EPISODE 366Broadcast on Channel 5 Friday 25 September 1998 04:40 Lizzie tests her new-found spiritual knowledge on the women and the new Governor. Judy realises there's more to Gary's murder than Denise is letting on.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Colleen ~ Judith McGrath Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Nola ~ Carole Skinner Lainie ~ Marina Finlay Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Denise ~ Geraldene Morrow Zara ~ Ilona Rodgers Russell ~ Eden Gill Marion Seymour ~ Helen Tripp Sister Kelly ~ Liddy Holloway Father ~ Colin Williams ![]() OTHER CHARACTERSVoice of Debbie reading the letter (Is it Val Lehman's daughter Cassie?)Receptionist ![]() The first name of the background prisoner Andrews is given as "Joy" Maxine complains that "we usually have seven in the laundry", which does seem to be the case. Zara's Art Nouveau style Tarot cards: The Queen of Rods (!) | Ann asks the officers how the women found out about Denise. Joan blames Judy, but Ann tells her she finds that rather implausible. Colleen tells Joan to keep an eye on Bea as she seems to be acting out of character. Judy visits Russell in a childrens' home: as she is leaving, he overhears her tell Mrs Seymour of her worries about his mother. Ann questions the women to trace the source of the leak, but no-one will talk: Ann threatens to take away two days' recreation priveleges. Lizzie gets Zara to give her some tips on tealeaf reading, but Joan breaks it up and sends Lizzie back to her cell, as she sees that Zara is trying to hint to Lizzie that someone is trying to harm Bea. Russell creeps downstairs at night and runs away from the home. Joan takes Zara to solitary after lockup to do another show for Bea ![]() ![]() |
Terry Bourke's book claims that this and the previous episode were broadcast as a two hour special in Australia, to introduce the character of Ann Reynolds as Governor. But this seems not to be correct.
EPISODE 367Broadcast on Channel 5 Saturday 26 September 1998 04:40 Denise and Russell Tyler have a harrowing experience in court, and Maxie is forced to change her plans for the future.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Colleen ~ Judith McGrath Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Nola ~ Carole Skinner Denise ~ Geraldene Morrow Russell ~ Eden Gill Zara ~ Ilona Rodgers Solicitor ~ John Firman ![]() Det. Insp. Morton ~ Laurie Dobson ![]() Magistrate ~ Clive Hearn ![]() Clerk of Courts ~ Malcolm Fuller Darby Ann's remarks about her family are largely ignored by later writers - her daughter is called "Julie" again, but has changed to Pippa when she actually appears in person. Paul is not an 18 year old trainee super market manager when he appears, either. Her late husband, who supposedly died six years previously, is never mentioned again. | Bea is questioned about the bashing. She is upset and confused, but when she realises she can't prove she was in her cell she shrugs and says "if you like" which is taken as an admission of guilt and she is put back in solitary. Lizzie lays into Maxine for getting Bea into trouble, but Nola points out there's very little she can do without lagging on Maxine and Phyllis. Judy tells Ann of her suspicions about Denise. Nola teases Maxine when Lizzie is taken out of the laundry to see a visitor, and points out how easy it would be for her to lag on Maxine when she's out of her sight. Lizzie's visitor is Judy who asks her to tell the women to lay off Denise. Maxine is taken to the Governor, thinking that Lizzie has lagged on her. Nola tells Joan that it was Maxine who bashed Denise. Ann has news for Maxine: her parole is approved on condition that she can find a job and a place to live. Joan uses the excuse of offering to help Ann with her paperwork to invite her for dinner. Maxine is alarmed when Joan lets her know that she is very well aware she bashed Denise, and she might let it drop if she causes any trouble. Joan socialises with Ann in order to get across her views of other staff members, and informs Ann of the officers who are a little soft on the prisoners and why - with particular reference to Meg having been a prisoner herself and Colleen's short-lived affair with a prisoner's husband. Bea sits in solitary, apparently listening to a Tangerine Dream tape, as if solitary weren't torture enough. Meg takes Lizzie to talk to Bea in solitary to try to convince her not to dwell so much on thoughts of Debbie. Next morning, Meg tries to persuade Ann how important it is for Bea to see Dr Weissman and Ann agrees to let Bea go back to the women. Bea harasses Zara until she agrees to hold a Ouija board session: Joan tells Zara what she has to do to push Bea even nearer the edge. Nola gives Joan a shopping list of the materials she needs to make a zip gun. Judy suggests to Maxine she could go home to live with her parents, but when she refuses to even consider it, she offers to let her live and work at the halfway house. Bea tells Lizzie she's looking forward to being together with Debbie again. Lizzie realises Bea is close to suicide and begs Zara not to go ahead with the Ouija board session. Zara is so appalled she nearly reveals the truth to Lizzie, but is prevented by the arrival of Nola. The Ouija board session goes ahead ![]() |
EPISODE 368Broadcast on Channel 5 Sunday 27 September 1998 04:40 Lizzie holds the evidence which could save Bea's life. A new, crippled prisoner proves unpopular with inmates and officers alike.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Colleen ~ Judith McGrath Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Nola ~ Carole Skinner Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Zara ~ Ilona Rodgers Tracey Belman ~ Alyson Best Mrs Daniels ~ Marie Redshaw ![]() Pauline Carter ~ Linden Wilkinson ![]() Roger Carter ~ Bruce Kilpatrick Mike Williams ~ Rod Densley ![]() Dr Pulman ~ David Ravenswood ![]() Bernie West ~ Johnny Quinn ![]() Officer Sharpe ~ Caroline Quist Customer ~ Steve Mehaffey Policewoman ~ Susi Ferrari Thanks to Robert in the Digest for explaining the meaning of Colleen's remark "we are going to be RS". Apparently, it stands for Rat Shit. Interesting to hear that "Hunt doesn't have any family". Not even a certain long-standing psychotic boyfriend named Lowe? Tracey Belman takes Lainie's place in the opening mugshot sequence. | Bea reacts to a noise in the corridor outside her cell after dark, thinking it's Debbie. Phyllis asks Joan what happened to Denise, and is somewhat chastened to be told she was acquitted. Maxine agrees to go home, and is released next day. Nola pressurises Joan to transfer her to the workshop and get her the materials to make a zip gun. Meg and Colleen overhear Ann thanking Joan for the work she put in at home, and Colleen comments wryly she must have spent the whole time telling Ann how to run things by the book. After Meg reports Bea's disturbed behaviour the previous night, Ann questions Zara about her activities, and orders her to stay away from Bea in future. Maxine gets the cold shoulder from her mother. Zara tells the women she's not doing any more readings or seances. Maxine tells her mother she was convinced her father hated her, but her mother replies that he was only broken-hearted to see her getting herself into trouble. Her sister reminds Maxine that her father paid her fine so she could come to her wedding and she couldn't even stay out of trouble then. Tracey Belman arrives on remand for murder: she is in a wheelchair and resents any offer of help. One of Maxine's bikie mates turns up at the garage to tell her Spud is being released too, and demands a dip from the till. Joan gives Nola the materials for the gun. Bea sees a Dr Pulman, who tells her she should forgive herself for what happened to Debbie. Bea says that she feels Debbie has come back to her. Lizzie warns Tracey about Joan ![]() |
EPISODE 369Broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday 29 September 1998 04:40 Lizzie tries to find out more about the gun, while Bea thwarts Nola's plans in an unexpected confrontation.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Colleen ~ Judith McGrath Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Nola ~ Carole Skinner Zara ~ Ilona Rodgers Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Tracey Belman ~ Alyson Best Wally Wallace ~ Alan Hopgood Mikki Wallace ~ Christine Keogh ![]() Peter Hemmings ~ John Black ![]() Cliff Morrison ~ Robbie McGregor ![]() Pauline Carter ~ Linden Wilkinson Roger Carter ~ Bruce Kilpatrick ![]() Spud ~ Robert Forza Mrs Daniels ~ Marie Redshaw Dr Pulman ~ David Ravenswood Dr Huntly ~ Doug Bennett ![]() Rita Phelps ~ Adele Lewin Shirley Tasker ~ Tanya Uren Mike ~ Rod Densley Motorist ~ Bob Hearn Bob Hearn appears twice in the credits: he is miscredited for Dr Pulman in addition to the role he actually plays. | Meg tells Lizzie next morning that Bea is under sedation. Lizzie hides the gun under her locker, and hints to Zara that she knows what's going on, as she heard the voices as well as Bea. Meg gives Lizzie permission to take the tray to Bea in sickbay. Nola spots a chair in the shower cubicle and teases Lizzie that it must be for her, but it has been put there for Tracey, who again refuses to let Joan touch her. Meg tries to take over so Joan isn't left to help Tracey into the shower cubicle. All the women are alienated by Tracey's brusque manner. Wally turns up at the halfway house right in the middle of an argument between the residents. Lizzie takes a breakfast tray to Bea in the infirmary, and when she's left alone with Bea, Lizzie tells her about the gun, but the doctor arrives before Bea can respond. Lizzie goes to find Zara and tells her about finding the gun, which makes Zara decide to tell the truth, but she is interrupted by the arrival of her solicitor and is taken out of the laundry before she can explain properly. Judy asks Wally to help her with the halfway house, just as his daughter Mikki arrives to visit. The doctors disagree about what's best for Bea, and Dr Pulman seems to favour putting her in an institution. Zara meets Lizzie later in the shower block to carry on with her story, but Nola arrives just after Zara has spilt the beans. Ann refuses to give Lizzie permission to look after Bea in the infirmary. Nola tells Joan that Lizzie knows about the plot, but Joan keeps calm and tells her to make sure she finds the zip gun. Judy takes on Wally's daughter Mikki to help with the halfway house, but won't let Mikki's boyfriend Cliff stay the night. Tracey sees her solicitor, and against his advice wants to go for culpable homicide. Lizzie's finds her cell has been searched, but the gun is safe: she tells Zara gleefully that she's got both Joan and Nola on the run. Nola tells Joan she couldn't find the gun, but adds that it's not really her problem after all. Roger and Pauline are having money problems: he plans to borrow money from a dormant account at the bank where he works (and is secretly practising the signature of a certain "J. Chandler" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EPISODE 370Broadcast on Channel 5 Wednesday 30 September 1998 04:40 Tracey's fear of Joan leads to a serious accusation. Meg and Colleen endeavour to find out the truth about the murder.![]() Meg ~ Elspeth Ballantyne Judy ~ Betty Bobbitt Lizzie ~ Sheila Florance Joan ~ Maggie Kirkpatrick Bea ~ Val Lehman Colleen ~ Judith McGrath Ann ~ Gerda Nicolson Maxine ~ Lisa Crittenden Nola ~ Carole Skinner Zara ~ Ilona Rodgers Phyllis ~ Reylene Pearce Tracey Belman ~ Alyson Best Wally Wallace ~ Alan Hopgood Pauline Carter ~ Linden Wilkinson Roger Carter ~ Bruce Kilpatrick Spud ~ Robert Forza Cliff Morrison ~ Robbie McGregor Mrs Daniels ~ Marie Redshaw Mikki Wallace ~ Christine Keogh Wayne Belman ~ Paul Trehair ![]() Mary Adler ~ Bev Hay Officer Barry ~ Joy Westmore Lizta Stathopolous ~ Christine Totos ![]() Sister Kelly ~ Liddy Holloway Kerry Jacobs ~ Penny May Peter Hemmings ~ John Black Mr Grimmons ~ Charles Gilroy ![]() I suppose Carole Skinner does deserve her credit here, even though she's playing a corpse | Ann refuses to send Bea to solitary because of her mental state, even though Colleen insists it would be the normal procedure. Bea tells Meg an officer had to be involved in the plot to drive her mad and names Joan as the most obvious candidate. Nola's branding is revealed when her body is examined: Sister Kelly does not remember it when Nola was admitted. Meg tells Lizzie she's in as much trouble as Bea and could well be charged as an accessory to murder. Joan warns Zara to keep quiet about the events leading up to Nola's murder, and congratulates her (perhaps sarcastically?) that Bea is sure now never to be released from prison. Lizzie tells her story to Ann, but Zara denies it after Joan has reminded her that her trial will be coming up soon. Bea tells Joan she will give the note in Debbie's handwriting to the police, but Joan counters that they will think she must have been saving it up for years. Bea points out that everything she had of Debbie's was destroyed in the fire. Ann questions Joan about elements in the story that don't seem to add up and confesses she is suspicious about how Bea could have got hold of a gun and gunpowder. Zara goes to court. Colleen tells Meg that Tracey's medical report indicates that her paralysis is psychosomatic. Debbie's friend Kerry comes to see Joan and Bea: Joan takes her outside and sends her away, telling her Bea is criminally insane and cannot receive visitors. Ann tells Joan the police report has cleared her of any involvement, mainly because of Dr Pulman's report into Bea's mental state. Joan volunteers to look after Tracey as a way of making herself look good again with the Department. Tracey isn't pleased when Joan tells her she'll be looking after her, but Joan tells her there isn't anything either of them can do about it. Judy takes Mikki on a visit to Wentworth to see the sort of people and problems she will have to deal with. Tracey's solicitor tells her he wants her to plead temporary insanity and us the psychosomatic illness as proof, but she refuses. Roger's boss at the bank asks her to tidy up the affairs of the woman whose account he has stolen from: he realises he has been operating on the account after she was already dead. Maxine is suspicious when Pauline starts paying bills with large amounts of cash. Mrs Daniels accuses Maxine of taking money from the till and forbids her to see Spud again. Colllen tells Bea a solicitor is to be found for her and that Lizzie wil probably be charged as well. Judy leaves Mikki and her boyfriend Cliff in chargeof Driscoll: a young Greek woman called Litza arrives having run away from home. Tracey has a nightmare about the car accident: she wakes up screaming to find Joan standing over her and tells Colleen that Joan was trying to kiss her. |
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