeline ~ Jude Kuring Melinda ~ Lulu Pinkus Leanne ~ Tracy-Jo Riley Officer Phillip ~ Lise Rodgers Judge ~ James Taylor ![]() Erica calls the main officer investigating Bella's murder "Inspector" Allen. The junior officer with him The woman on the back row of the six person jury | Vera asks Martha where Bella is and is annoyed to find she has left her on her own. Melinda finds Bella in the shower block. Erica's immediate thought when she finds out about Bella's death is to find out whree Bea is. Greg confirms that Bella was murdered and only then does Erica call in the police. When Jim asks for Bea in the laundry, Noeline casts suspicion on Bea and Monnie. Monnie is immediately locked in her cell. Bea is traced to sick-bay in a state of undress. Inspector Allen questions Monnie and she gets herself into trouble imediately by asking if it's about Bella. Melinda tells the women about discovering Bella's body and Noeline gloats that it will be the end of Bea. Greg gives Bea an alibi. Melinda lays it on thick with Greg to get him to agree to persuade her father to give evidence for her. Monnie is detained as the chief suspect in Bella's murder: Bea is detained for inciting her. Martha is questioned about why she left Bella alone. Greg talks to Mr Cross and argues that Melinda only resorted to blackmail as a last result: he agrees to go to court to do whatever he can for Melinda. Martha confirms that Bea and Monnie are in solitary so Noeline helps herself to a few of Bea and Monnie's things in their absence. Lizzie tries to confess to the murder but Erica tells her not to talk nonsense as she didn't have the strength to murder Bella in the way she died. Denny phones Lianne, who invites him round to Meg's flat as both she and Jean are out. Melinda goes to trial and her lawyer depicts her as an innocent country girl led astray by a wicked older man. Noeline asks Jean to get Lianne to come in and visit. Melinda is released on a good behaviour bond. Jean goes home to fetch Lianne, narrowly escaping catching her in bed with Denny (who "escaped through a window" and therefore doesn't have to appear). Noeline suggests to Karen that Martha was the murderer and entertains Karen with a lecture on the difference between "killers" and "crims". Melinda visits Greg's surgery to ask him to arrange an abortion for her, after using her pregnancy as a mitigating factor to avoid a heavier sentence, sayings he never had any intention of keeping the baby once it had "served its purpose". Greg tells Erica he has decided he will have to stop visiting the prison after being used by "unscrupulous women" for their own ends. Meg reacts angrily when Leanne comes to visit Noeline and complains of the mess she left (though is it actually possible to stain carpets with whisky?) Noeline passes something to Lianne during the visit. Karen is questioned about whether Bella wore a necklace, as scratches were found on Bella's neck. She says Bella wore a chain with her engagement ring on it and that it was a ruby set with diamonds. When Lianne gets through the front gate she looks at what her mother passed to her, and it is Bella's ring ![]() |
EPISODE 54Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 29 May 1997 Thurs 4:40 a.m. The police search for the necklace.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Det Sgt Allen ~ Kenneth Goodlet Judge ~ John Gould ![]() Martha ~ Kate Jason Noeline ~ Jude Kuring Woman ~ Dawn Klingberg ![]() Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Leanne ~ Tracy-Jo Riley I have corrected the obvious misspelling "Dawn Klingber" | A cell search is carried out to look for the ring. Bea thanks Lizzie for trying to help her but tells her not to get involved. Vera tells Martha to work the press, but Jim orders her into the garden. Vera retaliates by threatening to tell Erica about his haemophobia. Greg leaves before his replacement is appointed, and says goodbye to Karen, asking her to get in touch if she gets her parole. Karen gives Peter Clements' thesis to Vera, noting that it mentions the officer's psychological problems, particularly Jim's. Karen's parole hearing is set for the following day: Jean tries to arrange her somewhere to stay and Karen suggests Marjorie Whitton, who is a friend of her mother's. Meg comes home unexpectedly and catches Leanne with her feet up smoking. Jim annoys Karen so she warns him that a copy of Peter Clements' thesis has gone to Erica. Meg sees Leanne hiding Bella's ring down her jumper. Noeline is questioned about the ring ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 55Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 30 May 1997 Fri 4:40 a.m. The women try to cheer up Karen![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Noeline ~ Jude Kuring Denny ~ Tony Mahood Marjorie ~ Yvette Rees ![]() Leanne ~ Tracy-Jo Riley Officer Phillip ~ Lise Rodgers Attendant ~ Stan Taylor Mechanic ~ Rod West ![]() Greg is not in this episode. The credits broadcast by Channel 5 were for episode (57), so I have used above the credits from Central's second showing of this episode in February 1994. This | The women decide to hold a farewell party for Karen to cheer her up, but Monica throws cold water on their optimism, saying she once had to wait months for a decision on her parole. Jean arranges an interview for Leanne as a cashier in the supermarket down the road. Lizzie reminds Karen about the halfway house project as a way of getting her to look to the future. As Vera wakes up Monica, the camera dwells for a second on her bedside reading matter ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Monica's romantic novel ("Moon of desire" by Betty Manvers) looks like it was a collector's item of someone on the props team. It isn't an Australian book, and the original edition was published over 40 years before the scene was shot. For library catalogue records of the book, search at (for example) www.copac.ac.uk for the title. Thanks to Derek and Vicki in the yahoo club chatroom for being amused enough by the screen shot to make me try to find where it came from.
EPISODE 56Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 31 May 1997 Sat 4:40 a.m. Jean and Meg hear of Leanne's arrest.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Officer Barfield ~ Kate Fell ![]() Winnie ~ Judy Johnson ![]() Noeline ~ Jude Kuring Bar Customer ~ Derek Manley ![]() Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Melinda ~ Lulu Pinkus Marjorie ~ Yvette Rees Kathleen ~ Penny Stewart Gus ~ Peter Thompson Suzanne ~ Joanna Weir Thanks to Bjorn Wallgren for providing the credits above from the second showing on Sweden's TV4 on 16th February 2001. Channel 5 broadcast the credits for episode (57) with the wrong episode for a second time and I suspect the correct credits for this episode have never been seen in the UK. The actor playing "Bar Customer" is credited as "Derek Manly" but I have changed this as the spelling of the same actor's name in the credits for (111) looks more likely. Adair Stagg is once again the silent backgrounder | Jean is worried when Leanne doesn't come home: Leanne phones her from the police station. Meg takes up Jean's invitation to say "I told you so" and refuses to let Jean bring Leanne back to the flat if she manages to get her bail. Bea examines Doreen's foot and is worried about the possibility of tetanus. Doreen is horrified by Lizzie's description of the symptoms: "you swell up and you can't close your mouth". Jean wants Leanne's conviction kept secret from Noeline and legally only Noeline's grandmother who is her guardian needs to know. Erica agrees to have the newspaper censored, even though the article doesn't mention Leanne by name. Bea asks Erica to get Greg to examine Doreen's foot: she phones him and he refuses. Karen wanders through the park hearing a series of voiceover flashbacks about how hard she will find it to cope. Lizzie finds the article about Leanne in a rubbish bin. Bea brushes aside Monica's objections and declares a hunger strike until the women get adequate medical attention. Lizzie gives the newspaper clipping to Bea to possibly use to convince Noeline, who refuses to join the strike. Karen bumps into Melinda at University, but runs away from her when Melinda lets other students know Karen had been inside. Melinda catches up with her and persuades her to go out for a drink with her later. Noeline is the only one to break the hunger strike, so Bea tells her about Leanne. Noeline throws a plate on the floor, which starts a disturbance and the women are locked in the dining room. Bea tells them to barricade the gate from the other side ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 57Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 01 June 1997 Sun 4:40 a.m. Karen moves in with Melinda Crosse.![]() Monica ~ Lesley Baker Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Jim ~ Gerard Maguire Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Antonia ~ Pat Bishop Terry Mansini ~ Burt Cooper ![]() Jack Crosse ~ Robin Cuming Glenys ~ Roz French Woman ~ Rosemary Manion ![]() Melinda ~ Lulu Pinkus Leila ~ Penny Ramsay Drunk ~ Michael Rowan ![]() Detective ~ Bob Ruggiero ![]() Female Employee ~ Penny Shelton ![]() Bartender ~ Ian Sprake ![]() Kathleen ~ Penny Stewart Detective ~ Kevin Summers ![]() Receptionist ~ Nanette Wallace UNCREDITEDMatthew Fletcher ~ Damon PascoeOTHER CHARACTERSJackie CoulsonBea is not in this episode. I have corrected the misspelling Penny "Ramsey". Gerard Maguire is credited as "Gerry". The employment agency scene was obviously shot in the rec room/staff room/dining room set disguised with some yellow partitions | Karen moves into Melinda's flat, but has to wait for her for ages to arrive, and Melinda seems to have forgotten they even made an arrangement. Toni McNally ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Storyliners: Dave Worthington; Margaret McClusky
Script Editor: Anne Lucas
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