EPISODE 22Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 22 April 1997 Tues 4:40 a.m. Meg and Vera clash.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Sarah ~ Andrea Butcher Ken Roberts ~ Tim Elliott Ted Warner ~ Ben Gabriel Catherine ~ Margo McLennan Dr Crawe ~ Ernie Bourne ![]() Frank Sutton ~ John Bowman ![]() Clerk of Court ~ Peter Culpan Reporter ~ Rod Dorin Mr Goodwin ~ Lloyd Cunnington Glenda ~ Lena Fiszman ![]() Mr Prior ~ Robbie McGregor ![]() Sister ~ Pam Murphy ![]() Judge ~ James Taylor ![]() Angus ~ Walter Pym UNCREDITEDBarbara ~ Sally CahillThe scene of Erica and Lizzie arriving at Angus's place begins with this enigmatic shot | Meg repeats the allegation to the VJ, but Barbara sees Vera's look of panic and knows she has made her point so she is happy to deny it and claim she was solely responsible for getting the drugs inside. Vera smugly says she has confidence in "her" staff and presses for no charges to see if Barbara will reveal anything else if she thinks she has got away with it. Steve finds it difficult to relate to Lynn's new cynical attitude under the influence of Doreen. Doreen hassles Barbara, calling her a "dog" (apparently not in reference to her appearance). Vera "accidentally" lets it slip to the VJ that Barbara is Erica's niece and so is able to deny that Erica had given her any favourable treatment - while implying the exact opposite. Lizzie visits her brother Angus, who apparently lives in some sort of junkyard: however Erica is barely inside the front door before she identifies a few valuable antiques. The doctor asks Lizzie to use her influence to get her brother to accept being taken into hospital. Steve points out to Jean that Lynn's change of image will do her no good in court, and they agree to talk to her father. Meg finds out from chatting to Mr Goodwin that he seems to have been influenced by Vera's insinuations about Erica's favourable treatment of Barbara. Lizzie gets fed up waiting for Angus to wake up and gives him a good poke: within a few minutes they have a furious row after Angus insults Lizzie's husband ("two pot screamer... should have gone round in a dress"), and he disinherits her with his dying words (as reported by the doctor "tell her she doesn't get a cracker... I got no sister"). Catherine disappoints Steve by refusing to allow Sarah to testify or to allow him to use a defence of temporary insanity. Erica is in no hurry to get back to Wentworth and agrees to take Lizzie somewhere to have a chat. Vera is a little too frank with Meg about her contempt for Erica's advantages. Lizzie reminisces with Erica ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 23Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 23 April 1997 Wed 4:40 a.m. Barbara causes chaos.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Sarah ~ Andrea Butcher Barbara ~ Sally Cahill Ken Roberts ~ Tim Elliott Ted Warner ~ Ben Gabriel Catherine ~ Margo McLennan Syd ~ Alan Rowe ![]() Mary Healy ~ Carmel Millhouse Michael Davidson ~ Michael Cole ![]() Officer 1 ~ Jean Cain Officer 2 ~ Ann Sutherland ![]() Head Waiter ~ Peter Ashby Another nonspeaking cameo from Kate Jason Fashion disasters in Wentworth (part of a long series): what is this | Steve asks Jean for help in finding Karen's mother, as her appeal looks a little shaky. Lynn accuses Jean of messing up her life. Meanwhile, Lynn's father is arranging a work release job for Lynn with his old Army mate Syd. Michael Davidson visits Barbara and despite Erica's plea to Meg to say she isn't here, he insists on seeing her to plead Barbara's case to Erica, but she is not impressed. Bea and Catherine talk (as if they didn't talk in the last episode...) and Bea tells her they are inside for much the same reason. Erica asks Meg again who told the VJ she was related to Barbara, but she doesn't really need to be told the answer. Bea defends Catherine against Lizzie and Doreen's accusation that she's a snob because she didn't laugh at a dirty joke at breakfast. Lynn and her father make up their differences on their own without Jean or Steve's help. Erica confronts Vera about her suspicions that she was responsible for getting her into trouble with the VJ, but Vera is able to claim she acted correctly. Doreen drenches Barbara while she's on cleaning duty ![]() |
EPISODE 24Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 24 April 1997 Thurs 4:40 a.m. Barbara is terrorised.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Sarah ~ Andrea Butcher Barbara ~ Sally Cahill Ken Roberts ~ Tim Elliott Ted Warner ~ Ben Gabriel Catherine ~ Margo McLennan Syd ~ Alan Rowe Dr Barrett ~ Ivor Bowyer Judge ~ Keith Eden ![]() Mr Proudfoot ~ John Heywood Clerk of Court ~ Travis Keyes Bailiff V/O ~ Adam Joseph The actor playing the prosecutor has a rather individual style of delivery which could easily be mistaken for atrociously bad acting. The courtroom building There was never a jury | Barbara is still holed up in her cell next morning at the wakeup call. Karen and Bea are sceptical about Barbara's prospects of lasting much longer, and set Catherine straight over her simplistic view that Vera is responsible, pointing out that right and wrong don't make any difference - it's still Barbara who will get the blame. Lynn's father politely turns down Jean's job options for Lynn and tells her he's arranged a placement himself in a friend's nursery ("about a mile away" he claims). Jean grudgingly agrees to go and see if the placement is "suitable". Catherine sees Jean about work: she claims she has never had to do in her life and doesn't see why she should begin now, and tells her she'd be better advised to talk to Barbara and Vera's harassment of her. When Catherine refuses to repeat her remarks in front of the Governor, Jean goes to talk to Erica but she blames Doreen principally but admits Vera is actively encouraging her. Doreen herself confrims that this is true. Karen's court appearance arrives: Steve urges her not to worry, even though the cross examination will be rough on her. Erica tells Vera she intends to report her to the authorities for standing by while one prisoner bashed another. Erica speaks to Barbara and promises to protect her from both Doreen and Vera: she eventually agrees to come out of her cell. Erica decides the only solution is to transfer Barbara to another prison. Steve presents his opening arguments: he says that he will present evidence of mitigating circumstances not heard at the original trial. Ken tells Catherine that people are already gossiping that Sarah was having an affair: he then says he has sold his share in the business and intends to take up a job in Sydney and send Sarah to live with her aunt. However, Catherine seems far more upset by the idea of the house being let and "tenants? using my things?" Dr Barrett gives evidence that Karen was pregnant when he last examined her seven months ago and had a black eye when she came to collect her test results. Erica says goodybe to Barbara as she leaves: Doreen manages to find her way to reception (minus the black eye makeup and with her hair back in its old style) and apologises to Barbara. She admits to Erica she's not cut out to take Franky's place. Jean goes to see Syd's nursery and attends Karen's trial. Greg is cross examined by the prosecutor about his previous knowledge of Karen and accused of manufaturing testimony to help her: he responds that he is not in love with Karen and never was. Jean takes Lynn to meet Syd. Karen gives evidence about her pleasure at the news of her pregnancy and her husband's angry reaction leading to her deciding to have an abortion. The judge agrees to an adjournment when Karen becomes too upset to continue, but the prosecutor indicates to Steve that he thinks it is all an act to play for the jury's sympathy. |
EPISODE 25Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 25 April 1997 Fri 4:40 a.m. Karen confides in Bea.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Charles ~ Arthur Barradell-Smith ![]() Susan Rice ~ Briony Behets Jury Foreman ~ Graham Braddy Officer ~ Jean Cain Judge ~ Keith Eden Mr Proudfoot ~ John Heywood Announcer V/O ~ Adam Joseph Clerk of Court - Travis Keyes Customer - Keith Lawrence Mary Healy ~ Carmel Millhouse Syd Butterfield ~ Alan Rowe Detective ~ Peter Thompson ![]() Receptionist ~ Nanette Wallace "The Producers thank the Public Works Department of Victoria", probably for the use of the courtroom building? | Under cross-examination Karen is forced to admit that she never sought medical help when her husband beat her, and the prosecutor accuses her of making up all her evidence. Bea suggests to Karen they should get up a petition to get the rights the inmates have in "them Swedish prisons" and she and Karen discuss the husbands they both murdered. The women joke with Lynn about bringing back goods from work release, but Vera takes it seriously and warns her off. Meg and Vera disagree about the likelihood of Lynn abusing the privelege of work release. Karen refuses to let her mother be subpoenaed to give evidence, so the final day of her trial goes ahead without her. At the same time, Karen's mother leaves town with her gentleman friend, but by accident she hears about the case on his car radio, but when her friend asks why she so interested, she pretends she only knew the woman concerned slightly. Lynn arrives at work on time and is given a job of replanting some seedlings. An unidentified woman ![]() |
EPISODE 26Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 26 April 1997 Sat 4:40 a.m. Lynn returns.![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Susan Rice ~ Briony Behets Anne Yates ~ Kirsty Child George Lucas ~ Bill Hunter Announcer V/O ~ Adam Joseph Mrs Henries ~ Natalie Raine Receptionist ~ Nanette Wallace
| After a brief attempt to be harsh and tough with her, Erica gives Lynn another chance, much to Vera's disgust. Vera's nose is further put out of joint when she tries to stop the women's celebration for Karen, but finds that Erica has already approved it. Bea rewrites the sign she has made to congratulate Karen ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 27Broadcast on Channel 5 (UK) 27 April 1997 Sun 4:40 a.m. Susan's in trouble![]() Jean ~ Christine Amor Lynn ~ Kerry Armstrong Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Erica ~ Patsy King Bea ~ Val Lehman Doreen ~ Colette Mann Greg ~ Barry Quin Steve ~ Jim Smillie Vera ~ Fiona Spence Karen ~ Peita Toppano Susan Rice ~ Briony Behets Anne Yates ~ Kirsty Child George Lucas ~ Bill Hunter Jason Richards ~ David Bradshaw ![]() Mr Gilbert ~ Telford Jackson ![]() Officer ~ Ann Sutherland Receptionist ~ Nanette Wallace The windows outside Jean's office evidently have no glass in them, to judge by the way the curtains billow out when anyone passes in the corridor outside. Greg seems to call the unnamed officer "Betty". | Jean is intrigued by what Meg tells her about Susan's reaction to any mention of Jason Richards, and Meg has to warn her not to meddle where she has no expertise, adding that Susan's occasionally irrational behaviour doesn't prove she needs psychiatric treatment. Meanwhile, Susan is doing a pretty good impersonation of Ophelia, humming to herself and scrawling "FREDERICK" on her locker doors in lipstick ![]() ![]() |
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