EPISODE 651Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 23 September 2000 04:40. Lexie is sent off in style. After deciding to tell the truth about her husband's death, Nancy disappears from the prison.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joyce ~ Joy Westmore Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Alice ~ Lois Collinder Kath ~ Kate Hood Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Lisa ~ Nicki Paull Wendy ~ Julieanne Newbould Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines Mervin ~ Ernie Bourne Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Marty ~ Michael Winchester Delia ~ Desiree Smith Dan ~ Sean Scully James Dwyer ~ James Condon Spider Simpson ~ Taya Stratton Ida Brown ~ Paddy Burnett Lester Marshall ~ Paul Dawber Detective no 1 ~ Stan Kouros Detective no 2 ~ Frank Lloyd Jeff Goodwin ~ Tom Coltraine Jane Preston ~ Jane Menz Jack Burns ~ Dean Nicols Gate Guard ~ Bryon Dolan Jury Foreman ~ Frank Sheeran Judge Stanley ~ John Ford Off. Radcliffe ~ Marion Dimmick The Jury Foreman and Judge Stanley do not appear until the following episode. Kath takes Lexie's place in the opening mugshot credits. Dan says "the actual telethon will be at Channel 10". The incriminating photo we see on the top of the pile hidden in Lisa's cookbook | Spider refuses to tell Kath where the goods are hidden, which seems to leave Kath in the subordinate position of taking orders for her. Ida visits Rita, who takes advantage of Joyce's temporary absence from the interview room to tell her to send two friends to come and snatch Kath from Wentworth. Rita and Alice tell Lorelei she's mad to conduct her own defence. Dan gives Ann the good news about the telethon: the phone lines (incoming calls only) will be installed, unless the Department vetoes it. Spider checks her stash in the boiler room ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 652Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 24 September 2000 04:40. A celebrity visits the prison after the telethon, and a new top-dog takes over.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Alice ~ Lois Collinder Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Mervin ~ Ernie Bourne Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Marty ~ Michael Winchester Delia ~ Desiree Smith Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines Lisa ~ Nicki Paull Spider ~ Taya Stratton Wendy ~ Julieanne Newbould Dan ~ Sean Scully Celebrity ~ Greg Evans ![]() Newsreader ~ Jennifer Hansen June Hosking ~ Brenda Addie Ivan Hosking ~ Cliff Wood Zoe Wilkinson ~ Ashby Redward UNCREDITEDKath ~ Kate HoodJeff Goodwin ~ Tom Coltraine Also credited in error at the end of the previous episode:- Judge Stanley ~ John Ford | Rodney staggers into reception and Meg raises the alarm: the telethon phones are cut and the women are locked in the dining room as the escape alarm sounds. Kath wants to know why she has been kidnapped, but her abductor simply says it's "a present" from some of her friends. Lisa and Wendy are locked in the showers, giving them the chance to bond, as Lisa offers Wendy some advice to a supposed newcomer. Joan makes an excuse to go and collect the "celebrity", Greg Evans, from the staff room and gets his autograph, supposedly for a child who has the same name. The telethon resumes, but Merle is upset to find Kath has gone. Rita puts Alice forward as the new top dog: this is universally regarded as a joke (even by Alice herself) but Rita insists she is serious and challenges anyone to disagree with her. Greg Evans is mobbed by (a few) screaming prisoners when he appears in the rec room. Wendy sees Ann, and is told to provoke a charge from Meg if she needs to talk to her, but she refuses to help Ann get information about Kath's escape, as that is not part of her brief. Lisa comforts Merle, who is puzzled and distraught by Kath's escape, as Wendy looks on in disbelief. Alice tries to stand up to Spider, but both Mervin and Rita think she is only trying to prove herself. At Lorelei's trial, her decision to conduct her own defence does not go as badly as everyone assumes, and despite a terribly hammy and tear jerking plea she is found not guilty on all charges by the usual six person jury ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 653Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 30 September 2000 04:40. Lorelei makes a frantic effort to regain custody of her child.![]() Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Delia Stout ~ Desiree Smith Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Alice ~ Lois Collinder Spider ~ Taya Stratton Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Kath ~ Kate Hood Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines Pat Slattery ~ Dorothy Cutts Andrea Radcliffe ~ Marion Dimmick Sticky Beak ~ Rick Ireland Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Dan ~ Sean Scully Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Lisa ~ Nicki Paull Wendy Glover ~ Julieanne Newbould Det Sgt Watson ~ Burt Cooper June Hosking ~ Brenda Addie Ivan Hosking ~ Cliff Wood Zoe Wilkinson ~ Asby Redward Mr Brice ~ Phillip Holder Radio Announcer ~ Gary Mac Pamela Madigan ~ Justine Saunders OTHER CHARACTERSKindergarten worker![]() Hotel receptionist ![]() Neighbour of the Hoskings ![]() Two police officers ![]() ![]() Vicki and Officers Slattery and Radcliffe do not appear in this episode. Nor does anyone might answer to the misspelt description "Sitcky Beak": I think this refers to a character who appears at the end of episode (654). The request for Rita appears to be for a track by AC/DC. | Alice is getting used to being top dog: Merle has even drawn a special picture of her in the "showa" block ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 654Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 01 October 2000 04:40. Rodney Adams has more on his plate than he can handle. The prisoners give him a dunking he will not easily forget.![]() Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joyce ~ Joy Westmore Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Delia ~ Desiree Smith Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Alice ~ Lois Collinder Spider ~ Taya Stratton Wendy Glover ~ Julieanne Newbould Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Lisa ~ Nicki Paull Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Pamela Madigan ~ Justine Saunders Dan ~ Sean Scully Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines UNCREDITEDKath ~ Kate HoodOTHER CHARACTERSSack race announcer![]() Man outside hotel ![]() | Spider tells Rodney she still wants to be paid even though the tape is blank, and threatens to inform on him. Lorelei returns from Gran's funeral, blaming herself for what happened: Joan tries to get her to look to the future and look for a job. She even suggests that Lorelei contact the Prison Reform Group. Rita tells the women they will use the tug of war contest to get back at Rodney. Wendy deliberately cheeks Meg to get to see the Governor and tells Ann about the tape recorder planted by one of the officers, but refuses to identify the officer involved as any disciplinary action would blow her cover. The women suspect that the tape recorder was part of an attempt to find out the whereabouts of Lisa's boyfriend. Kath loses her temper with Rodney for failing to get the evidence to clear her: he advises her to give herself up but Kath retorts she would end up in Blackmoor. Joan bursts in on Meg and Wendy in Ann's office, so Meg has to pretend to be administering discipline, though it suspicious in itself that Meg is between the prisoner and the door with her back to it - officers almost always face prisoners with the desk between them. Wendy is not pleased to find that in her absence Lisa has volunteered her to take part in the attempt to fix Rodney. Kath has to calm Rodney down when he seems to take advantage of having her alone in a hotel room. Joan warns Wendy she's keeping an eye on her, and when Ann asks the officers ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 655Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 07 October 2000 04:40. Joan overhears Rodney tell the police where they can find Kath. Lori files for the custody of her child.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Joyce ~ Joy Westmore Rita ~ Glenda Linscott Alice ~ Lois Collinder Kath ~ Kate Hood Lorelei ~ Paula Duncan Merle ~ Rosanne Hull-Brown Marty ~ Michael Winchester Rodney ~ Philip Hyde Wendy ~ Julieanne Newbould Lisa ~ Nicki Paull Spider ~ Taya Stratton Vicki ~ Rebecca Dines Pamela ~ Justine Saunders Dr Eastman ~ Bruce Carter Ivan Hosking ~ Cliff Wood June Hosking ~ Brenda Addie Zoe ~ Asby Redward Uncle Ed ~ Robin Dene Mr Brice ~ Phillip Holder Mr Wilmot ~ Earl Francis Judge ~ Richard Butler OTHER CHARACTERSPoliceman (voice on the phone to Rodney)Did dentists still use nitrous oxide in 1986? And isn't it inflammable, so wouldn't the balloons have burst into flames when Joan bursts them with her cigarette? | The women hear of Kath's near escape from the police from Spider. Joan volunteers to be a character witness for Lorelei at her custody hearing, but leaves to go to work as usual first. Kath phones Rodney at work to get him to bring her a change of clothes (size 14?! with that arse?), but instead he phones the police to inform on her. Joan arrives at work and picking up the wrong phone to answer it, she happens to overhear Rodney's call. At muster, Meg tells the women the dentist is visiting for his annual check-up, causing a mass exodus to the toilets, headed by Alice. Lisa asks Wendy to get a message to Lester via another friend Peter Hargreaves. Marty has to coax Merle out from her hiding place in the laundry to go and see the dentist, little suspecting that Alice has been hiding in the skip all the time. Lorelei's custody hearing begins: her criminal record is read out. Her protest that she committed all the frauds to support her daughter is somewhat undermined by the judge pointing out that her earliest conviction was three years before Zoe was born. Alice hides from the dentist, but she is fooled by Meg who realises she is hiding in the skip and gets Marty to push the skip to the queue for Dr Eastman. Spider hears on her radio that Kath has been recaptured. The Hoskings gain custody of Zoe, reviewable after six months. Mr Hosking approaches Lorelei after the hearing and tries to make peace with her. Spider tells Rita that Blackmoor is full and taunts her with Kath's prospective return. Alice sees the dentist, but her fear is of him is so bad, he is forced to give her a blast of gas to sedate her ![]() ![]() |
Story Editor: Gwenda Marsh
Script Editor: Neil Luxmoore (651)-(653); Pauline Clayton (654); Neil Luxmoore & Pauline Clayton (655).
Storyliners: Tony McDonald, John Coulter, Bob Greenberg
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