EPISODES (196) TO (200)

Thanks to Matt for the episode summaries (197) to (200) below.

196 * 197 * 198 * 199 * 200


Broadcast on Channel 5 Wednesday 28 January 1998 04:40 Lizzie is becoming more and more frightened about the atmosphere in the prison.

Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
Erica ~ Patsy King
Bea ~ Val Lehman
Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
Doreen ~ Colette Mann
Vera ~ Fiona Spence
Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
Officer Powell ~ Judith McGrath
Officer Barry ~ Joy Westmore
Hazel ~ Belinda Davey
Del Latham ~ William Zappa
Mr Douglas ~ Ian Smith
Restaurant Manager ~ Curt Jansen
Man No. 1 ~ Doug Scroope
Man No. 2 ~ Doug Bennett
Nurse ~ Lucy Charles
Barman ~ Shane Bourne

  • Written by Barbara Ramsay
  • Directed by Marcus Cole
  • Note the cool shades worn by Officer Barry.

    The corridors are silent when Jim and Colleen check up later, though the din resumes after their dialogue. The women are taken for their showers a few at a time next morning and are then locked back in their cells. Chrissie tells Meg that the only way she can get Elizabeth back now is to earn a little money on her own account: she goes for a job in a restaurant, but the owner sees through her claim to have references from New Zealand. Lizzie tells Bea she's too old to get involved in any protests. Meanwhile, Doreen is trying to calm down Judy by telling her that Bea has everything under control. After seeing an article in the paper, Chrissie's brother Derek calls on Meg to ask if he can help Chrissie, as he feels he let her down when they were kids: he offers to have Chrissie and Elizabeth live with him and his wife. Erica proposes to the officers that a round table discussion with the inmates might help, but Colleen demands that the officers are armed. The meeting goes ahead in the rec room: Bea gives a list of their demands but when they get nowhere and try to leave the officers shoulder their arms. Bea demands an outdoor exercise period when Erica tries to call a halt to the meeting. Chrissie calls at the home to see Elizabeth and finds Derek has traced her there : he tells her he can help her get permanent custody of Elizabeth. Chrissie wants to know why he didn't come forward earlier and he tells her it was because he couldn't support the accusations of incest she made against their father, who is now dying of cancer. When Chrissie finds her father is staying with Derek and his wife, she turns down the offer to go and live with them. The women go back inside unwillingly after a short exercise period. Lizzie is taken ill, and Judy injures Officer Barry when she pushes her aside while trying to help Lizzie. When Colleen sees that Jim does not punish Judy, she tells him that if there is any more danger to the officers, she will call them all out on strike. Erica tells Colleen that Officer Barry has been taken to hospital with a dislocated shoulder. Chrissie tours the bars looking for a job, but finds the offers of paid work come mainly from the bar customers. When the women are allowed out of their cells to go to the dining room, Bea has the word passed around that they aren't leaving after the meal. After the sit-in protest is officially declared, the women are locked into the dining room by Jim. When he goes to tell Erica, he finds Ted Douglas already there telling Erica that the Minister isn't satisfied with her performance: Jim's report makes him decide to relieve Erica of her duties and install Jim as Acting Governor. Extra male officers take the women by force from the dining room and lock them back in their cells. Chrissie agrees to see a friend of the man she's picked up in a bar on her job seeking expedition. Ted Douglas agrees that temporary male officers need to be brought in: Jim proposes that they should also take action to control the top dog. Chrissie tells Meg she won't go and live with Derek while their father is there: Meg warns her not to return to prostitution or she will lose any chance of getting Elizabeth back. In the middle of the night, Bea is removed from her cell by force to be transferred to Barnhurst. Doreen and Judy blockade themselves in their cell, demanding that Bea is returned. Derek tells Meg that his father has been taken to hospital. Judy says the women are on hunger strike until Bea is returned. Chrissie is just about to turn out a paying customer when Meg arrives at her front door.

    Episode (196) was the last to be shown before the second repeat run was cancelled in Australia in December 1996.

    EPISODE 197

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 30 January 1998 4:40 Chrissie hears some shocking news from Del, while Bea moves into a cell with Tracey Morris.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Chrissie ~ Amanda Muggleton
    Officer Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Brenda Latham ~ Joan Millar
    Del Latham ~ William Zappa
    Janie Chapman ~ Alix Longman
    Marie Winter ~ Maggie Millar
    Mrs Roberts ~ Gerda Nicolson
    Tracey Morris ~ Sue Devine
    Mr Douglas ~ Ian Smith
    Tony Morton ~ Chris Milne
    Freda ~ Esme Melville
    Mr Brownleigh ~ James Taylor
    Gate Guard (Ted) ~ Brad Lindsay
    Male Officer (with fire extinguisher)
    Prisoner who sets fire to her cell (the one usually called Angie Dobbs)

  • Written by Dave Worthington
  • Directed by Juliana Focht
  • Freda refers to the men's complex, so Barnhurst is evidently not just a women's prison.

    Chrissie tries to convince Meg that the half-naked man fleeing her flat is an old friend, but Meg suspects she is back on the game and threatens to report it if Chrissie doesn't agree to visit Derek . Vera thinks the barricaded women should be forcibly removed, but Jim thinks they should just be allowed to get hungry enough to come out in their own time. He also suggests that Lizzie is left to wander around the building, as he hopes she will convince some of the women to change their minds. Sure enough, she goes to talk to Doreen and Lizzie and tells them about the Pentridge guards who have been brought in. Bea wakes up at Barnhurst and is greeted by Officer Roberts , who gives Bea a match for her cigarette by throwing across the cell and when Bea picks it up she sees that it's already been lit. Chrissie goes to visit Derek to find he is at the hospital: his wife receives a call from Derek to sya that their father has died. Ted Douglas visits Wentworth and finds out that the women are on hunger strike until Erica and Bea are returned. Bea meets up with Marie Winter and tells her she has no desire to challenge Marie's top dog position. Lizzie gives Doreen and Judy some food she's smuggled out of the kitchen. Derek thinks the way is clear for Chrissie to move in with him and Brenda, but Brenda has no desire to be stuck with another member of his family. Bea discovers that her cell-mate is none other than Tracey Morris, who is off with a work party that brings magic mushrooms into the prison. Later, when she confronts Tracey with this, Tracey says she is forced by Marie but that mushrooms aren't really "hard" drugs anyway. Brenda makes it clear to Chrissie that she doesn't want her living with her and Derek. Colleen catches Lizzie sneaking food to the women. Chrissie is granted custody of her and Elizabeth to move in with them. At breakfast time next morning, the women once again refuse to come out of their cells. Chrissie gets approval to have custody of Elizabeth. Colleen catches Lizzie passing food to Doreen and Judy and sends her back to her cell. Meg visits Erica and asks her to speak to the women, but Erica is fed up with Wentworth and points out she probably wouldn't be allowed inside anyway. Derek tells Brenda that he feels he has a responsibilty towards Chrissie as she was molested by their father and that he did nothing to stop it. Brenda agrees that Derek owes his sister. The women begin to light fires in their cells. Ted pleads with Erica to talk to the women but she insists she must be reinstated as Governor and be allowed to run a more liberal regime. Janie, one of Marie's lackeys, tries to be tough with Bea but Bea just throws her out of her cell. Brenda apologizes to Chrissie and she agrees to move in with them. Erica comes to Wentworth and meets with Judy. Judy says the women will continue the burn-out unless Erica is reinstated as Governor. Ted Douglas quickly reinstates her - but is adamant that Bea not be returned. Chrissie picks up Elizabeth, thanks Meg for all her help and rides off with her new family. The women gather in the rec room where Judy informs them that Erica is back but Bea is not. However, Judy has a plan...

    EPISODE 198

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 31 January 1998 4:40 Margo is sentenced to ten years and Judy is confined to solitary.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Margo ~ Jane Clifton
    Officer Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Hazel ~ Belinda Davey
    Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce
    Tracey Morris ~ Sue Devine
    Janie Chapman ~ Alix Longman
    Marie Winter ~ Maggie Millar
    Mrs Roberts ~ Gerda Nicolson
    Personnel consultant ~ Charles Gilroy

  • Written by Ray Kolle
  • Directed by Juliana Focht
  • At breakfast Judy, Hazel and Phyllis all "vie" for top dog, but it is only a ploy to make the staff feel that there will be too much unrest if Bea is not returned. Margo, who is going in for sentencing that day, doesn't want to be a part of it. She expects to get 4 to 5 years. Another "brawl" is staged in the laundry. Colleen reports it to Erica, but Erica merely says that fighting for Bea's place is to be expected. Margo gets 10 years and tells Judy she'll take part in anything. Jim broods to Meg about how badly he was treated as acting Governor. Meg tells him to do something about it. At a staff meeting, Erica says she wishes to form a Prisoner's Needs Committee. Vera, Jim, and Colleen exchange irritated glances. Back in the laundry the women continue to call each other fat and stupid until Margo snaps and genuinely bashes Judy. Judy is blamed and sent to solitary. Jim tells Vera he is looking for another job. Vera is delighted and wishes him luck. Margo announces to the other women that she is Top Dog. Down at Barnhurst, Bea is enjoying the quiet and tells Tracey she's content to stay there. Janie thinks it would be fun to drug Bea with mushrooms. Marie agrees and they force Tracey to do it. Erica discusses the Prisoner's Needs Committee with Margo. It is a short discussion. At lunch, Tracey drops mushrooms into Bea's soup. A doped-up Bea sees everyone laughing at her . Jim is off to visit an employment agency. Vera is delighted and wishes him luck. Bea, still heavily drugged, tells Officer Roberts. Officer Roberts calls Bea a lagger and says the mushrooms keep the women happy. Jim is told at his interview that prison officers are unemployable and that he should stick to his job. Marie visits Bea in her cell. Marie thinks Bea has had a change of heart until she finds herself being choked to death. Officer Roberts pulls Bea off Marie and throws her in solitary (...which is a really nice cell). Erica decides Wentworth needs Bea back and she arranges it. Bea is escorted out of Barnhurst as the other women and Officer Roberts laugh and smirk at her. The prison van carrying Bea is driven off the road by drunken drivers - and crashes, throwing Bea onto the floor .

    EPISODE 199

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 01 February 1998 04:40 Margo's terror campaign continues, while the police find the van they believe Bea used for an escape.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Mum ~ Mary Ward
    Margo ~ Jane Clifton
    Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce
    Terry ~ Brian Hannan
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Lady Driver ~ Elizabeth Stevenson
    Lady Resident ~ Gae Anderson
    Baby Sitter ~ Shaaron Smith
    Old Man ~ Bill Bennett
    Insp. Bridges ~ Patrick Frost
    Wendy ~ Helen Noonan
    Policeman ~ Paul Trahair

  • Written by John Harper
  • Directed by Leigh Spence
  • Bea gives her address to the woman who gives her a lift "76 Watt Street, Surreyhills (?)"

    The driver of the police van is dead and the officer unconscious. A very disoriented Bea stumbles out of the van and walks away. Lizzie brings Judy breakfast in solitary and tells her Margo has taken over. A friendly driver discovers Bea by the side of the road. Bea can't remember where she is or how she got there but she must get home to her daughter, Debbie. The lady gives her a lift. Erica releases Judy from solitary and asks her to head the Prisoner's Needs Committee. When Judy learns that Bea is coming back she agrees to help all she can. Bev and Lil tear up Doreen's cell. Doreen agrees to give Margo her buy-up and place bets with her. Bea arrives at her house but finds it occupied by strangers. Judy comes into the rec room and announces Bea's imminent return. Margo tells everyone not to get too happy - the Big Red's not back on top yet. While wandering about the streets, Bea remembers an apartment number - #5. Erica is concerned that Bea has not yet returned and informs the police. After getting directions from a helpful police officer , Bea finds the apartment, but Mum has moved. The occupant gives her Lorraine's address. At Lorraine's, Bea finds that Mum has moved yet again. She is given Mum's new address by the babysitter. Bea at last finds Mum. Mum puts Bea to bed. The police tell Erica that the van officer is in a coma and that they believe Bea caused the accident in order to escape. In the laundry, Lizzie sings a song about Bea's return to annoy Margo. They hear a radio report about Bea's escape. Margo tells Lizzie to sing about that. Mum realizes that Bea is disoriented and finds a crack on her head . Erica informs the staff that they are to have a new senior officer, Terry Harrison. Jim knows him from Pentridge. Vera is not pleased that there is to be another male officer. Judy arranges to have Margo's cell stocked with buy-up goods. The police arrive at Mum's, she denies having seen Bea. Terry arrives at Wentworth. Jim is happy to see him, Vera is not. Mum tells Bea that she is an escaped prisoner. She drops names like Doreen and Franky, but they mean nothing to Bea who merely becomes hysterical. Judy and Doreen let Terry overhear them talk about hidden weapons in the cells. Terry realizes it is intentional, but Vera advises him to order a cell search anyhow. Mum tells Bea that Debbie is dead. Bea breaks down. The contraband has been removed from Margo's cell and is discovered in Judy and Doreen's. Mum goes to the police station, but changes her mind. She goes instead to see Meg. She tells Meg that Bea is at her house.

    EPISODE 200

    Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 03 February 1998 04:40 Mum pleads with Bea to give herself up to the police. Judy and Doreen finally admit they were setting up Margo. Meg tries to matchmake when she realises Terry is interested in Vera.

    Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne
    Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt
    Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance
    Erica ~ Patsy King
    Bea ~ Val Lehman
    Jim ~ Gerard Maguire
    Doreen ~ Colette Mann
    Vera ~ Fiona Spence
    Mum ~ Mary Ward
    Margo ~ Jane Clifton
    Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce
    Terry ~ Brian Hannan
    Off. Powell ~ Judith McGrath
    Det Sgt Rouse ~ Paul Karo
    Teacher ~ Carole Browne
    Radio Newsreader (V/O)

  • Written by Denise Morgan
  • Directed by Leigh Spence
  • Meg goes to phone the police but Mum tells her Bea needs medical attention. Meg agrees to go see Bea before alerting the authorities. In Erica's office, Judy and Doreen explain that they planted buy-up goods on Margo but that someone must have double-crossed them. Erica lets them off but wants no more in-fighting. Vera rebuffs Terry's advances, Jim then bets Terry that he can't get Vera to agree to a date. Mum and Meg arrive at the house to find Bea has left - with Mum's house keeping money. Meg calls the police. The police report that the van officer has come out of their coma and cleared Bea of causing the accident. Mum says that she went to Meg just after Bea arrived, but they are sceptical. Bea goes to school to pick up Debbie. No one knows who Debbie is. While pretending to side with Margo, Lizzie discovers that it was Phyllis who alerted Margo to the set up. Lizzie lures Phyllis to the laundry, where Judy and Doreen attack her. Margo arrives and has Bev and Lil put Judy up against a dryer to damage her pacemaker. Judy is forced to beg Margo's forgiveness . Bea returns to Mum's. Mum tells Bea the police are after her and tries to give her some money. The police barge in just as she is handing it to Bea. Terry asks Jim for help in trying to chat up Vera. Jim tells him that Vera loves nightclubs and discos. Terry asks Vera to recommend her favourite disco. Terry realizes Jim set him up. Bea and Mum are brought to Wentworth. Vera gladly reminds Bea why she's in prison - for shooting her husband just after being released for killing his mistress. Vera alerts the women to Bea's return. Margo looks worried. Vera visits Bea in solitary and tells her about Debbie's overdose. She tells Bea she doesn't believe her amnesia story for a second - but, just in case, she'll always be on hand to help her remember. Mum tells the other women about Bea's condition. They don't believe it. Mum's watch, which she's been allowed to keep so as to keep track of her heart medication, goes missing. Margo is blamed, but the watch is found. Terry finally get Vera to agree to a date. Lizzie visits Bea in solitary and doesn't believe Bea doesn't know her. Terry actually enjoys his date with Vera . Bea is released from solitary. Doreen attempts to catch Bea out at breakfast, but only succeeds in upsetting her. Jim speaks ill of Vera and Terry tells him to shut up. In the laundry Margo tells Bea that she's in charge and if Bea doesn't like it she'll break her teeth. Bea gives her a hard look and says, "If you touch me... I'll tell the officers" Lizzie is found in the halls suffering from amnesia, but quickly recovers when threatened with a mental hospital. Margo decides to teach Mum a lesson by really taking her watch and hurts Mum in the process. Bea leaps over her sewing machine, throws Margo down and begins to throttle her. Bea has a flashback of strangling her husband's girlfriend on a glass table amid lots of multi-coloured hair rollers. The cheers of the women bring Bea back to her senses. She runs to her cell and lets out a horrified scream of confusion.

    Storyliners: Dave Worthington, Alastair Sharp, Peter Brennan
    Script Editors: Ian Smith (196)-(197); Patrick Amer (198)-(199); Ian Smith (200)

    (191) to (195)
    (201) to (205)

    Updated ~ 14 April 2002